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Brett Favre leaning toward retirement

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QUOTE(ChWRoCk2 @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 06:34 AM)
All I have to say is that he has given the packers lots of good seasons under their belt and has had an amazing career, I really hope he stays.  If he goes Rodgers shouldnt be too bad he does have good receivers to work with but hes no big ben or tom brady.

Kinda hard to determine how good/bad Rodgers is when he hasn't started a single NFL game yet. Let's wait and see.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 02:20 PM)
Then he isn't fan friendly. Leagues want players to be good to the fans through the media. They fine players for not reporting for manditory media days etc. It's a no win for Favre.


favre is already established as fan-friendly. choosing to not answer a question is not going to change that any more than it hurt him when he blew off the postgame media session after the packers lost badly on mnf. i can guaranteee no one would think less of him if he chose not to address a topic that he's not made a decision on.


when mort asked the question favre could easily have said "i'm here to talk about mike holmgren. this is his week" and not suffered any repercussions, image or otherwise.

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So Brett Favre is still on the fence about coming back? Whatever. Here’s what is the most annoying thing about this ongoing saga. The guy is acting like a freaking WOMAN! Dude, make up your mind. Only chicks hem and haw like this. Either get the balls to say “I am so pissed off about how last year went down, there’s no way I’m going out on that!” Or just say, “hey, it’s been great, but time to move on. Green Bay, you will always be in my heart.”


Now here’s the interesting swerve I would like to see thrown into the equation. What if the Packers came out right now and said: “We would love to have Favre back, but primarily as a back-up and mentor for Aaron Rodgers. Of course we’ll pay him his full salary, but we really think this is an important year to move forward. Not only could Brett help mentor this young man in real-time game situations, but it’s reassuring to know that we’ve got a veteran backup ready to play if needed.”


Now, if Favre quickly says “I’m out” then you knew what his real intentions were all along. He wants to come back to play for HIMSELF first and foremost, nothing else. And sure, maybe he’s earned the right not to have to carry a clipboard. I’m okay with that. But at least this way, you can tell more about his true motivation for a possible return.

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Nobody just makes up their mind like that.... just think Clemens in baseball...


And if Favre comes back its not to sit and watch Rodgers play thats just ridiculous....A guy like Brett isnt going to have his last season in the NFL holding a clipboard... if it said If the packers get out of contention tell Favre they will start Rodgers thats one thing but to ask Favre to be a backup :bang





And im a Bears fan...

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The difference here is that Clemens doesnt lead the team, every game. He makes a difference every 5 days. Everything the Packers need to do hinges on Favre's decision. We know it isnt an easy decision, but he hasnt been helping his team the past 3 years with this retirement threat bulls***. Because he has been so wishy washy about it, the Pack have been stuck in neutral on draft day for the past 3 years because they arent sure where they should start. If Brett doesnt have the fire, he should go.

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You could see how torn Favre is about the decision right now.

The way I heard it, he basically said he doesn't REALLY want to quit, but he also doesn't want to suffer another season like this past one.

Can't blame him for that at all.

I just hope he comes to a decision that he can live with comfortably.

I like Favre, mostly because my wife is a Wisconsinite and therefore a Packer fan. Since I don't really care about football, it was easy to ignore the hatred most Chicagoans have for the green and gold and cheer for the Pack.

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Yeah if this wasnt a Bear heavy board they prob would be like he needs more time blah blah blah... but since almost everyone here hates the packers which they should they obviously arent big Brett Favre fans lol.....


They have Aaron Rodgers so what Favre does shouldnt affect their draft or anything id give him all the time he needs to make his decision up until training camp.

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QUOTE(Cuck the Fubs @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 07:37 PM)
If he retires, he'd have completly screwed them. Rodgers didn't play much, FARVE played horrible this year, and they won't be in a position to draft Young, Bush, Lienart or White. Here's to the Packers sucking for a very long time! :cheers  :cheers  :cheers


whose Farve?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 30, 2006 -> 08:58 AM)
The entire sports world must stop for two weeks out of respect for the Super Bowl. The public can only care about one thing at a time.  We want 24/7 Super Bowl coverage. Let's hear about what some obscure lineman eats for breakfast.


Damn, NBA playing games. The NBA even orchestrated the Artest trade/no trade/trade to steal the limelight.




I think most people can pay attention to more than one story. I can't believe there has been any Super Bowl story that you are missing because a HoF QB is contemplating retirement.



But shouldn't the "biggest player in the game" show a little more respect for the "biggest event" in his game?

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 03:50 PM)
But shouldn't the "biggest player in the game" show a little more respect for the "biggest event" in his game?

If the NFL wanted to reduce this type of story, they'd cut out the 2-week wait for their championship game.

All these news/sports outlets are looking for something to talk about, so they're going to pick at whatever bones they see lying around.

I'm guessing these media outlets pester guys worse than telemarketers. At some point I bet they talk just to get them to stop asking.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 03:50 PM)
But shouldn't the "biggest player in the game" show a little more respect for the "biggest event" in his game?


Shouldn't the "biggest player in the game" including a Super Bowl victory, know what is expected and accepted from a player during this time? Maybe, even more than fans on a message board? I haven't heard any players complaining.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 05:13 PM)
Shouldn't the "biggest player in the game" including a Super Bowl victory, know what is expected and accepted from a player during this time? Maybe, even more than fans on a message board? I haven't heard any players complaining.


O.K., I'll go with ya there. But this person on a message board is hardly a fan of anything NFL/football related. :D

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