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24 month Program for New Posters


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First Month: You say hi to virtually everyone, and agree with everyone's posts, wish total strangers Happy Birthday, pray for folks you have no clue about and give out roses by the dozens.


Second Month : You venture out cautiously by clicking on the YES to the "Do you want a pm option?" question in your membership.


Third Month: you answer every single pm you get


Fourth Month: You start exchanging email addresses and join ALL the off shoot private message boards where you read every post by every poster and you wonder why you have motion sickness.


Fifth Month: You show the courage to post your own opinion. You start by posting in big chnuks with no paragraphs, all letters in CAPS and use strange colors and italics.


Sixth Month: You take sides when you see a board fight you have no clue about just because it seems the in thing to do!


Seventh Month: You snicker when you recognize a fool on board and dare to use the :headshake icon for the very first time. Behind the scenes you begin to forward pms to pals and enemies to stir the cauldron. You post cryptic lies like:"Everyon thinks you are a pi$$ing poor waste of protoplasm, we don't like you."


Eighth Month: you get into your first public board fight and watch posters take sides and imagine all those on your side are truly on your side. You threaten to sue and print out their posts.


Ninth Month: You become a witless pawn by the imagined folks on your side to lead a gang bash against your FIRST OFFICIAL CYBER ENEMY!


Tenth Month: You start losing patience about being too nice and start to express your true feelings with a simple :rolly .


Eleventh Month: You are pithy and save band width by making short sentences that are phrased pretty much like " **** You A**, @#$%&*&%!!"


Twelfth Month: Your very first banning, awwwww!

You are shocked to be banned, see a doctor for chest pains (I'm not kidding here, folks have had real heart attacks after first banning).


Thirteenth Month: glower in silence at the mods, get your boiling point up, start emailing all your friends to ask why you were banned, start emailing the mods MULTIPLE TIMES imagining they have the time or patience to read, let alone explain why you were banned.


Fourteenth Month : You see your enemy gloating in public with winks and beer mugs about your banning so you make up half a dozen nics and start a fugitive troll existence and attack your enemy. You leave some of the private boards in a huff and join other boards but continue to lurk at your old boards incognito to keep an eye on the enemy. Ha ha.


Fifteenth Month: You come back with a reknewed version of your original nic. For eg. Newbie2 or The New & Improved Newbie or The Newly Depraved Newbie.


Sixteenth Month : You get even by posting links to rude obnoxious sites and if you are smart enough there is a virus attached.


Seventeenth Month: You notice people have you on ignore so you come back with your secert second nic and quote yourself just so those who have you on ignore can read your insults to them


Eighteenth Month: You start to chill and offer your enemy the olive branch


Nineteenth Month: You are tired of being banned, you start toeing the line


Twentieth Month: you start serious fights with the mods, get hold of their boss's name and phone and email address and post it and encourage folks to complain. You fail to notice it doesn't faze the mods. You read the TOS carefully and look up your legal rights.


21st Month: you have finally figured out the mods bed time and nap times so you know when to post bannable things at what time to get maximum exposure.


22nd month: You beat the system by buying software which allows your IP number to show you posting from Draga pri Rake, Germany to Dacca, Bangla Desh.


23rd month : The truth that certain posters really don't care about your insane threats and rants finally gets to you!


24th month: Awww geez, the mods still have their jobs and the board continues without you... What happened to all those promises someone high up made you in exchange for a few favors. ;)

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:12 AM)
Hey, can you tell if you are on "ignore"???

No, if someone has you on ignore there's really no way for you to know. There's a few people who reply to my posts even though I have them on ignore because they don't know better.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 01:13 PM)


i thought if someone was on ignore you couldn't see any of their posts

You can see that they made a post but you just can't see what they posted. Every once in a while I'll read a post from someone on my list. I just like not being forced to view posts by certain people.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:10 AM)
I don't think I have ever used the " :headshake " guy. If I have...it's been once.


I've also never been banned from a board.  :D


I think you need to get banned for one day..just to say its happened to you.. :)

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