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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 11:37 PM)
Your buddy just brushed all Christian Conservatives as whackjobs.  Thats just f***ing bulls***. 


You me and Fla all know that people who follow idiots like Robertson are a tiny minority.


All of this was springboarded off of Hacket's commentary, which WAS directed at the extremist whackjobs. You suggested that calling an extremist an extremist was going to cheese off the larger (and on the whole, more rational) group of Christian Conservatives. I'm simply voicing a reasoned opinion that the Christian Cinservative vote is not exactly one the Democrats are going to pick up particularly easily, so stirring up that already politically mobilized group may not be so dangerous for the Dems as you suggest.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:28 PM)

Why do people who go to church,  believe in God and traditional values have to be whackjobs?!






How do you say that in the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, and Buddhist traditions?

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:00 PM)
I have a feeling the power will be shifting to the Dems.  It won't happen overnight but the GOP has had full control and judging by approval ratings and all the negativity linked to their party, I think they will fade for the time being.


My 2 cents.



Odd this is what Democrats said in the last election. MTV/P Diddy/ and several Hollywood actors were sure that they were going to swarm the polls and rock the vote. Then of course the kids didnt come out like they had promised and you lost. Now all the dems are upset and piss and moan whenever they get a chance.


I would suggest getting your parties message in line for the next election. A strategy would suffice. Outside of the obvious one of trying to make Liberal Hillary Clinton into a centrist in the next few years. That is already underway. Too bad her voting record and comments have been recorded since she took office.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:54 PM)
Spoken like a person with deep, deep concerns about tolerance of religious beliefs.  Well, for Christians, anyway.



Go find me one post where I denigrate Jews or Muslims or Hindus or anyone else for that matter.



I wont hold my breath.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 11:55 PM)
Go find me one post where I denigrate Jews or Muslims or Hindus or anyone else for that matter.

I wont hold my breath.

Your response to Tex' post seems to be knocking the proposition that practicioners of Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, and Buddhist traditions might feel the same sort of persecution complex you are feeling on behalf of the beleagered Christian Right.


If not, then I don't follow your response and you can tell me what I am missing.


I see what you're driving at and we both know thats simply not the case.


Try again.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 11:03 PM)
Your response to Tex' post seems to be knocking the proposition that practicioners of Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, and Buddhist traditions might feel the same sort of persecution complex you are feeling on behalf of the beleagered Christian Right.


If not, then I don't follow your response and you can tell me what I am missing.



I took what he said to be basically the same thing you said which was that I believe Christians should not be bashed at all but that any other religon is fair game.



I do not believe that at all.



All religons should be free to worship as they see fit.


My biggest problem is that its ok to bash Christians at will in the media. Thats wrong, its hypocritical and its bigoted. If I spouted off about Jews or whoever around here the way the media spouts off about Christians every day Id have been banned long ago.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 12:07 AM)
I took what he said to be basically the same thing you said which was that I believe Christians should not be bashed at all but that any other religon is fair game.

I do not believe that at all.

All religons should be free to worship as they see fit.


My biggest problem is that its ok to bash Christians at will in the media.  Thats wrong, its hypocritical and its bigoted.  If I spouted off about Jews or whoever around here the way the media spouts off about Christians every day Id have been banned long ago.

I do respect that position, but I also think a lot of it is perception. I think it is wholly consistent and correct to support the rights of mainstream Muslims while denouncing the evil and inhuman acts of an extremist minority. But I think the same can be said of Christianity and any other faith. It's the extremists that give all religion a bad name.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 11:15 PM)
I do respect that position, but I also think a lot of it is perception.  I think it is wholly consistent and correct to support the rights of mainstream Muslims while denouncing the evil and inhuman acts of an extremist minority.  But I think the same can be said of Christianity and any other faith.  It's the extremists that give all religion a bad name.



Now we're on the same page and thats the crux of my argument here. Im sick and tired of the left trying to lump in regular folks who are religous and church going with the likes of people like Robertson.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:52 PM)
I see what you're driving at and we both know thats simply not the case.

Try again.


So the only fundementalists that are OK are Christian. Countries that are formed on traditional Muslim, Islamic, Buddhist, etc. are not OK?

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by the way tex, if God allowed Jesus to be put to death after being found "guilty" in their courts, then God must in some way or another believe in the death penalty; therefore, God is not a liberal. Jesus being of God and in very nature, God in the form of man, cannot be a liberal in traditional terms.


Jesus could, however, be referred to as a reformer and/or populist...possibly even a socialist. Under no circumstances could he be a whig, though.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:27 PM)
The Christian Conservatives are already mobilized, they are a solid GOP voting block, and stirring them up (or more precicely, calling whackjobs whackjobs) isn't going to cost Dems a whole lot of votes.  Meanwhile, they are becoming a heavy anchor around the neck of the GOP.  And every time this vocal minority is appeased at the expense of moderate Repubiclicans, fiscal conservatives etc., it is another blow to the unity of the GOP voter base.


Speaking as a registered republican, you've hit the nail on the head Flaxx. I'm done with the party until some sense of sanity returns. Their uncontrolled spending, faith based initiatives, pandering to the churches in cases like gay marriage and the like, protectionist economic policies, bowing to big oil, and blatant disregards for civil liberties (phone tapping, patriot act) have all left me feeling alienated. This isn't the s*** that I thought I was getting when I signed up as a republican.


For some reason I thought conservatives believed in standing up for the freedoms enjoyed in the past by weakening government and empowering the people through a strong capitalist system.


I applaud this dem from Ohio. Chances are I disagree with him greatly on many, many issues but he's rather accurate in his portrayal of the GOP.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 11:16 PM)
Now we're on the same page and thats the crux of my argument here.  Im sick and tired of the left trying to lump in regular folks who are religous and church going with the likes of people like Robertson.


As I am sick and tired of people trying to lump in regular liberal folks with the extremists.

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QUOTE(mmmmmbeeer @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 02:03 AM)
Speaking as a registered republican, you've hit the nail on the head Flaxx.  I'm done with the party until some sense of sanity returns.  Their uncontrolled spending, faith based initiatives, pandering to the churches in cases like gay marriage and the like, protectionist economic policies, bowing to big oil, and blatant disregards for civil liberties (phone tapping, patriot act) have all left me feeling alienated.  This isn't the s*** that I thought I was getting when I signed up as a republican. 


For some reason I thought conservatives believed in standing up for the freedoms enjoyed in the past by weakening government and empowering the people through a strong capitalist system. 


I applaud this dem from Ohio.  Chances are I disagree with him greatly on many, many issues but he's rather accurate in his portrayal of the GOP.




Except for the part about being a registered Republican, I agree with all of this.


As for Hackett, I think the Osama comparison was too far, but I agree with most of the rest of what he said. The Republican party is being dragged too far to the social right for my tastes, and the idea of an anti-gay-marriage amendment is absolutely un-American.


Nuke, I don't see anyone trying to say that being Christian means being an extremist. That's ludicrous, and IMHO, just as much so as saying that all Muslims or Jews are extremists. Hackett is referring specifically to the extreme segment of a certain party.


And Kap, man, don't take off. Not all of us are just flinging sh*t from with wings and trying to make everyone else seem like an extremist. Some of us here are up for real discussions on the issues.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 07:25 AM)
As I am sick and tired of people trying to lump in regular liberal folks with the extremists.


For the most part, both sides here in Soxtalk seem to border on the extremities of their affiliation. In some cases, the "border" is completely out of sight. I don't know if it's a natural consequence of the debate in here. I do know this much ... every time I start being back toward the center, I get knocked back from it with a huge sandbag that hits me from the left. I know we have some swinging sandbags from the right at as well, but I don't if anyone on the other side gets close enough to get hit by them.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 11:49 AM)
For the most part, both sides here in Soxtalk seem to border on the extremities of their affiliation.  In some cases, the "border" is completely out of sight.  I don't know if it's a natural consequence of the debate in here.  I do know this much ... every time I start being back toward the center, I get knocked back from it with a huge sandbag that hits me from the left.  I know we have some swinging sandbags from the right at as well, but I don't if anyone on the other side gets close enough to get hit by them.


There are plenty on both sides. I can think of at least a handful who tend to sit on the extreme on each side, and lob mortars across the middle to the other side. I get knocked off center a lot too, but honestly, it seems lately the sandbags are more from the right than the left.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 10:49 AM)
For the most part, both sides here in Soxtalk seem to border on the extremities of their affiliation.  In some cases, the "border" is completely out of sight.  I don't know if it's a natural consequence of the debate in here.  I do know this much ... every time I start being back toward the center, I get knocked back from it with a huge sandbag that hits me from the left.  I know we have some swinging sandbags from the right at as well, but I don't if anyone on the other side gets close enough to get hit by them.


I'm guessing if we were sitting around a bar and not typing, we'd be a whole lot more centralist than we appear here. I know I do. I counted the Republican County Chairperson as a friend, and we never fought over political posts like I have with some of the mindless idiots here

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Ok. Let's not get all defensive here. What I'm trying to say is that I really keep trying to step closer to the center, yet am finding it difficult. There are posters on both sides that never give an inch, but the mortars from right aren't generally aimed at me, so maybe it's a matter of which direction I'm looking for them that is skewing my perspective.


To put it in a nutshell. We don't have balance in DC these days. We need it, but I'm more wary of the liberal agenda than I am the conservative agenda. I can be pulled to closer to the center if I'm not browbeaten into it.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 11:19 AM)
I can be pulled to closer to the center if I'm not browbeaten into it.


I think you hit the nail on the head. No one wants to admit they were wrong, but everyone will make a *new* decision, based on *new* information. It may be to change, it may be to reaffirm their previous position.


On certain issues, I am very comfortable around my GOP friends, on others, the Dems think I'm one of them. In actuality, I do not trust either party to have total control. If I had to chose, I'd rather be labeled a Dem than a Rep. but would prefer to avoid either label. Independent doesn't fit, I love the two party system, with all it's flaws.

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