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Walk For LIfe West Coast march -


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1. Heads, indeed that photo is f***ing hilarious.


2. f*** the Spartacus League. They're a bunch of morons. (and I say that through owning them in a personal debate when they appeared on the UIUC campus)


3. f*** the Black Bloc. A group of wannabe hardcore holier than thou "activists" wanting more to have an excuse for vandalism than actually doing anything productive. I'd call them retarded but don't want to offend the mentally challenged.


However, I don't agree with the point that the marchers were making (the pro-lifers that is) Merely banning abortion and overturning Roe v Wade will not do anything to end abortion as a practice. It will merely make it more dangerous. It is a dangerous precedent to set up laws based on the preference of a certain group of people based off of a certain religiously inspired way of thinking. I'm of the mind that abortion should be legal, safe and rare.


When we live in a society that represses legitimate discourse of sexuality (i.e. abstinence only in schools, many parents not knowing how to talk to their kids about it, many parents simply unwilling to talk about it with their kids, etc.) and then wonders why we have so many abortions. Add in the lengthy discourse about problems with racial bias in the drug war, poverty, redlining etc. and it is no wonder why we've got a problem of people unable to take care of these kids. I'm not saying all pro-lifers, but there are some (I'm really thinking hardline party Republicans here in the vein of Bush etc.) that really want these fetuses born. However, then they cut the funds for food stamps, welfare, job assistance programs, etc.


Until America is ready to have a legitimate discussion like adults about the issue -- by tying up all the zealots and gagging them in the back in order to let rational people discuss the issue, then it is no wonder we've got lots of societal problems.


PS: They were marching near the Wharf (which is near my brother's place when he is not at work in Michigan...I've walked around where they were marching)


/back to my regularly scheduled unit planning about the Industrial Revolution for 7th graders

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