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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 04:36 AM)
Give it up, man.  The Democrats are going to fight tooth and nail to keep this from blowing into a scandal.  They'll use whatever means necessary.  Why?  Because this potential scandal can derail Queen Hillary's senatorial reelection and presidential aspirations.


do you not realize that MOST dems dont like hillary?


edit: and as soon as you can substantiate your claim about a liberal media then i'll give it to you. until then i'll sit back, watch fox, and laugh at the absurdity of it all.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 10:15 AM)
Tex, seriously, how long are you going to keep pressing the DeLay comments?  It's been almost a year, and the schtick is getting really old now.


He is easily the best current politician to lead this country in the war on terrorism. Sorry if you don't agree.


Now I guess if y'all would stop all the Hillary stuff and liberal media stuff that is drilled into our heads by 24/7 conservative talk radio, I'd have to follow suit. Every time Bush's name comes up you get on a rant, I've never complained.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 11:15 AM)
Tex, seriously, how long are you going to keep pressing the DeLay comments?  It's been almost a year, and the schtick is getting really old now.


kap i think thats the first thing you've said that i agree with. although i also agree with the tex's general point about hillary and the media bias

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 20, 2006 -> 12:51 PM)
It certainly is sad that Republicans can't seem to get into Journalism. I wonder in this free enterprise system how an industry is able to lock out Republicans so well. And an entire industry will forsake profits, credibility, the public trust, in a united effort to get Republicans and elect Democrats. It must be all the profits they make when Democrats are in office.


I wonder if there is a secret daily meeting of all newspaper reporters to discuss how to report all the GOP wrongdoings? Maybe there is a secret internet where only the media go to screw Republicans.


LOL, maybe once I become paranoid and drink the GOP koolaid, I'll believe it.


Bush is perfect, it's just the media.


The GOP whining, despite having 24/7 shills like Hannity/Rush/O'Reilly just makes me laugh. They took a page from the doomsday cults and created a bunker mentality, us vs. the media and soooo many people started slurping the koolaid.




aye, who was complaining when judith miller was taking everything the government was spinning to her and claiming it was fact under "confidential sources" before the war in Iraq? Where was the underminding of the bush administration during the most important part of his 8 years presumably?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 07:04 PM)
Now I guess if y'all would stop all the Hillary stuff and liberal media stuff that is drilled into our heads by 24/7 conservative talk radio, I'd have to follow suit.

Oh is THAT where that comes from?




I don't need the drivel of Limbaugh, or Hannity, or any other idiot on the radio to think for me. It's obvious enough.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 05:06 PM)
Oh is THAT where that comes from?




I don't need the drivel of Limbaugh, or Hannity, or any other idiot on the radio to think for me.  It's obvious enough.


You seem to parrot the drivel well. Everytime anyone says anything negative about Bush you immediately jump in with it's always Bush's fault and scream media bias.


It's time to stop the "I feel your pain" and "Compassionate Conservatism" and just kick ass for four years.


DeLay is the toughest politician out there. He scares the crap out of terrorists. He'd be Reagan without the charm. No wonder he was the GOP posterboy as Speaker. The Dems want him out bad because they don't have anyone that could beat him. He's biggest threat would be McCain in the primary. I don't see any other GOPers that would be nearly as tough on terror as DeLay.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 07:21 PM)
You seem to parrot the drivel well. Everytime anyone says anything negative about Bush you immediately jump in with it's always Bush's fault and scream media bias.


It's time to stop the "I feel your pain" and "Compassionate Conservatism" and just kick ass for four years.


DeLay is the toughest politician out there. He scares the crap out of terrorists. He'd be Reagan without the charm. No wonder he was the GOP posterboy as Speaker. The Dems want him out bad because they don't have anyone that could beat him. He's biggest threat would be McCain in the primary. I don't see any other GOPers that would be nearly as tough on terror as DeLay.


except for the part where delay is EVIL i'd agree with you.

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QUOTE(Reddy @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 10:24 AM)
do you not realize that MOST dems dont like hillary?


edit:  and as soon as you can substantiate your claim about a liberal media then i'll give it to you.  until then i'll sit back, watch fox, and laugh at the absurdity of it all.

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QUOTE(Reddy @ Jan 21, 2006 -> 12:24 PM)
do you not realize that MOST dems dont like hillary?


edit:  and as soon as you can substantiate your claim about a liberal media then i'll give it to you.  until then i'll sit back, watch fox, and laugh at the absurdity of it all.


Most Dems don't like Hillary because she's the only smart one of the bunch and is trying to "center" herself. That's what scares me. As soon as that b**** takes office, she be so left she won't be able to find her right hand. As for the media ... what's the use. You wouldn't listen anyway.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 03:40 AM)
As for the media ... what's the use.  You wouldn't listen anyway.


YASNY, not only will I listen, I promise not to reply so this truly isn't bait of any kind.


How does a newspaper become nuetral in your eyes? If they are writting a story about Monica Lewinsky or Prison abuse, how do they balance that? The order in which they report facts will become an issue. Do they look for positive articles to balance? Do they add up the colum inches and see how many are positive and negative? Do they endorse the exact same number of Dem and GOP candidates? If you have the choice of reading the Trib or Sun-Times is Chicago "balanced"?


What I don't understand is how anyone could pull up one article and point to it and say it shows a widespread media bias. What seems to happen is the same thing when you decide to buy a car. Suddenly you see that car everywhere. The GOP has told their supporters to not believe the Press and their supporters have agreed. Talk about insulating themselves from criticism.


BTW, Astros fans are still b****ing about the WS coverage bias. They point to how the Sox are the media darlings and received all the press coverage dating back to the regular season. A possible Sox collapse received more attention than the amazing surge by the Astros.


I am so sick of hearing Hillary and '08. The Dems will not nominate a woman, and she has zero chance of winning. The GOP keeps hyping her and trying to get Dems to believe it. They know they could get anyone elected if she is the opponent.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 07:20 AM)
YASNY, not only will I listen, I promise not to reply so this truly isn't bait of any kind.


How does a newspaper become nuetral in your eyes? If they are writting a story about Monica Lewinsky or Prison abuse, how do they balance that? The order in which they report facts will become an issue. Do they look for positive articles to balance? Do they add up the colum inches and see how many are positive and negative? Do they endorse the exact same number of Dem and GOP candidates? If you have the choice of reading the Trib or Sun-Times is Chicago "balanced"?


What I don't understand is how anyone could pull up one article and point to it and say it shows a widespread media bias. What seems to happen is the same thing when you decide to buy a car. Suddenly you see that car everywhere. The GOP has told their supporters to not believe the Press and their supporters have agreed. Talk about insulating themselves from criticism.


BTW, Astros fans are still b****ing about the WS coverage bias. They point to how the Sox are the media darlings and received all the press coverage dating back to the regular season. A possible Sox collapse received more attention than the amazing surge by the Astros.


I am so sick of hearing Hillary and '08. The Dems will not nominate a woman, and she has zero chance of winning. The GOP keeps hyping her and trying to get Dems to believe it. They know they could get anyone elected if she is the opponent.


That's just it, Tex. I'm not basing it on one newspaper article at all. I'm basing it on 30 plus years of reading newspapers and watching network news. It doesn't matter. Not worth a debate because I can't understand how it's not obvious to all. I know it's my opinion, but it's going to stay my opinion until I see a change in the overall trend of media coverage. It's just like watching a young ballplayer that hits .250 for two years yet you just know this guy is eventually going to be damn good. You can't point to any stats to back your judgement, but you base it on what you see and experience you've had watching baseball. I see the media's liberal slant the same way. I can't prove it and am not going to try. But I know it's there.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 05:40 AM)
Most Dems don't like Hillary because she's the only smart one of the bunch and is trying to "center" herself.  That's what scares me.  As soon as that b**** takes office, she be so left she won't be able to find her right hand.


:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

that was perfectly worded

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 12:08 AM)
My prediction: Hillary Clinton wouldn't last to Super Tuesday.


She's been a very good Senator for New York. So much so that the GOP can't even find a real candidate to pit against her.



Seriously, when is the Democratic party going to learn that a northeastern Liberal is going to lose every single time out?

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 01:51 PM)
Seriously,  when is the Democratic party going to learn that a northeastern Liberal is going to lose every single time out?


Despite her current residence, Hilary is not really a northeastern liberal. First, if you look at her voting record, she doesn't fit the profile at all. Second, in case we all forgot, she grew up in the CHICAGO area. Went to Maine East (or one of the other Maine schools).

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With all the talk here about media bias, I still haven't seen anyone respond to the fact that the case against the Clintons is laughably weak. I mean, please, read the news article posted in here multiple times by myself and Balta. 10 years and this guy doesn't have one shred of evidence, of wrong-doing OR the supposed cover-up? Come on.

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Funny that it's Republicans talking the most about Hillary in '08. She would lose rather easily to DeLay so I'm certain the Grand Old Party would love to see her as the Dem nominee. 


Both parties employ damage control, don't make this seem like the GOP encourages the airing of their dirty laundry and investigations. Everyone, in all walks of life, tries to fight any and all charges.

If DeLay is the best the GOP can come up with, we're gonna have a Democrat prez in 2008. I GUARANTEE THAT!

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 02:16 PM)
With all the talk here about media bias, I still haven't seen anyone respond to the fact that the case against the Clintons is laughably weak.  I mean, please, read the news article posted in here multiple times by myself and Balta.  10 years and this guy doesn't have one shred of evidence, of wrong-doing OR the supposed cover-up?  Come on.

Why would you respond to a legitimate question when you can bash the media instead?

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 23, 2006 -> 12:23 AM)
Why would you respond to a legitimate question when you can bash the media instead?

Rex, come on.


If this had anything to do with a Republican, it would be front page news the next day. See Tom DeLay. Different circumstances, same point.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 06:31 PM)
Rex, come on. 


If this had anything to do with a Republican, it would be front page news the next day.  See Tom DeLay.  Different circumstances, same point.


Kap, come on.


The press and the public couldn't get enough of the Lewinsky stuff. The Swifties were everywhere. I can't believe anyone can believe there is this great conspiracy to help the Dems by the media. If you are liberal, you see the media to your right, if you are conservative, you see them to the left. If you are a Sox fan you see everytime they are the #3 story on Sportscenter. Anyone notice the media bias against the Colorado Rockies?

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 07:23 PM)
Why would you respond to a legitimate question when you can bash the media instead?


Mostly because I had already explained this 6 different ways to Saturday and no one got it, so I quit wasting my time. Go back through my other posts and pick an answer out, because I have yet to see a question that I didn't already talk about.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 23, 2006 -> 03:14 AM)
Kap, come on.


The press and the public couldn't get enough of the Lewinsky stuff. The Swifties were everywhere. I can't believe anyone can believe there is this great conspiracy to help the Dems by the media. If you are liberal, you see the media to your right, if you are conservative, you see them to the left. If you are a Sox fan you see everytime they are the #3 story on Sportscenter. Anyone notice the media bias against the Colorado Rockies?

And where did the "swifties" get thier press? OPINION shows, ENTERTAINMENT shows, that the GOP Radio network decided to put on their shows. (Yes, they can pay for advertisement on the main tv stations, but that's paid advertising... if I had money I could do that too). Those types of programs are certainly not "mainstream" media. Why do they get so much attention? Because they actually somewhat balance the newspapers and the big 3 (or 4 if you count CNN) news networks. However, the newspapers and big (4) claim to be "NEWS ONLY" and not OPINION shows. Yet, through what they choose to report or not report, their bias shows through loud and clear, and that to me is the difference.

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I don't know what newspaper coverage you get but The Monitor and Valley Morning Star had a AP story on their front page almost every day regarding the swifties. They found every angle possible.


And the GOP radio network isn't mainstream? We must have different definitions of mainstream.


BTW, it seems that during the GRN shows, they also run news stories.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 22, 2006 -> 12:08 AM)
My prediction: Hillary Clinton wouldn't last to Super Tuesday.


She's been a very good Senator for New York. So much so that the GOP can't even find a real candidate to pit against her.


The next time an Elephant wins in New York or Illinois will be the same year a


donkey wins in Alaska.

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