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No hope for this team?


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Come on....give me a break. People are talking like the world is crashing down and that this White Sox team is hopeless and that we will lose.


I disagree.


Does anyone realize how many people in the lineup are underachieving and flat out hitting like crap right now? Off the top of my head....I can think of like 5....and there are a few others you could add into the list. I'm thinking Valentin, Ordonez, Konerko, Crede, and our CF platoon as a whole. You could probably add Lee, Thomas, and possibly Alomar as well.


If we get half of those guys going....we'll be on the right track.

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people look at the bottom line, losses.


this offense has been terrible. I think whoever thought this offense would be weak wouldn't of thought it would be this bad.


this is why you can't count out the season. if the talent is there when the season starts and no injuries happen during the season, things can turn around. the offense doesn't go from a sure bet to garbage in a couple months.


this team is no different then the one entering spring training was, which is when many saw a promising season ahead.


talent is here, just a matter of putting it together, which too many times for the Sox never happens, or should I say, never happens until time is up.

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One major thing that is happening here is that the hype of being possible World Series contenders is really getting to their heads. Unfortunately, I don't think they are going to snap out of this...


This team is as hopeless as Flint, Michigan!!!

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Would you stop running from the truth? This team sucks! I cant even hate Manuel anymore, hes a crappy manager but with this team I cant freakin blame him! This team just sucks. Face the inevitable truth and it wont hurt as much when it strikes...

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Would you stop running from the truth? This team sucks! I cant even hate Manuel anymore, hes a crappy manager but with this team I cant freakin blame him! This team just sucks. Face the inevitable truth and it wont hurt as much when it strikes...

Apparently, we'll see in August who's right and who's wrong.


I saw signs of life today....even without watching the game. If Crede hits 2 homers in 1 series...then that is an accomplishment, and he is obviously getting hot again.




Also...Jim....this team DOES have talent. It is the product on the field that counts. This bullpen could easily be the best in the league. The starting rotation could be one of the better ones as well....and once the offense comes around....you'll see a totally different picture.

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Would you stop running from the truth? This team sucks! I cant even hate Manuel anymore, hes a crappy manager but with this team I cant freakin blame him! This team just sucks. Face the inevitable truth and it wont hurt as much when it strikes...

And would you stop repeating the same s*** over and over again?


If this team is so bad, just leave this board. Why come here is all you're going to bring is negativity and comments that are geared at running down the Sox and those who are still hopeful that things will turn around?


I would hope you have better things going on in your life, but apparently not.

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Apparently, we'll see in August who's right and who's wrong.


I saw signs of life today....even without watching the game.  If Crede hits 2 homers in 1 series...then that is an accomplishment, and he is obviously getting hot again.




Also...Jim....this team DOES have talent.  It is the product on the field that counts.  This bullpen could easily be the best in the league.  The starting rotation could be one of the better ones as well....and once the offense comes around....you'll see a totally different picture.

August , what more do you have to see, there is not a switch in dugout to start hitting and winning it will not take until then to be 12 games under :huh:

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Molto, the talent is not there. That is the whole problem.


Jim , that's one of the few posts of yours that I have to vehemently disagree with...unless you equate "talent" with "results". In that case, Konerko, Magglio, White, Daubach, Rios and Crede and Koch are right where they should, who cares about career averages...


I still think that this is the most underachiving team in the last 5 years. At least Mets have injuries excuse.


To you honestly think Sox have less talent than Florida, Montreal, Baltimore, Toronto, Kansas City, Minnesota, Texas, Cubs, Pirates, Marlins, Rockies, DiBacks, Mets, etc?

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Apparently, we'll see in August who's right and who's wrong.


I saw signs of life today....even without watching the game.  If Crede hits 2 homers in 1 series...then that is an accomplishment, and he is obviously getting hot again.




Also...Jim....this team DOES have talent.  It is the product on the field that counts.  This bullpen could easily be the best in the league.  The starting rotation could be one of the better ones as well....and once the offense comes around....you'll see a totally different picture.

August , what more do you have to see, there is not a switch in dugout to start hitting and winning it will not take until then to be 12 games under :huh:

There wasn't a switch in the dugout from June and July of last year to August and September of last year except Don Cooper, the pitching coach, in late June. Somehow, I suppose by "magic", the offense just came to life after two lifeless months.


This team just likes to take 2 months off sometime during the year.....whether it be early in the year(2001 and thus far 2003) or in the middle(2002). They then come to life.

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And would you stop repeating the same s*** over and over again?


If this team is so bad, just leave this board.  Why come here is all you're going to bring is negativity and comments that are geared at running down the Sox and those who are still hopeful that things will turn around? 


I would hope you have better things going on in your life, but apparently not.

Just if we fail, Im totally prepared. But you wont be and its gonna hurt when you finally realize the teams not that good...

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Just if we fail, Im totally prepared. But you wont be and its gonna hurt when you finally realize the teams not that good...

"If" we fail, or "when" we fail -- which is it?


And you failed to address my main argument -- if this team is that bad, why are you here?

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"If" we fail, or "when" we fail -- which is it?


And you failed to address my main argument -- if this team is that bad, why are you here?

Because I stick with this team thru the highs and lows. But unlike others here, who take this naive aproach that all is good and we cant lose, I dont hesitate to criticize those who need and deserve to be criticized...

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The one thing almost everyone agrees on is the fact that the Sox are flat out underachieving. I for one think they have the talent, but I don't recall a team with this type of talent playing this listessly for so long of a time. I want to hope they can turn it around and maybe a win like this can finally snap them out, but the concerns I have are the collars taken by the likes of Thomas, Valentin, Ordonez, Konerko, whoeever plays CF and Crede. Today Crede stepped up and so did Carlos Lee, who I think is the one bright light we have outside of the pitching. I have never seen such a disappointing display then what you see from Maggs and PK with a runner on first base. They are almost a cinch to GIDP. Frank is taking way to many good pitches and not hitting solid when he does make contact. The win over the Tigers Sunday came when hitters started going after Sparks' first pitch, which was most always a strike. They were aggressive.

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Because I stick with this team thru the highs and lows. But unlike others here, who take this naive aproach that all is good and we cant lose, I dont hesitate to criticize those who need and deserve to be criticized...

There aren't many people here who just blindly support the Sox, and NOBODY here thinks that all is good and that we can't lose. Some of us are more optimistic, but that's not blind support or being naive -- it's just being hopeful.


The bottom line is that we're about 50 games into the season. So to call what the Sox are in a "slump" is inaccurate. They're in a bad way right now, but there is enough time left to where they can make things right. It's not going to happen overnight, and it certainly won't come from a win over the Tigers. But, the Sox can use Sunday's win as a building block for this next week on the road. This is a critical road trip -- one in which we need to play .500+ (at least). If we can do that, all is not lost. If we do not, look for some changes to be made.


And "I am embarassed to be a Sox fan" doesn't make it sound like you are sticking with the team.

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I cant think of a time or day or second in which I didnt have hope for this team......HOPE is what keeps me being a Sox fan....DON'T know what I would do with out it



Yes. I "HOPE" we can win 80 games. ;)

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I cant think of a time or day or second in which I didnt have hope for this team......HOPE is what keeps me being a Sox fan....DON'T know what I would do with out it



Yes. I "HOPE" we can win 80 games. ;)

IF I hope that then I dont know what id do :lol:



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They aren't hitting with the bases empty, they aren't hitting (unless dp count) with guys on base, they aren't hitting early, they aren't hitting late. Is it too much pressure? Is it diminishing skills plus undeveloped skills multiplied by a slump?

I can't figure out what's wrong and I have zero faith that JM and KW can figure it out. When was the lsat time they looked like they were having fun? Have the time it looks like they're holding in a bowel movement.

You have to still have hope but the only path to the playoffs will be to catch the Twins and Royals.

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They aren't hitting with the bases empty, they aren't hitting (unless dp count) with guys on base, they aren't hitting early, they aren't hitting late.  Is it too much pressure? Is it diminishing skills plus undeveloped skills multiplied by a slump?

I can't figure out what's wrong and  I have zero faith that JM and KW can figure it out.  When was the lsat time they looked like they were having fun? Have the time it looks like they're holding in a bowel movement.

You have to still have hope but the only path to the playoffs will be to catch the Twins and Royals.

The big flaw is they aren't getting guys on base. One guy that would be an awesome pickup is Trot Nixon. I think the Red Sox would be interested in a bullpen/Konerko deal for Nixon and a prospect. The question is would trading Flash be worth getting Nixon.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

jas i disagree.. the biggest flaw here now is when they get on base they are not moving ... stranded on the paths is no way to win games...........

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jas i disagree.. the biggest flaw here now is when they get on base they are not moving ... stranded on the paths is no way to win games...........

Oh I agree with that too. I was really pissed last game in regards to that issue. From now on I've been making a list each game of when I disagree with JM and its happening a whole lot on the offensive side of things. And almost every time, if he listened to me, it would most likely of been better.


Note: These are all things I say before the fact, not after the fact. JM is pissing the hell out of me and its why I want him gone.

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