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Thomas may sign Elsewhere?


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In the article Michelled posted that was written by Crowley it talked about how Thomas has a lot of suitors?


Where does he get this stuff considering no one can make an offer or anything like that.


I think right now some teams may be intersted in them, but he's purely speculating. Still, if Frank finds a good offer then so be it.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

actually jason that article is correct with concerns to thomas's suitors.......i have a little inside tidbit of info( from a very reliable source) that will have frank going to one of those teams if in fact a decient deal with a few other things cant be reached here.........at this point in time i dont have any high hopes that thomas will be wearing silver and black come next season............

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Of course Frank is going to get an offer better than here, were the GM treats him like s***, the fans treat him like s***, the media treats him like s***.


I'm sure someone noticed that .365 average he had in September and figured they may as well take a chance with Frank.


Except Williams of course, who is a cock-sucking, yes man who doesn't have any brains when it comes to running a baseball team.

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no, he's a free agent, no compensation.


the whole point to this contract was to keep Thomas for cheap if he starts to play bad, or lose Thomas if he starts to play bad.


If Thomas leaves, I'll be a little upset, but the only reason he'll leave is if it's for 6-7 mil a year for 3-4 years. anything less and Thomas would be better of staying here for 3-5 million a year with the 40-45 mil coming later.

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He may get compensation Mario. It looks like free agent compensation still exists and won't come into play until next season.


The worldwide draft and all the compensation plans wil be on hold until next year as they still have to meet and agree with all that stuff.

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That would be my guess. I'd assume it would be right after the first round and we may even get a second one considering his stature.


Its too bad we didn't know this back in July cause I bet we may of just held onto Durham, but at that time compensation was supposed to be as good as done.


Ian, if your looking at this, can you verify this with me cause I know you've talked about this as well and I want to make sure I'm understanding it right.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Ian, if your looking at this, can you verify this with me cause I know you've talked about this as well and I want to make sure I'm understanding it right.


This is from an espn Q&A:


I've heard that the draft changes negotiated in the new Basic Agreement have been dropped. What's the scoop on that?



Answer: When the MLBPA and the owners negotiated a new agreement this summer, they supposedly agreed on a new structure for the draft. Free agent compensation with draft picks was eliminated, but teams that failed to sign a first-round pick would now be compensated with a pick in the same slot the next year.



But when the two sides got together in September to put the agreement on paper and get everything all signed and legalized, they found that they disagreed on what they'd agreed to in the countdown before the strike date (is that clear enough?). Unable to resolve the issue quickly, they decided to buck the whole idea of draft changes, including a possible world draft, to a committee for further study. The old draft rules have been restored for 2003, and possibly longer, depending on what happens with said committee.

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Originally posted by Nobody you know

Thomas would qualify as a type A free agent,and would be compensated with two draft picks.


I thought they got rid of all that with the new labor agreement they reached this season... unless it doesn't take until after this upcoming draft.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ok and two draft picks are going to do what to drive us to the winners circle this upcoming season?????? are you guys missing the whole picture here???.... if we have to wait 5 years for these draft picks to pan out thats another 5 years of rebuilding ......when does the rebuilding madness stop????? we need to do something now to lock a win for this upcoming season......and it aint going to get done with frank playing elsewhere and us getting two draft picks.........i honestly do not believe that for one minute you all would be satisfied with frank gone and us gaining two draft picks.....

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