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"This is starting to border on really bad"


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I applaud Hawk. He's forced to sit there and watch the Sox stink it up game after game, and there aren't many people who are bigger fans of this team than he is, but he has to pretty much keep silent.


He doesn't have the luxury of screaming out "f***KKKKKKKKKKKK" everytime the Sox f*** up like we at home or in the stands do. He's also got to be PC and try to keep the fans at home interested. He can't say "This team sucks" or "It's over", because WGN wants people to keep the game tuned in.


Hawk is great, and I don't think he gets enough credit for how good he does under VERY difficult circumstances.

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I applaud Hawk.  He's forced to sit there and watch the Sox stink it up game after game, and there aren't many people who are bigger fans of this team than he is, but he has to pretty much keep silent.


He doesn't have the luxury of screaming out "f***KKKKKKKKKKKK" everytime the Sox f*** up like we at home or in the stands do.  He's also got to be PC and try to keep the fans at home interested.  He can't say "This team sucks" or "It's over", because WGN wants people to keep the game tuned in. 


Hawk is great, and I don't think he gets enough credit for how good he does under VERY difficult circumstances.

Between innings he is saying every 4 letter word he knows

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I applaud Hawk.  He's forced to sit there and watch the Sox stink it up game after game, and there aren't many people who are bigger fans of this team than he is, but he has to pretty much keep silent.


He doesn't have the luxury of screaming out "f***KKKKKKKKKKKK" everytime the Sox f*** up like we at home or in the stands do.  He's also got to be PC and try to keep the fans at home interested.  He can't say "This team sucks" or "It's over", because WGN wants people to keep the game tuned in. 


Hawk is great, and I don't think he gets enough credit for how good he does under VERY difficult circumstances.

He also gets paid lots of money to watch baseball. Give me a f***ing break lol..... :rolleyes:

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Well you heard him and DJ ripping Manuel. They were both commenting on how stupid it was not bunting with Alomar and I couldn't agree more. Jm is just sitting hoping for the homer and for once it happened, but that doesn't mean he did the right job managing.

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Well you heard him and DJ ripping Manuel.  They were both commenting on how stupid it was not bunting with Alomar and I couldn't agree more.  Jm is just sitting hoping for the homer and for once it happened, but that doesn't mean he did the right job managing.

99 out of 100 times, his dumbass moves(or lack of) backfires.

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99 out of 100 times, his dumbass moves(or lack of) backfires.

Down 3, runners on 1st and 2nd with 0 out, Alomar DEFINITELY should have been bunting. But, for once we did something fundamentally wrong and it didn't come back to bite us in the ass.

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Down 3, runners on 1st and 2nd with 0 out, Alomar DEFINITELY should have been bunting.  But, for once we did something fundamentally wrong and it didn't come back to bite us in the ass.

Thats the thing, people say Manuel manages to small ball, but that was absolutely stupid not bunting. Especially considering Alomar has been in a slump. I understand if its Maggs at the plate, but Alomar isn't Maggs.


We are damn lucky he didn't hit into a double freakin play. I don't give a damn that the result was a grandslam cause it still wasn't proper. I'll take it, but it was stupid managing. He should be fired. He does stupid things all the time.

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It is completely different in the dugout and front office.  That is like saying Billy Beane is a great GM so he must have been a great player.

Dude hawk has baseball knowledge, but that does not translate to leading people or making the proper decisions. He has proven that.

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It is completely different in the dugout and front office.  That is like saying Billy Beane is a great GM so he must have been a great player.

I agree, I would take Hawk over f***in Manuel anyday of the week to manage this club

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Dude hawk has baseball knowledge, but that does not translate to leading people or making the proper decisions.  He has proven that.

He has baseball knowledge, not personel knowledge. He knows how to play the game, and what needs to be done, at what stage of a ball game. The leading people part is the part that I wonder about. And being the GM doesn't have much to do with leading people, unless you are Kenny Williams who interferes with the day to day management of a club. All the GM should have contact with is the Manager.

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He has baseball knowledge, not personel knowledge.  He knows how to play the game, and what needs to be done, at what stage of a ball game.  The leading people part is the part that I wonder about.  And being the GM doesn't have much to do with leading people, unless you are Kenny Williams who interferes with the day to day management of a club.  All the GM should have contact with is the Manager.

DO you remember him as gm? He was horrible.

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DO you remember him as gm?  He was horrible.

I am not saying he was a good GM, he was HORRIBLE. But that has nothing to do with being a FIELD MANAGER. It is a completely different job. Has anyone every gone from being a good field manager to a good general manager in baseball, or vice versa?

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I am not saying he was a good GM, he was HORRIBLE.  But that has nothing to do with being a FIELD MANAGER.  It is a completely different job.  Has anyone every gone from being a good field manager to a good general manager in baseball, or vice versa?

ANything is possible. Personally, I wouldnt give the guy a chance considering he was given a chance as gm and failed miserably.

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Well Brenly did a solid job from the booth to the dugout.

Who was the Astros manager that came from the booth to manage the stros? I think he resigned a couple years ago..I should know this but my mind is drawing a blank..which happens alot :bang

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