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Omgz my SAT scores are available!!!


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I am not sure about now, but 3 years ago or so, this wasn't the case, and I know for sure Loyola, DePaul, Northwestern, etc did not require SATs to be taken if the GPA, ACT, extra-car activities  and the admission essay met their standard. 35 on ACT alone would get you into nearly every*** college if your GPA is high.  I know Nat had straight A's. 


Again, I will have to check with with her to be sure. 


(***- I am not sure about UofC, Ivy Leagues, etc though.)

No your right, the ACT is an alternative version instead of taking the SAT. I think more and more schools are going towards it. Your also right in regards to college not being for everyone.

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I am not sure about now, but 3 years ago or so, this wasn't the case, and I know for sure Loyola, DePaul, Northwestern, etc did not require SATs to be taken if the GPA, ACT, extra-car activities  and the admission essay met their standard. 35 on ACT alone would get you into nearly every*** college if your GPA is high.  I know Nat had straight A's. 


Again, I will have to check with with her to be sure. 


(***- I am not sure about UofC, Ivy Leagues, etc though.)

No your right, the ACT is an alternative version instead of taking the SAT. I think more and more schools are going towards it. Your also right in regards to college not being for everyone.

How recent is this..? 5 years? Definitely not 10 years. Back then the ACT wasn't even a required test.

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So perhaps it was required 10 years ago..? I did mention that in the start of this mess 10 years ago you did have to have SAT scores to get into anything other than community college - because I honestly believed that to be the case when I was graduating HS. Maybe things have changed? Money hungry college bastards. All they want is the $$ anyway.


You spoke with such absolute certainty that the whole thing seemed surreal really...I didn't know the phrase "All non-community college school need SATs" was meant to be a question


Yes, ACT is an acceptable equvalent of SAT tests in many private schools. If you have great peripherals and recommnedation, there is definately a way not avoid taking. NW (Evanston campus right?) is no aexception even if their GPA, ACT etc standards are definately higher than those of DePaul, Loyola, etc.

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No your right, the ACT is an alternative version instead of taking the SAT. I think more and more schools are going towards it. Your also right in regards to college not being for everyone.


Goddamn Chisoxfn and Steff, you guys made me doubt my memory, or worse, Nat's honesty.


Not cool :fyou

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I am not sure about now, but 3 years ago or so, this wasn't the case, and I know for sure Loyola, DePaul, Northwestern, etc did not require SATs to be taken if the GPA, ACT, extra-car activities  and the admission essay met their standard. 35 on ACT alone would get you into nearly every*** college if your GPA is high.  I know Nat had straight A's. 


Again, I will have to check with with her to be sure. 


(***- I am not sure about UofC, Ivy Leagues, etc though.)

No your right, the ACT is an alternative version instead of taking the SAT. I think more and more schools are going towards it. Your also right in regards to college not being for everyone.

How recent is this..? 5 years? Definitely not 10 years. Back then the ACT wasn't even a required test.

ACT was just starting up when I was taking my tests. I think it had been around, but was gaining steam. I never took the test but I had some friends that did. It was supposed to be either, but it is accepted at most colleges now without taking the SAT's; as long as you do good enough.


I just took the SAT's because they were the preferred method and you could use them at all schools. I remember right after I took the test that things were changing. I also had to take SATII"s for one or two schools that I applied and got into. I think University of Washington was one of them. It ended up being a waste of time though because I never went to those schools, decided to save the money and instead transfer after I get my undergrad.


How it is now, I couldn't exactly say, but I'm guessing its similar. I'll have to ask my sis, she's a junior in highschool so I'd guess she'd know more. Either way, its the GPA that is more important at getting in, and I still and always will find it stupid that someone could get good grades and think one test would ruin them. It would probably end their hopes of an ivy league, but there are plenty of good schools out there.

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Goddamn Chisoxfn and Steff, you guys made me doubt my memory, or worse, Nat's honesty.


Not cool  :fyou

Only reason I questioned you is I thought you mean she didn't take any of them. I'm with you that someone can get into a school without taking the SAT if they take the ACT.


Of course some schools don't accept the ACT's, but for that you just have to check the requirements I guess.

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You spoke with such absolute certainty that the whole thing seemed surreal really...I didn't know the phrase "All non-community college school need SATs" was meant to be a question


Yes, ACT is an acceptable equvalent of SAT tests in many private schools.  If you have great peripherals and recommnedation, there is definately a way not avoid taking. NW (Evanston campus right?) is no aexception even if their GPA, ACT etc standards are definately higher than those of DePaul, Loyola, etc.

Show me where I said that please...


And if you have my quote mixed up and it's from the post that starts out "In 1990..." then I think that speaks for itself.



As for NW - Just passing along what I was told. Tony said his son had to take the SAT.

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You spoke with such absolute certainty that the whole thing seemed surreal really...I didn't know the phrase "All non-community college school need SATs" was meant to be a question


Yes, ACT is an acceptable equvalent of SAT tests in many private schools.  If you have great peripherals and recommnedation, there is definately a way not avoid taking. NW (Evanston campus right?) is no aexception even if their GPA, ACT etc standards are definately higher than those of DePaul, Loyola, etc.

Show me where I said that please...


And if you have my quote mixed up and it's from the post that starts out "In 1990..." then I think that speaks for itself.



As for NW - Just passing along what I was told. Tony said his son had to take the SAT.

I called you out on "37" thing because I was under the impression you didn't know what ACT was since I know you graduated in late 80's and SAT might have been the only scholastic measurement at that time.....You jumping on my typo is unwarranted since in the previous paragraph it clearly states what I meant...


In your posts you definately tried to ridicule me as though my information was way out-there and faulty....instead of--GASP--trying to verify your own "I don;t see how private schools don't require SAT" arguement. Just because your friend's son took one doesn't mean ACT is not a legitimate substitute, ya know? 35 on ACT and great peripherals is considered to be top notch regardless of SAT.......Ivy Leagues may be different but even they make a ton of exceptions when a student fits their profile. And NW as good as it's academically is Top 10, not Ivy League, lol....


So WTF, are you doing your best Oldroman impresonation or what? He too never admits he could ever be wrong.

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I am not sure, exactly, we didn't go out then.  I think it was her senior year and she already got in NW so she said f*** it.  Or maybe she got scared that she would get low scores under pressure, I know that's the reason she refuses to this day take an IQ test. Ignorance is bliss type thing, lol.

NW = North Western?


Someone correct me if I am wrong but in order to get into college you HAVE to take it, right? That's the way I remember it in 1990.

NW = North Western?


Someone correct me if I am wrong but in order to get into college you HAVE to take it, right? That's the way I remember it in 1990


Never went to college, woudn't know anything about NW admission process.


I am gonna ask her...

I got accepted to Northwestern University and I don't ever remember applying there (nor did I ever write a check for the admission's fee).




And I never took the SATs... Seemed like everyone who did well on the ACTs didn't do as well on the SATs and vice versa. That and I didn't apply to any schools outside of the Midwest.

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You spoke with such absolute certainty that the whole thing seemed surreal really...I didn't know the phrase "All non-community college school need SATs" was meant to be a question


Yes, ACT is an acceptable equvalent of SAT tests in many private schools.  If you have great peripherals and recommnedation, there is definately a way not avoid taking.   NW (Evanston campus right?) is no aexception even if their GPA, ACT etc standards are definately higher than those of DePaul, Loyola, etc.

Show me where I said that please...


And if you have my quote mixed up and it's from the post that starts out "In 1990..." then I think that speaks for itself.



As for NW - Just passing along what I was told. Tony said his son had to take the SAT.

I called you out on "37" thing because I was under the impression you didn't know what ACT was since I know you graduated in late 80's and SAT might have been the only scholastic measurement at that time.....You jumping on my typo is unwarranted since in the previous paragraph it clearly states what I meant...


In your posts you definately tried to ridicule me as though my information was way out-there and faulty....instead of--GASP--trying to verify your own "I don;t see how private schools don't require SAT" arguement. Just because your friend's son took one doesn't mean ACT is not a legitimate substitute, ya know? 35 on ACT and great peripherals is considered to be top notch regardless of SAT.......Ivy Leagues may be different but even they make a ton of exceptions when a student fits their profile. And NW as good as it's academically is Top 10, not Ivy League, lol....


So WTF, are you doing your best Oldroman impresonation or what? He too never admits he could ever be wrong.

The 37 was a typo.


And I did not graduate in the 80's. 10 years ago...


And I said several times in my posts that I was referring to TEN YEARS AGO. What part did you not comprehend?


I posted what I was told about NW - said that, too. But somehow you missed it. Not ONCE did I say I knew the requirements TODAY. I even asked.


I can most definitely admit when I am wrong. Show me where I was wrong and I'll admit it.

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"I don;t see how private schools don't require SAT"

By the way.. I never said this.


And I never said that the ACT was NOT a substitute. Just posted what Tony told me. This is his THIRD kid there.. I assumed he would know.

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I am not sure, exactly, we didn't go out then.  I think it was her senior year and she already got in NW so she said f*** it.  Or maybe she got scared that she would get low scores under pressure, I know that's the reason she refuses to this day take an IQ test. Ignorance is bliss type thing, lol.

NW = North Western?


Someone correct me if I am wrong but in order to get into college you HAVE to take it, right? That's the way I remember it in 1990.

NW = North Western?


Someone correct me if I am wrong but in order to get into college you HAVE to take it, right? That's the way I remember it in 1990


Never went to college, woudn't know anything about NW admission process.


I am gonna ask her...

I got accepted to Northwestern University and I don't ever remember applying there (nor did I ever write a check for the admission's fee).




And I never took the SATs... Seemed like everyone who did well on the ACTs didn't do as well on the SATs and vice versa. That and I didn't apply to any schools outside of the Midwest.

Hey doub.. thanks for quoting this. Now Brando.. as you can see I clearly was NOT sure and was asking.

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Got my scores back today, got a 1220. Thought I would have done better on the Math, but Verbal was right where I thought it would be.


Math: 630

Verbal: 590

Total: 1220

Great Job!!!



Any idea where you are going to college?

Indiana University, majoring in Sports Management.

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Got my scores back today, got a 1220. Thought I would have done better on the Math, but Verbal was right where I thought it would be.


Math: 630

Verbal: 590

Total: 1220

Great Job!!!



Any idea where you are going to college?

Indiana University, majoring in Sports Management.

They have that there? Wow! I started some of this s*** by asking what was good for SAT's never got answered, but I got 1250, when I did it, sounds ok given some comparaison, doubt I'll ever use em, but who gives a crap I guess.

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There is something about  uncalled for "asshole" and "wind-sock" that stears a hot-head like me the wrong way.


I am sure you understand. Go in peace.

I understand that you can dish it.. but you can't take it.


Didn't want to respond to any of my points? Didn't want to admit that you were wrong?


Not terribly surprised.


Have a wonderful hump day!

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Got my scores back today, got a 1220. Thought I would have done better on the Math, but Verbal was right where I thought it would be.


Math: 630

Verbal: 590

Total: 1220

Great Job!!!



Any idea where you are going to college?

Indiana University, majoring in Sports Management.

SWEET!!! IU is a great school. You'll have a great experience there.

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I understand that you can dish it.. but you can't take it.


So I guess trying to asnwer your question(s) pertaining to testing/admission thingy may be construed in some circles as "dishing it out"...Good to know.


Didn't want to respond to any of my points? Didn't want to admit that you were wrong?


Oh God...what did I do this time? :)

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So I guess trying to asnwer your question(s) pertaining to testing/admission thingy may be construed in some circles as "dishing it out"...Good to know. 




Oh God...what did I do this time? :)

No Brando. My "don't be an asshole" and calling you a windsock were in jest. Sorry I didn't use green. Thought you'd get it when I arrogantly said "I called you one cause I can" and added the :bringit guy.


No more joking with you..

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