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Commercial Space Fligths


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From Robert Longley,

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Passengers on flights to the Moon or Mars will be subjected to the same anti-terror security checks as flyers to Muleshoe, Texas or Mud Lick, Kentucky, under the FAA's proposed federal regulations for commercial space flight.


Formulated by the FAA's Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST), the proposed rules would apply the same security restrictions currently applied to airline passengers prohibiting persons carrying explosives, firearms, knives, or other weapons from boarding an airplane. AST says these types of security procedures to commercial space launch or reentry vehicles would "contribute to the safety of the public by preventing a space flight participant from potentially interfering with the flight crew’s operation of the vehicle."


The FAA notes that one means of satisfying part of this requirement would be for commercial space flight operators to consult the same global '‘no-fly" list used by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to screen airline passengers for persons possibly tied to terrorism.


The majority of the proposed regulations (.pdf) address the minimum qualifications, certification and training of flight crew members.

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