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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 04:04 AM)
You missed Kap's Grand Coordinated Dem Unification Theory, in which the MLK Day comments of Ray Nagin, Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore (who did I miss?) were all carefully orchestrated components of a coordinated campaign of unknown purpose.  I merely assumed Hacket's comments, made on the VERY SAME DAY (dun dun dun!!) must have been part and parcel to the same nefarious Democratic scheme.


And I don't expect, desire, or deserve an apology, Kap.  I said my said your piece, you said yours.

It was a question, not a statement. And I even relented... but it's nice to know you can't read that part or chose not to acknowledge it and turn it into a pissing contest.


Again, what the f*** have we turned this into?


This forum is bull s***. And I include myself in it. I'm done here. Have fun being assholes to each other.


It's unfortunate, because now, this forum won't last.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 04:07 AM)
HUH??  I'm confused.  How am I needling?  I am expressing my opinions.  I am not calling people names nor being disrespectful.

Your signature... you had to prove your point with it.


But I need to just get the hell out of this forum. It's turned into a cesspool of bigotry, bulls***, and attacks on each other. And I never wanted to take part in it, and I allowed myself to get sucked in.



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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:10 PM)
Your signature... you had to prove your point with it.


But I need to just get the hell out of this forum.  It's turned into a cesspool of bigotry, bulls***, and attacks on each other.  And I never wanted to take part in it, and I allowed myself to get sucked in.



Don't go. I'll be good, I promise.

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So what are they supposed to do? Just say "how adorable?"


Your programs don't get hearings, your ideas get co-opted and then you get attacked for being against them (e.g. Homeland Security Department). You point out flaws in policy and all of a sudden, it's "why are you being so negative."


When you get shut out of everything. When the collegiality the minority used to enjoy in the US Congress because of mutual respect between both sides of the aisle suddenly disappears because of how the new majority decides to run the system, the only way you can fight back is attack the wrongs of the new system.


It's funny, round these parts, attacks on liberal values seem to be fair game and constructive. Attacks on conservatives hijacking religion for political gain, attacks on Republicans lack of morals and values in their own actions is just being negative.


Well excuse me, but if believing in Equal Protection under the law is being negative. Then I'm f***in negative. Paul Hackett believes in it. Anyone that supports a gay marriage amendment clearly doesn't.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:10 PM)
That will be forever etched in the left's memory.  Instead of boogey men leftists look under their beds and in the closets for Swifties these days.



And like that he was gone. Underground. Nobody has ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. "Rat on your pop, and Keyser Soze will get you."

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:11 PM)
So what are they supposed to do? Just say "how adorable?"


Your programs don't get hearings, your ideas get co-opted and then you get attacked for being against them (e.g. Homeland Security Department). You point out flaws in policy and all of a sudden, it's "why are you being so negative."


When you get shut out of everything. When the collegiality the minority used to enjoy in the US Congress because of mutual respect between both sides of the aisle suddenly disappears because of how the new majority decides to run the system, the only way you can fight back is attack the wrongs of the new system.


It's funny, round these parts, attacks on liberal values seem to be fair game and constructive. Attacks on conservatives hijacking religion for political gain, attacks on Republicans lack of morals and values in their own actions is just being negative.


Well excuse me, but if believing in Equal Protection under the law is being negative. Then I'm f***in negative. Paul Hackett believes in it. Anyone that supports a gay marriage amendment clearly doesn't.



He compared Republicans to Osama Bin Laden dude. Thats over the top and he's gonna pay.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 11:13 PM)
He compared Republicans to Osama Bin Laden dude.  Thats over the top and he's gonna pay.

Actually, I think he compared one group of religious extremists to another group of religious extremists. He's not the first to do so and he won't be the last.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:17 PM)
Actually, I think he compared one group of religious extremists to another group of religious extremists.  He's not the first to do so and he won't be the last.



Like I said. You would think by now Democrats would know better than to stir up the Christian Conservatives. I guess they havent learned anything from 2004 and thats good news for my side.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 11:20 PM)
Like I said.  You would think by now Democrats would know better than to stir up the Christian Conservatives.  I guess they havent learned anything from 2004 and thats good news for my side.


The Christian Conservatives are already mobilized, they are a solid GOP voting block, and stirring them up (or more precicely, calling whackjobs whackjobs) isn't going to cost Dems a whole lot of votes. Meanwhile, they are becoming a heavy anchor around the neck of the GOP. And every time this vocal minority is appeased at the expense of moderate Repubiclicans, fiscal conservatives etc., it is another blow to the unity of the GOP voter base.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:27 PM)
The Christian Conservatives are already mobilized, they are a solid GOP voting block, and stirring them up (or more precicely, calling whackjobs whackjobs) isn't going to cost Dems a whole lot of votes.  Meanwhile, they are becoming a heavy anchor around the neck of the GOP.  And every time this vocal minority is appeased at the expense of moderate Repubiclicans, fiscal conservatives etc., it is another blow to the unity of the GOP voter base.






Why do people who go to church, believe in God and traditional values have to be whackjobs?!









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No he compared Religious Extremists to terrorists who happen to be religious extremists. Their goals seem to be similar. Force their worldview on others.


He said that Religious Extremists have co-opted the Republican Party.


Like Jerry Falwell who blamed 9/11 on gays and feminists.

Like Pat Robertson who agreed with him.

Like Rick Santorum who equated gay people with people who f*** dogs.


Of course, the first party to equate US politicians with Osama Bin Laden would happen to be Saxby Chambliss and the Republicans who did in a TV commercial designed to help defeat a sitting Senator.


But that's not what Hackett did. Hackett said that Religious Extremists here are doing the same thing that they're doing there and everywhere. Forcing their worldview on everyone else.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 11:28 PM)

Why do people who go to church,  believe in God and traditional values have to be whackjobs?!






I'm sorry, I don't equate Jerry Falwell to most Christians. I don't equate Rick Santorum to most Christians. I don't equate Pat Robertson or any of these extremists to most Christians.


But once again, you can't seem to understand that there is more than one kind of Christian. So you are assuming that every Christian follows Pat Robertson. Follows Jerry Falwell. Follows James Dobson. So who's insulting Christians now?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 11:09 PM)
It was a question, not a statement.  And I even relented... but it's nice to know you can't read that part or chose not to acknowledge it and turn it into a pissing contest.


Again, what the f*** have we turned this into?


This forum is bull s***.  And I include myself in it.  I'm done here.  Have fun being assholes to each other.


It's unfortunate, because now, this forum won't last.


This is relenting?


You're probably right about Nagin. That guy is an IDIOT.


As far as I could read it (not very far, admittedly, since I can't read that part or choose not to acknowledge it and turn it into a pissing contest.), that relent still leaves Al and Hillary staying up late at night talking on their supersecret Bat Phones trying to figure out who is going to say what about this administration and the GOP Congress - institutions that any sane person would know are well beyond any sort of reproach. :rolly


I believe a GMAFB is in order.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:34 PM)
I'm sorry, I don't equate Jerry Falwell to most Christians. I don't equate Rick Santorum to most Christians. I don't equate Pat Robertson or any of these extremists to most Christians.


But once again, you can't seem to understand that there is more than one kind of Christian. So you are assuming that every Christian follows Pat Robertson. Follows Jerry Falwell. Follows James Dobson. So who's insulting Christians now?



Your buddy just brushed all Christian Conservatives as whackjobs. Thats just f***ing bulls***.


You me and Fla all know that people who follow idiots like Robertson are a tiny minority.

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The Republican Party has been hijacked by the religious fanatics that, in my opinion, aren't a whole lot different than Osama bin Laden and a lot of the other religious nuts around the world," he said. "The challenge is for the rest of us moderate Americans and citizens of the world to put down the fork and spoon, turn off the TV, and participate in the process and try to push back on these radical nuts - and they are nuts.


Could you maybe point to the words Christian Conservatives in here? Cause I don't see them.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 17, 2006 -> 10:39 PM)
Could you maybe point to the words Christian Conservatives in here? Cause I don't see them.


The Christian Conservatives are already mobilized, they are a solid GOP voting block, and stirring them up (or more precicely, calling whackjobs whackjobs) isn't going to cost Dems a whole lot of votes.  Meanwhile, they are becoming a heavy anchor around the neck of the GOP.  And every time this vocal minority is appeased at the expense of moderate Repubiclicans, fiscal conservatives etc., it is another blow to the unity of the GOP voter base.




I can point to those words in Fla's statement, which is what I was talking about.

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