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What do you think when you hear this?


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I was watching CMT, I think, and they had this reality show called like "So you wanna be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader" or something like that. This grown woman missed the cut again, which turned out to be her 7th or 8th try, and says to the camera with tears in her eyes....


"I just know that the Lord put it on my heart to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader..."



ok, so I'm a Christian, big surprise, but when I heard that I was like..."WTF?" (granted, I've heard this many, many times and all but 2 or 3 uses I actually bought)


What do y'all think when you hear something like that? No wonder people think we're absolutely nuts. *sigh*

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I always like the guys who thank the Lord that allowed them to win a football game. Right. Because if He does exist, he's got nothing better to do...


I'd also like to see just one player blame a loss on Him.


"We would have won if Jesus hadn't made me fumble in the 4th quarter!"



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Religion is only bad when weak-willed people use is to supplant thier own judgement and common sense. if you can't make a decision without consulting the Bible or Koran or whatever, there is somethign wrong with you. Having faith is good, but it can be taken too far. I too hate it when people thank God for whatever they had accomplished. If he truly helped you, that means he really hates the other guy since he made them lose.

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I knowmy talents, and my weaknesses, are God given. I think him daily for many gifts, but prefer to keep that private. I know that God wasn't pulling for me to sink a putt, but I thanked him for the two good arms and the eye/hand coordination. What we do with our talents is up to us.


I am never comfortable with the grandstanding. And I suspect some people use it as a PR ploy.

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Did anyone watch the last amazing race season? My old college roomate was on it and won, but their rivals was this family from FLA who would ask god for help on the clue every time they got to a checkpoint. I never understood how they could stand there and preach to everyone about their beliefs and then ask god for help in figuring out how to find a needle in a haystack.

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Some people believe it is every Christians responsibility to witness and lead others to the Lord. Some believe words are the key, others deeds. This also falls somewhat on your denomination.


We are also called to bear witness to the faith in all our works. It says in the book of Matthew, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." (Matt 5:16) It is through our works that others will come to see the faith that we have in God, and give glory to him. How are people supposed to see our faith in God if we don't live it out by doing good works? In the book of James he explains, "Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith." (James 2:18) It is impossible to show that you have faith, and therefore bear witness to your faith, unless it is lived out in your life. It is not enough simply to say that you have faith, for who will believe you if you act contrary to your faith. Bearing witness to our faith is a necessary part of having faith, and it is through the witness of our lives that others will come to believe and find salvation as well." (Excerpt from Faith and Works by Cindy Ray; online at www.catholic-convert.com)
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