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Saturday tailgaters


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The Zachs... Hugesoxfan... the gang of four (RPS, CK, Guido, Mr S)... NSC... HSC... YASNY... Steff... (anyone I forgot to mention, sorry)... it was so very good to see you all yesterday - my grandson thought you were all nice too! - sorry we had to leave early but had to hook up with a buddy and get in line and get that really nce glove, the grandkid was so thrilled with the glove ...


I forgot to tell the intrepid gang of four that on Friday night the kid and I got into a debate as to whether St JosE6 was any good or not - the 8 year old voted yes, I voted no - although he also does a fine impression of Jose falling on his ass while fielding like he did Froday night - that was the first thing he showed hismother this morning when I brought him home - :lol:


those who never get to the Cell, I feel badly for you - we had such great times Friday and Saturday for everything but the final scores and the lack of offense - baseball is more than wins and losses, it is friends and memories and being together and sharing our elation or our bewilderment or whatever we feel as we watch the games -


I can't say what I want to about what it means to me to see and be with my friends, and to share you all with my grandson - that's about as perfect as life gets -


as for the team, I have mystfied. They are not listless, but I have never in my life seen the hitting so weak for so long - I have no answers, no solutions, it does hurt though -


but the outstanding memories of another couple of games at the Cell will include spending time, albeit too short, with you all -



edit note: since there has no response to the good to see you all post, I will restrain in the futire of posting things like that - whether no one was happy to see me, or my sentimenticality is too great, I'll refrain and keep it to myself, no problem! ;)

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Right now the Sox have two things they could do. They could make some serious changes hoping to jump start the team while also trying to cut some payroll allowing the Sox to sign Colon to a long term deal NOW.


Or they could sit still and hope this listless offense turns things around. I'm young so I haven't seen as much baseball as some, but I can't remember a team having such a bad offense for so long and just turning it on during that same year without any changes made. This doesn't have speed to make up for slumps and thats why this team isn't built for the long haul. Fast teams that play defense stay out of losing streaks and in turn can play .500 ball when terrible, and when they are good they can absolutely dominate.


Plus in the playoffs, when your up against the very best you have to manufacture, play defense and pitch to win. The Sox can do the pitching (I strongly believe that), but they lack the offense and speed to make up for it. We saw what the 2000 offense did in the playoffs and they were way quicker then this offense. Ray was fast, Jose was way faster then he is now, plus Singleton had speed. I guess it wasn't really much faster, but the Sox were much more agressive then.


Williams needs to start making moves. Billy Bean wouldn't wait and he's one of the few gms that I've noticed that isn't afraid to shake things up when they aren't working.


Also, I have to say that I am now turning to the firing of both Williams and Manuel. I think Williams did a good job this past season, BUT, blame has to be given for the Sox failing as much as they have. I think Manuel and Williams should share in the blame and both take the fall. Then some serious changes need to be made immediately because these guys getting fired isn't going to be what it takes to fire this club up. This club isn't playing without heart, they are just playing like crap, and you play like crap for 2 months and your a crappy team in my book.


Slumps only last so long, if it goes over a certain period its a trend, not a slump. To fix that trend, you make a change.

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I'm old and never seen the Sox so punchless on offense.

I'm not only talking about the Sox either. I do wonder has any team ever stayed crappy for 2 months, never made any changes, and all of a sudden become one of the top offenses in the majors all in one season?


I don't freaking see it happening. I mean its possible if you had a bunch of stud prospects developing, but thats not the case with this team. We are mainly a veteran team offensively (With a few young guys in the back of the lineup).

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teams have heated up but not from where we are now to where we thought we would be, that span is too great. We have to develop a lot to go from weak hitting to light hitting. Too much ground to cover to ever be great hitting this season.

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Was good to see the faces of the diehards..... cause after Saturday's pathetic display, good friends, food, and alcoholic beverages are the only reason to go to the Cell..... God knows, seeing a team play corpseball is much easier to digest while the alcoholic beverages are flowing :cheers


To Zach..... thanks for the hot dogs :headbang


To Jim..... thanks for the steak sandwich :headbang

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I should be able to meet you guys sometime soon, since I'm gonna get a car probably sometime next month. I've already found a nice insurance plan and know what kind of car I'm looking at. I can't wait to meet all of you...We can really create a good friendship, this I KNOW from what I've heard from all of you guys and all the fun you have together.


cwsox, I can wear a "Detroit Sucks" t-shirt. ;)

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I flew all the way put there and was to stupid to find the right parking lot to meet most of ya's, but I'll be back again and am really greatfull for the memories, the 14000 or so that were crazy enough to stay with me opening day was the best small crowd yet still crazy I've been to a game with.

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The Zachs... Hugesoxfan... the gang of four (RPS, CK, Guido, Mr S)... NSC... HSC... YASNY... Steff... (anyone I forgot to mention, sorry)... it was so very good to see you all yesterday - my grandson thought you were all nice too! - sorry we had to leave early but had to hook up with a buddy and get in line and get that really nce glove, the grandkid was so thrilled with the glove ...


I forgot to tell the intrepid gang of four that on Friday night the kid and I got into a debate as to whether St JosE6 was any good or not - the 8 year old voted yes, I voted no - although he also does a fine impression of Jose falling on his ass while fielding like he did Froday night - that was the first thing he showed hismother this morning when I brought him home -  :lol:


those who never get to the Cell, I feel badly for you - we had such great times Friday and Saturday for everything but the final scores and the lack of offense - baseball is more than wins and losses, it is friends and memories and being together and sharing our elation or our bewilderment or whatever we feel as we watch the games -


I can't say what I want to about what it means to me to see and be with my friends, and to share you all with my grandson - that's about as perfect as life gets - 


as for the team, I have mystfied.  They are not listless, but I have never in my life seen the hitting so weak for so long - I have no answers, no solutions, it does hurt though -


but the outstanding memories of another couple of games at the Cell will include spending time, albeit too short, with you all -



edit note: since there has no response to the good to see you all post, I will restrain in the futire of posting things like that - whether no one was happy to see me, or my sentimenticality is too great, I'll refrain and keep it to myself, no problem!  ;)

Sorry, haven't been on here all weekend, I have been busy with other things.

Of course it was great to see you again, as well as everyone else. I hope we get to meet for many more this year.

Cubkilla, no problem, I was happy to share with you all. I wish I had brought even more, but I figured that GUG would be there with enough food for 1000 people.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

it was great to see you all again..... and dont foreget we do it all again for the cleveland game this friday at the bar instead.......HSC=P.O.D AT GUG ......but i love the rest of you guys... zach thanks for everything and mrs. zach finally out to a game with us was wonderful.. shes a doll....tell other zach he really needs to get into red heads lol.....and we saw hugesoxfan sunday at the game.. we were sitting out by him i still want my lap dance.........steff sorry about the maury comment but thats all i heard for the whole nite..... ;) so i had to let ya know.......lol.....as for the whiffle ball playoffs.. its killa and guido who are winning against maury and showtime... it was in my back yard at about midnite lol.........game under the lites..... :D glad everyone could make it out and it was great to hang with yas and see ya all again...even though the team sucks at least we have great company to drown our sorrows in .......lol.......ill be posting the next tailgate as soon as we make our other plans for louieville to see the knights play and such final...........

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I almost missed this thread. Meeting all you good people was great. I enjoyed the company, the comraderie and even everyone b****ing and moaning about how the team is playing. That's part of being a Sox fan. :D I hope to get the chance to come back up again very soon and do this all over again. Thanks to everyone for your openness and kindness with a special thanks to HSC looking out for me this weekend.

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........steff sorry about the maury comment but thats all i heard for the whole nite..... ;) so i had to let ya know.......lol.....

What Maury comment. What the hell did I miss..??


cw it was great to finally meet you.. your grandson is a doll!


As usual it was fun with the guys. Jim had a blast, and now knows why I LMAO while reading this board!


I'm mad at GUG, too. I was huuuuunnnggrrryyy!!


We're trying to make it tomorrow night. Right now there is a conflict but we're attempting to reschedule.


If we don't make it I know I'll see many of you at more games this year - even you Michelle!! I know you're lying about giving up those tickets ;)





By the way.. I was working on the pool all weekend and this is the first time I saw this thread. I would never ignore YOU cw!! ;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I know you're lying about giving up those tickets 


no maam...not a lie there... i promise ya that if we dont turn things around by the all star break ill have tons of seats to sell off and i wont step foot in that park again till jr dies or gives it up......period !!!!! ill get season tickets to the barons or knights , rack up the frequent flyer miles and enjoy minor ball for a while..........no kidding about it........

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Yeah, yeah, yeah, bla, bla, bla...


Now.. what the hell is the "maury comment"..?  :huh:

lol when we all got back to my house the other nite.. we got on line and killa made me put up what maury had been blabbing about all nite... that steff, she is doo able..... ;) ....i know thats pretty much all he talked about when he got here to the house.......maybe i wasnt supposed to let that out??? :huh: oh well .. now ya know....... :D



btw you have no idea how very close i came to not renewing this year... im still kicking myself for letting my brother talk me into this s***............and thats no lie..... :angry:

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, bla, bla, bla...


Now.. what the hell is the "maury comment"..?  :huh:

lol when we all got back to my house the other nite.. we got on line and killa made me put up what maury had been blabbing about all nite... that steff, she is doo able..... ;) ....i know thats pretty much all he talked about when he got here to the house.......maybe i wasnt supposed to let that out??? :huh: oh well .. now ya know....... :D

Oh geez.. where is that at? On the board? Good grief.. how much beer did that boy drink? Hmm.. maybe it's a good think you guys didn't come over for some skinny dippin' then ;)

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btw you have no idea how very close i came to not renewing this year... im still kicking myself for letting my brother talk me into this s***............and thats no lie..... :angry:

Actually I do know. We went back and forth for a good 2 months this winter talking about it. My grama almost didn't want her's either. But it would be just our luck that we don't get them and they win it all :lolhitting

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