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WE FUCKING SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!


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Where there any errors?  The reason i am asking is i have sparks on one of my fantasy teams and the box score did not show him giving up any earned runs.

Yes. Eric Munson threw the ball away on an easy grounder, and the runner (it was Graffy) made it to 2nd. Then they walked PK, then Crede took him out.

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Yeah, and then after the game, theoldroman (who just a couple days ago put Joe Crede on his "permanent blacklist") was praising Joe on how clutch of a hitter he is. 


:lol:, too funny.

Be lenient with the guy. Afterall, he DID think Yofu was a SS!!! :lol:

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Yeah, and then after the game, theoldroman (who just a couple days ago put Joe Crede on his "permanent blacklist") was praising Joe on how clutch of a hitter he is. 


:lol:, too funny.

Be lenient with the guy. Afterall, he DID think Yofu was a SS!!! :lol:

I've gotta admit, I don't know Yofu from Adam, but I certainly wouldn't start saying "Blah Blah is our future SS!" if I didn't know who the guy was.


:lol:, theoldroman brings some good comic relief, though.

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No it won't.


This kind of thing can't last all year...and it will not last all year.  Saying this will last all year is stupid.....no offense.

Run, run, run, run, run! Always running from the truth! This team sucks. Just face reality and it wont hurt as much when theyre still here two months from now. Two months from now, it aint gonna bother me that were still under .500 because Im expecting such. Two months from now, everybody whos running from the truth thinking were still in the race is gonna jump of a building or something. We lost two straight to the Tigers. Who in their right mind thinks this team has any chance?

In 2001, we were 20-30 after May. The offense had struggled (scoring only 215 runs, or approximately 4.3 a game) and the pitching had struggled as well(allowing 264 runs, or approximately 5.28 a game). We then turned it around and played .560 ball the rest of the year, going 63-49.


Do the first two months of this year appear to look very much like the first two months of 2001? If I had to give you an answer....I'd probably say yes.


I'd actually prefer to see what is going to happen in the next 4 months then to say that we'll suck because we're playing like s*** now.


This team, right now, looks like s*** and they are playing like s***. If someone disagreed....they should be slapped. Then again....what happens today isn't necessarily going to happen tomorrow, let alone a month or two from now.


You think this team will just go into the Cubs series with no heart whatsoever? Highly f***ing doubtful.

That team had talent.


Sure buddy, when one thinks of "talent"...Clayton, Mark Johnson, Rowand, Baldwin, Parque, Howry, Julio Ramirez, Ginter, Harold Baines, Singeleton, Sean Lowe, Embree...is what immediately springs to mind.


Got any more of that cutting-edge analysis? :)

Oh yeah, just forget to leave out Maggs, Lee, Thomas, Konerko, Sirotka, Foulke, Eldred and just mention the crappy players. Also, Baldwin and Singleton werent bad players at all...

Listen, baby jerk, I am gonna say this once:


--Siro was done in 2001 (kinda rhymes, no?)

--Thomas did diddle squat before going down

--Valentin was on DL had recurring hamsting prob and could barely walk for half a season.

--Baldwin was no All-Star in 2001.

--Singleton had like 45 RBI and 315 OBP...and got CS as many times as he SB (horrible %)

--Wunsht/Barcelo/Rauch were terrible and went down very fast.

--Howry and Embree were terrible.

--Clayton was worse.

--Kip Wells was simply awful in the second half, very mediocre overall.

--Glover was bad, way worse than he is now.

--Osuna/Wright/Ginter/Eldred/Parque/Biddle were ALL unbelievably bad.

--Magglio had a pretty mediocre year for an all-star...he was no Delgado

--I trust Mark Johnson/Josh Paul are known commodities...wink-wink

--Dvid Wells had a medicore season and went down as well.

--Harold f***in' Baines...not pretty


(Lee/Konerko/Buerhle are constants so they don't count, brother)


--Foulke was the only thing that was significanly better then. Durham and DJ are a wash and so are Crede/Perry when you consider defense, range and arm especially.




How can you say that team was obviously more talented is beyond me, especially considering 2001 had a tougher division and more health problems. Check that, considering that between you and bmr there is pussy hair worth of baseball knowledge, I am not surprised one bit. I honestly think you don't know (or don't care) the difference between "severe underachiving" and "lack of talent"

Oops. I was thinking of the 2000 team. Forget I ever said anything...

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Yeah, and then after the game, theoldroman (who just a couple days ago put Joe Crede on his "permanent blacklist") was praising Joe on how clutch of a hitter he is. 


:lol:, too funny.

I still dont like him but Ill give him credit for being very clutch...

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Guest hotsoxchick1
And when did you ever hear me use the word "do- able"?  I use much more creative words.  ;) Michelle put words in my mouth again.

ha dumbass if i put what you really said.. steff would slap me and i would get banned from the boards ............. :headbang .....on another note your right killa and guido got killed in the whiffle ball championships... and killa still owes me one. ;) he talks so much s*** when hes had a few.......lmao........... :headbang you watch .. hes gonna read this and be thinking... what did i say???? lol.......

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ha dumbass if i put what you really said.. steff would slap me and i would get banned from the boards ............. :headbang .....on another note your right killa and guido got killed in the whiffle ball championships... and killa still owes me one. ;)  he talks so much s*** when hes had a few.......lmao........... :headbang you watch .. hes gonna read this and be thinking... what did i say???? lol.......

Ok. as long as you didnt post what i really said. Whatrver that was. :lolhitting :finger :cheers

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Guest hotsoxchick1

you dont remember?????? omfg... does the phrase, i would take .... and ...... her ...... and then ....... when im done with that i would ........ and then.........and .......what anyone else thinks they can .... do to .......me........ and i would show her..........is really like...........cause i have a ............and a bigger...................i think you can fill in the blanks on your own right ...........lol.........

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