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STFU Howry

Gene Honda Civic

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Yea, Howry is a dumb ass. Career years my ass. Nobody on our team hit over .300. And I love how he always refers to us being bad fans because 'we never attend the games' Damn is this guy jealous or what?!? Maddux #1? LOL, Zambrano is a #2, Wood is a # 10, and Prior would be there #1 if he can stay healthy. And who is there 5th starter? Jerome Williams? Hahaha yea he's a #1 pitcher. Hey Howry, there is a reason you were demoted to a setup man while you were here with us: You can never get the job done WHEN IT COUNTS!! I guess that is why you are now a sCrub.

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I agree that Howry's an ass, blah blah blah, but come on guys, those of you saying Zambrano is just "ok" is total bulls***. I'd take him over Freddie, Garland, the usual Contreras, McCarthy just about any day. He's as dominant as a pitcher gets, he just needs to get his head right. Upper 90's, good breaking stuff, and he can go 8 innings, easy, how is he a #2?

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jan 15, 2006 -> 02:10 PM)
This guy is the quickly becoming the biggest tool in baseball.


http://www.post-trib.com/cgi-bin/pto-story...z1_spor_03.htmlMark Prior has spent more time on the DL than the entire Sox rotation, COMBINED.


Bobby will get his chance to celebrate in October. That's when the Cubs get their award of an early vacation for winning the attendance championship.


Sounds like someone really is jealous and misses the south side.




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QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 12:26 AM)
I agree that Howry's an ass, blah blah blah, but come on guys, those of you saying Zambrano is just "ok" is total bulls***.  I'd take him over Freddie, Garland, the usual Contreras, McCarthy just about any day.  He's as dominant as a pitcher gets, he just needs to get his head right.  Upper 90's, good breaking stuff, and he can go 8 innings, easy, how is he a #2?

He is a legit ACE. But Wood, Prior, Maddux and whoever else is not. Prior has had one good year, and has a ton of potential, but at this point he isnt an ACE. Wood is one of the biggest dissapointments ever, Madddux is a grandpa, and the rest of the crap is the rest of the crap. Howry is just campaigning, his old team had a better staff last year.

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He is a big sore loser.


Wouldn't you talk trash about the Sox if they owned all your former teams? Red Sox lost in the ALDS 3-0. The Indians get spanked at the end of the season stopping them from making the playoffs, and the Cubs watch from the couch as the South Side wins a World Series championship.


I guess his next stop will be Minnesota?

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QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 01:26 AM)
I agree that Howry's an ass, blah blah blah, but come on guys, those of you saying Zambrano is just "ok" is total bulls***.  I'd take him over Freddie, Garland, the usual Contreras, McCarthy just about any day.  He's as dominant as a pitcher gets, he just needs to get his head right.  Upper 90's, good breaking stuff, and he can go 8 innings, easy, how is he a #2?


I think the problem is that he is comparing staffs, and they dont compare at all. The Cubs rotation is a myth, something that is together once in a millenium. They cant touch the Sox with a ten foot pole when it comes to Howry's magic word consistency. Our top 4 pitchers went over 200 innings last year, Has Wood pitched 200 innings in the past 3 years combined? And Buehrle, Garland, Garcia, and Contreras have been known as workhorses their entire careers. Give them the ball, they will eat up innings. The Cubs have exactly one pitcher who can do that(Zambrano) and you dont know if he WILL do that because his head isnt on straight.


It isnt about Zambrano being a number 1. Thats already known. Its about their pitching staff being better than ours. And they arent. Not even close. Howry can say all he wants, but I am going to love seeing the quotes out of his mouth when August rolls around and he is in there 3X as much as he is used to because Wood never recovered, and Jerome Williams sucks, and Maddux is only a 6 inning pitcher. Howry is going to realize that his arm will get tired from Dusty's overuse, and then he will start getting his ass handed to him. And then the media will jump in, and Howry will start crying to the papers. Book it, that b**** is gonna suck this year. :headbang

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 10:50 AM)
I think the problem is that he is comparing staffs, and they dont compare at all.  The Cubs rotation is a myth, something that is together once in a millenium.  They cant touch the Sox with a ten foot pole when it comes to Howry's magic word consistency.  Our top 4 pitchers went over 200 innings last year, Has Wood pitched 200 innings in the past 3 years combined?  And Buehrle, Garland, Garcia, and Contreras have been known as workhorses their entire careers.  Give them the ball, they will eat up innings.  The Cubs have exactly one pitcher who can do that(Zambrano) and you dont know if he WILL do that because his head isnt on straight. 


It isnt about Zambrano being a number 1.  Thats already known.  Its about their pitching staff being better than ours.  And they arent.  Not even close.  Howry can say all he wants, but I am going to love seeing the quotes out of his mouth when August rolls around and he is in there 3X as much as he is used to because Wood never recovered, and Jerome Williams sucks, and Maddux is only a 6 inning pitcher.  Howry is going to realize that his arm will get tired from Dusty's overuse, and then he will start getting his ass handed to him.  And then the media will jump in, and Howry will start crying to the papers.  Book it, that b**** is gonna suck this year. :headbang


To be honest, I think Jerome Williams will be a suprise. He was a projected #2/3 starter in the league prior to last year.

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To be honest, I think Jerome Williams will be a suprise. He was a projected #2/3 starter in the league prior to last year.

Williams would probably put up better numbers than Maddux and Rusch. Hendry is so stupid that he wants Rusch as the 5th starter over Williams. But Williams will probably be in the rotation until Wood gets healthy, oh wait, I guess Williams will be in the rotation the entire season. :lol:

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Last years Numbers for three of the 4 "number 1's"


G Maddux

CHC 13 15 4.24 35 35 3 0 0 0 225.0 239 112 106 29 7 36 136

2. C Zambrano

CHC 14 6 3.26 33 33 2 0 0 0 223.1 170 88 81 21 8 86 202

3. M Prior

CHC 11 7 3.67 27 27 1 0 0 0 166.2 143 73 68 25 4 59 188


Kerry Woods Career Numbers:


1998 Chicago Cubs 13 6 3.40 26 26 1 1 0 --- 166.2 117 69 63 14 11 85 233

2000 Chicago Cubs 8 7 4.80 23 23 1 0 0 0 137.0 112 77 73 17 9 87 132

2001 Chicago Cubs 12 6 3.36 28 28 1 1 0 0 174.1 127 70 65 16 10 92 217

2002 Chicago Cubs 12 11 3.66 33 33 4 1 0 0 213.2 169 92 87 22 16 97 217

2003 Chicago Cubs 14 11 3.20 32 32 4 2 0 0 211.0 152 77 75 24 21 100 266

2004 Chicago Cubs 8 9 3.72 22 22 0 0 0 0 140.1 127 62 58 16 11 51 144

2005 Chicago Cubs 3 4 4.23 21 10 0 0 0 0 66.0 52 32 31 14 2 26 77



Point here is that a "number 1 starter" usually is slated to win 16+ games every single year....an accomplishment not done by Kerry Wood ever.


Also, a number 1 starter would not have finished 2 games below .500 with an ERA ofver 4 ( in maddox's case)


Now i have no case to say that Prior isnt a Number 1 WHEN HEALTHY...and Zambrano is capable as one as well....at best they have a number 1, a number 2, and three number 4's :gosox2:

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 09:14 AM)
He is a legit ACE.  But Wood, Prior, Maddux and whoever else is not.  Prior has had one good year, and has a ton of potential, but at this point he isnt an ACE.  Wood is one of the biggest dissapointments ever, Madddux is a grandpa, and the rest of the crap is the rest of the crap.  Howry is just campaigning, his old team had a better staff last year.


I know the other guys are not aces, but Big Z is as good as it gets IMO. That's all. I wasn't saying they have a better rotation by any means...

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QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 10:02 PM)
I know the other guys are not aces, but Big Z is as good as it gets IMO.  That's all.  I wasn't saying they have a better rotation by any means...


I agree 100%.


The only thing I do not like about Zambrano is how is just a crazy bastard on the mound. You want an intense pitcher on the mound, but my god, he is the anti-Jon Garland.

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