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E. Iowa man convicted of kidnapping/murder


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This is sickening, if you read what he did.


Bentley guilty of kidnapping, murdering Jetseta Gage




January 31, 2006



Davenport, Ia. – The family of Jetseta Gage, a 10-year-old girl who was raped and murdered by convicted sex offender Roger Bentley, said child killers should be put to death.


About 20 family members smiled and cried as a jury convicted Bentley of first-degree murder and kidnapping after less than three hours of deliberations Tuesday in Scott County. But Jetseta's great-aunt was grim later when she called for Iowans to push for the death penalty.


"I think if you rape and murder a child, you deserve death," Jenny Slight said.


Bentley, 38, of Brandon, was convicted of kidnapping Jetseta from her Cedar Rapids house last March, raping her and killing her in a vacant Johnson County mobile home.


The brutal crime caused Senate Republicans last year to propose a bill that would have reinstated the death penalty in cases when a child was abducted, raped and killed. The bill was blocked by Senate Democrats, but not before a lively debate about capital punishment. Iowa abolished the death penalty in 1965.


A new discussion about re-instating the death penalty isn't likely, even given the Bentley verdict, a lawmaker said Tuesday.


"The reality is that everybody in the Senate knows there's not enough votes to pass the death penalty in the Iowa Senate," said Sen. Mike Gronstal, D-Council Bluffs.


Republican Sen. Larry McKibben, of Marshalltown, a proponent of the death penalty, could not be reached for comment.


Bentley sat motionless as Judge Patrick Grady read the verdict around 2:15 p.m. Tuesday. The now twice-convicted sex offender has family in eastern Iowa, but none attended the seven-day trial in Davenport. The case was moved to Scott County because of publicity in Iowa City and Davenport.


Bentley's sentencing is set for Feb. 24 in Johnson County. His charges carry mandatory life prison terms.


Jurors in the case said they believed the prosecution's account of Jetseta's final hours.


"I think there was evidence to show that Roger Bentley was the person who murdered, kidnapped and raped Jetseta Gage," said Peter Miller, a commodities trader and jury foreman.


Johnson County Attorney J. Patrick White said Bentley, a family acquaintance of Jetseta's, snatched the girl from her Cedar Rapids house on March 24. Bentley took the girl to a vacant mobile home in rural Johnson County, where he raped her and suffocated her by taping a plastic bag over her head, White said.


Graphic autopsy photos showed the girl had extensive injuries to her genital area indicating sexual assault. Investigators arrested Bentley at the mobile home March 25 and later found the girl's naked body stuffed in a bathroom cabinet.


Some of the strongest evidence, Miller said, was DNA linking Bentley and Jetseta. The girl's blood was found on Bentley's hand, clothes and the mobile home wall, according to a DNA analyst. Bentley's semen was found inside Jetseta.


Kathleen Zimmerer, a juror and apartment owner, said the verdict was simple: "It's pretty black and white. I'm not sure there's anything else I or anyone else can say. I'm glad it's over."


Bentley's attorney, Peter Persaud, argued during closing arguments Tuesday that Bentley had not been connected with DNA or fingerprints to the plastic bag that caused Jetseta's death.


"She died of asphyxia, from that garment bag on her head," Persaud said. "Did the state prove to you Roger put that garment bag on her head and suffocated her?"


Persaud also presented an alternate explanation for Jetseta's death: Someone else killed the girl and Bentley just had sex with her corpse. He reminded jurors about the "Necromantic Ritual Book" found in Bentley's Brandon house.


"That book contains a lot of stories, also necrophilia. You know what that is. You put the two stories together," Persaud said.


Persaud said Tuesday afternoon he will likely appeal the verdict.


"I believe we zealously defended Mr. Bentley. The jury spoke," he said.


White, a veteran prosecutor, said he doubts there are substantial grounds for an appeal because the defense raised few objections during the trial. The bulk of evidence in the case likely lead to the quick verdict, White said. "I've never had a case with this much evidence," he said.


Jetseta's family read brief statements after the trial, but her mother and grandmother chose not to comment extensively.


"I'm just glad it's over," Teresa Gage, the girl's grandmother said as she left the courthouse.


This happened like 30 miles south of me and was THE story since it happened. I'm glad to see it's been wrapped up, as there was little doubt.

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QUOTE(Steaming Willy Harris @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 02:14 AM)
Someone needs to post a photo of him, because he the creepiest looking guy ive ever seen.


I agree. The worst part is that they used the same photo over and over again on the news.



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How can someone defend this guy? I use to think the same thing, then had a nice conversation with a defense attorney.


They are defended because an attorney believes in the US legal system. We all sleep easier at night knowing that the odds of an inocent person being wrongly imprisoned is very small. The system works when the judge and the jury determines who is guilty, after a fair trial, instead of a defense attorney listening to his client. Our system is based on the premise of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. To be a defense attorney, you have to believe that your client is deserving of a vigorous defense. Without that, our system fails.


I could not do their job, I'd want to see the guy in prison.

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 12:43 AM)
The thing was, I believe the girl's mother had been good friends or was once dating this guy, and for some reason didn't think he was a threat....


There are definitely pervs like that out there.


My family actually had a similair situation occur once. A family friend who my parents had known since before I was born was dating a friend of my moms. We found out one day that he had been sexually abusing her special ed daughter.


He's no longer a friend of the family... :headshake

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"The now twice-convicted sex offender..."



The assholes that let this MF'er out should be charged with 2nd degree MURDER. How many times does it need to be said that these f***ers DON'T change...



:pray for Jetseta, her family, their friends, and the community.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 11:38 AM)
"The now twice-convicted sex offender..."

The assholes that let this MF'er out should be charged with 2nd degree MURDER. How many times does it need to be said that these f***ers DON'T change...

:pray for Jetseta, her family, their friends, and the community.


We would have to lock up every politician for not increasing the penalties for these crimes. What would have to happen is making all sexual assault crimes a life sentence without parole. I don't think a judge can just make up his own sentences, most states have a min and a max.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 12:12 PM)
Oh silly me for not remembering that a rhetorical comment can't be posted around here..


Rhetorical or not, we do need to do something with the revolving door concerning sexual offenders. I don't like it when I read about someone committing a second and it always seems worse than the first, crime.


Maybe life in prison is too harsh, but much better follow ups, and I'm not even convinced that would eliminate much. I find the idea of chemical castration for males interesting. Seems cruel and unusual, but this isn't working in some cases.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 12:31 PM)
Rhetorical or not, we do need to do something with the revolving door concerning sexual offenders. I don't like it when I read about someone committing a second and it always seems worse than the first, crime.


Maybe life in prison is too harsh, but much better follow ups, and I'm not even convinced that would eliminate much. I find the idea of chemical castration for males interesting. Seems cruel and unusual, but this isn't working in some cases.


Sex offenders need to be put away for a long long time. Pedophiles and child rapists need to be put in jail never to be seen from again. This crime is why I believe in the death penalty. This creature destroyed this little girl, but put her through hell before he did. I could give a s*** about the few psychologists that believe some prozac and some therapy can fix the pedophiles nad child rapists like this. Of course depending if the judge is an activist they can bend the sentencing a bit like that recent goof who basically gave the pedophile no sentence because he wasnt going to get therapy until he got out of jail. Therapy doesnt fix these monsters. Cage them away. An activist Judge in Markham who had case where a 12 year old girl who was raped and murdered. He was so against the death penalty he ruled that the guy murdered her, but he couldnt rule that the sex wasnt consentual. Of course the fact that the guy was just let out for his previous sex assault case against a minor wasnt enough of a basis for the Judge to put 2 and 2 together. That freak who did that case is due out in a year or so.


Chemical Castration doesnt stop pedophiles. They still have these desires because they are not instruments of their sexuality. It is something else that is wrong with them. The sex act is just the end result of their affliction. You can give these guys therapy, you can chemically castrate them, and they will still hurt children.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 12:31 PM)
Rhetorical or not, we do need to do something with the revolving door concerning sexual offenders. I don't like it when I read about someone committing a second and it always seems worse than the first, crime.


Maybe life in prison is too harsh, but much better follow ups, and I'm not even convinced that would eliminate much. I find the idea of chemical castration for males interesting. Seems cruel and unusual, but this isn't working in some cases.



Yea.. maybe. Until it's your family tragedy hits. :headshake

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 12:44 PM)
Sex offenders need to be put away for a long long time.  Pedophiles and child rapists need to be put in jail never to be seen from again.  This crime is why I believe in the death penalty.  This creature destroyed this little girl, but put her through hell before he did.  I could give a s*** about the few psychologists that believe some prozac and some therapy can fix the pedophiles nad child rapists like this.  Of course depending if the judge is an activist they can bend the sentencing a bit like that recent goof who basically gave the pedophile no sentence because he wasnt going to get therapy until he got out of jail. Therapy doesnt fix these monsters.  Cage them away.  An activist Judge in Markham who had case where  a 12 year old girl who was raped and murdered.  He was so against the death penalty he ruled that the guy murdered her, but he couldnt rule that the sex wasnt  consentual.  Of course the fact that the guy was just let out for his previous sex assault case against a minor wasnt enough of a basis for the Judge to put 2 and 2 together.  That freak who did that case is due out in a year or so.

Chemical Castration doesnt stop pedophiles.  They still have these desires because they are not instruments of their sexuality.  It is something else that is wrong with them. The sex act is just the end result of their affliction.  You can give these guys therapy, you can chemically castrate them, and they will still hurt children.



And I'd bet my life he re-offends.


Solid post 71. :cheers

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 12:46 PM)
Yea.. maybe. Until it's your family tragedy hits.  :headshake

Exactly. Which is why I wish every drunk driver was sentenced to life in prison.


The reason I said it was too harsh was examples like a 19 year old and his 15 year old girlfriend. Male and female drunk. Non violent sexual crimes like prostitution and pornography. Not every sex crime would seem appropriate for a life sentence.


I'm not certain about activist judges and sentences. Judges are given a min and a max in most states and elected to use their judgement in sentencing. They would be an activist if they tried to go beyond the guidelines. I think instead of activist, incompetent would be a better choice of words. Hopefully they are removed from the bench as fast as possible.


Either way I agree that longer sentences are needed. BTW, we already have longer sentences than a generation ago. We also have a better court system from the days when women would be put on trial and subjected to terrible questions about their sexual past, made to feel like they could have prevented it. Much of the harsher laws and privacy for the victim came out of the feminist movement and very much a liberal stance.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 02:06 PM)
Exactly. Which is why I wish every drunk driver was sentenced to life in prison.


DUI also being something that tends to be repeated, and people keep getting back out on the street with their 2000 pound unguided missles.


Not to diminsh the original topic, just pointing out another crime we are too light on in the U.S.


On topic, there are cases where sex offenders stay clean after therapy. It does happen. Just not often.

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It's unfortunate that all sex offenders can get painted with the same broad brush sometimes. I can't believe I just said that statement - but I did.


Because people that Steff are referring to should never see the light of day again. Period. And when/if they are released, they oughta be registered and notifications and such....


But did you know in Michigan, if you're convicted of public urination, you have to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 01:06 PM)
I'm not certain about activist judges and sentences. Judges are given a min and a max in most states and elected to use their judgement in sentencing. They would be an activist if they tried to go beyond the guidelines. I think instead of activist, incompetent would be a better choice of words. Hopefully they are removed from the bench as fast as possible.


I wish that sentencing guidelines could apply without a shadow of a doubt. However my comments that the judge was an activist are on spot. He wasnt incompetent(as much as I would like to believe that). He was calculated in his sentencing. In Illinois if you are in the commision of a felony and murder someone it becomes a death penalty case. The judge knew this, so to get around the sentencing guidelines he threw out the conviction from the jury on the sex assault so he could give the guy a break. This is also the same judge who let a group of guys go because the cops didnt have probable cause on a theft ring that was plaguing the Beverly area. The police were coming down an alley, they saw 4 men carrying out a TV at 3 in the morning on a wednesday. They were wearing ski masks and it was july, they dropped the TV which smashed into a million pieces and ran. The judge rulled that because the defendants were black, that the mere fact that they ran from the police is not probable cause. The TV could of been theirs and he didnt believe about the ski masks. His ruling was black people are naturally afraid of the police and therefore running is not out of the ordinary. This crack pot judge isnt going anywhere soon, he is a friend of Bobby Rush. They were in the black panthers together.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 01:18 PM)
DUI also being something that tends to be repeated, and people keep getting back out on the street with their 2000 pound unguided missles.


Not to diminsh the original topic, just pointing out another crime we are too light on in the U.S.


On topic, there are cases where sex offenders stay clean after therapy.  It does happen.  Just not often.


A story of a facility that "helps" these assholes..




From that story since 1996 2, TWO, rapists have completed the program but still require ongoing counseling... at yours and my expense. And still they are NEVER cured. NEVER.


Sorry.. but I don't want them in my neighborhood. Around innocent unsuspecting children. No effing way.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 01:21 PM)
Clearly I am thinking of a 19 year old and his 15 year old girlfriend when I make comments about assholes like this never being allowed out of jail. GMAFB.


Clearly you were not, which is why I posted a clarification. Clearly I wasn't thinking life in prison would be too harsh for a sexual predator that tortured and killed a little girl. Even when I agree with you, you still like to argue. :D


Don't just blame the Judge, let's also put heat on the legislature to allow for longer sentences.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 01:28 PM)
I wish that sentencing guidelines could apply without a shadow of a doubt.  However my comments that the judge was an activist are on spot.  He wasnt incompetent(as much as I would like to believe that). He was calculated in his sentencing.  In Illinois if you are in the commision of a felony and murder someone it becomes a death penalty case.  The judge knew this, so to get around the sentencing guidelines he threw out the conviction from the jury on the sex assault so he could give the guy a break.  This is also the same judge who let a group of guys go because the cops didnt have probable cause on a theft ring that was plaguing the Beverly area.  The police were coming down an alley, they saw 4 men carrying out a TV at 3 in the morning on a wednesday.  They were wearing ski masks and it was july, they dropped the TV which smashed into a million pieces and ran.  The judge rulled that because the defendants were black, that the mere fact that they ran from the police is not probable cause.  The TV could of been theres and he didnt believe about the ski masks.  His ruling was black people are naturally afraid of the police and therefore running is not out of the ordinary.  This crack pot judge isnt going anywhere soon, he is a friend of Bobby Rush.  They were in the black panthers together.


I thought Illinois dropped the death penalty after too many wrongfully convicted? Was this during that time?


Why is that Judge not going anywhere? Doesn't he have an elected position?

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 02:28 PM)
A story of a facility that "helps" these assholes..




From that story since 1996 2, TWO, rapists have completed the program but still require ongoing counseling... at yours and my expense. And still they are NEVER cured. NEVER.


Sorry.. but I don't want them in my neighborhood. Around innocent unsuspecting children. No effing way.


You'll get no argument from me, Steff. I don't want them around my neighborhood either, and as I indicated, I think we are too light on them. I was just pointing out that its not 100% recidivism. And we need to be careful who we include in that group. Violent offenders, felonious offenders and child offenders deserve a lot worse than they get right now.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 01:31 PM)
I thought Illinois dropped the death penalty after too many wrongfully convicted? Was this during that time?


Why is that Judge not going anywhere? Doesn't he have an elected position?


This was in 1993.


He has an elected position. However after you are elected retention for judges is a piece of cake. Its a long list at the end of the ballot that says Yes or No on retention. You have about 20 or more names to go through. He always gets a highly regarded from the Illinois Bar. He is a defense attorneys wet dream. Plus he is good friends with Bobby Rush.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 01:34 PM)
This was in 1993. 


He has an elected position.  However after you are elected retention for judges is a piece  of cake.  He always  gets a highly regarded from the Illinois Bar.  He is a defense attorneys wet dream.  Plus he is good friends with Bobby Rush.


To bad voters are that stupid in that area.

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