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Teenage Girls thumb their nose at the Law


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QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:09 PM)
Now you're changing your arguement. Your first response was

which is pretty much saying that because "everyone else does it", they should have never been punished in the first place. That's pretty flawed logic to begin with.


Then when the kids went out and got busted for doing the exact same illegal activity you don't think they should be punished a second time as well?

You cant argue with logic here. Of course its illegal. Many things you do are illegal. I would love to hear one person on here who didnt drink when they were underage. It was illegal, yes, but should you have been punished by the law for it? Do you really feel that those nights out, or nights in, dinner with the family, birthdays etc where you drank underage, were punishable by law???


Granted the website thing was stupid on their part, but the judgements by this guy were extremely harsh. And bringing them back based on pictures on a website is really assinine. Why doesnt he focus on the drung dealers and murders's websites instead?

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:17 PM)
An adult gets a DUI or public intox.. gets probation.. violates it and gets sent to jail.


Want to play like an adult.. be prepared to pay like an adult.


An adult has a sandwich, puts on too many hot peppers, gets severe heartburn



lets all think of great examples that don't pertain to this subject!

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QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 03:19 PM)
An adult has a sandwich, puts on too many hot peppers, gets severe heartburn

lets all think of great examples that don't pertain to this subject!


You win!!!!




The Brick Wall award is all yours!

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:19 PM)
I would love to hear one person on here who didnt drink when they were underage.



*raises hand*


Hell I rarely go out now that I am of age.


QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:19 PM)
It was illegal, yes, but should you have been punished by the law for it?  Do you really feel that those nights out, or nights in, dinner with the family, birthdays etc where you drank underage, were punishable by law???



You can't compare having a little wine at dinner with your parents to going to a school function with zero tolerance rules in place completely plastered. You can't expect to go to a public place and perform an illegal activity without expecting to be caught.



QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:19 PM)
Granted the website thing was stupid on their part, but the judgements by this guy were extremely harsh.  And bringing them back based on pictures on a website is really assinine.


Extremely harsh? Considering it didn't deter them from going out and doing it again, I'd say he wasn't harsh enough.


QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:19 PM)
Why doesnt he focus on the drung dealers and murders's websites instead?


Probably because most drug dealers and murders don't take pictures of themselves commiting the crime and post them on the internet...

Edited by Iwritecode
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I'd say the opinions of those without kids is moot. The parents - while pissed at first - agree with the punishment, and the 2 girls that got the most jail time do also. The one admitted she had a drinking problem. In the end, seems he did good.

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QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 02:19 PM)
An adult has a sandwich, puts on too many hot peppers, gets severe heartburn

lets all think of great examples that don't pertain to this subject!



How was it not relevant..?

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That judge should check out myspace or all those other stupid sites like it. He would have alot of fun looking around those sites. Basically it seems like it's mandatory to post pictures of parties with lots of drinking ( all underage) to look ''cool''


Only thing i will never understand is when a highschool comes across pictures of drinking and they can suspend kids. Was not on there property, was not during school hours... likely on the weekend.

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QUOTE(q\/\/3r+y @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 03:03 PM)
Only thing i will never understand is when a highschool comes across pictures of drinking and they can suspend kids. Was not on there property, was not during school hours... likely on the weekend.



Been a long time since I was in HS... but is this true or are you being facetious?

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QUOTE(q\/\/3r+y @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 03:03 PM)
Only thing i will never understand is when a highschool comes across pictures of drinking and they can suspend kids. Was not on there property, was not during school hours... likely on the weekend.


That's that whole zero tolerance thing which can sometimes get pretty outrageous.


I've seen stories where kids get suspended because they brought a plastic knife to school and it was considered a "weapon".

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QUOTE(q\/\/3r+y @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 04:03 PM)
Only thing i will never understand is when a highschool comes across pictures of drinking and they can suspend kids. Was not on there property, was not during school hours... likely on the weekend.


When did something like this happen?

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QUOTE(q\/\/3r+y @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 03:03 PM)
Only thing i will never understand is when a highschool comes across pictures of drinking and they can suspend kids. Was not on there property, was not during school hours... likely on the weekend.


I don't recall the exact reasoning for school's having the ability to enforce punishment in circumstances such as those, but it relates to an invidual's membership with the school. The school, as in extension of the community, has the right to enforce proper punishment when someone commits a crime. Again, I'm not sure, but there are rules about it. Certain rights are given up once you enter a school--such as search and seizure. They don't need a warrant or probable cause to check your locker, whereas outside school grounds police would need to obtain one.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 03:16 PM)
When did something like this happen?

Not from this specific example but schools can and have suspended gets from different things on the net. It happened in my high school a few years back, absolutely ridiculous if you ask me.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:51 PM)
How was it not relevant..?


the kids did not drive, they didn't harm anyone else, so comparisons to anything OTHER than MIP laws or drinking under age aren't relevant.


The parents were pissed, and i didn't see them say they accepted the ruling, i only saw the "judge had a vendetta against the kids, as soon as he was personally involved he should have removed himself" and the one person who agreed with it was part of MADD, not involved...


i still can't believe the kids got probation, my friend got a drinking under age ticket in high school at a party, paid like 200 bucks and had to go to a class. He got suspended for 3 days at the school. his punishment was actually harsher than others in that he had to go to a class.


This is just some judge on his high horse trying to make the papers.


I'm sure there are pictures of me drinking on facebook somewhere, doesn't really bother me. ANd i'm saying f*** the judge in all those pictures, too.


Him bringing them back for 15 days of jail is just silly to me.

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QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 03:34 PM)
the kids did not drive, they didn't harm anyone else, so comparisons to anything OTHER than MIP laws or drinking under age aren't relevant.


The parents were pissed, and i didn't see them say they accepted the ruling, i only saw the "judge had a vendetta against the kids, as soon as he was personally involved he should have removed himself" and the one person who agreed with it was part of MADD, not involved...


i still can't believe the kids got probation, my friend got a drinking under age ticket in high school at a party, paid like 200 bucks and had to go to a class. He got suspended for 3 days at the school. his punishment was actually harsher than others in that he had to go to a class.


This is just some judge on his high horse trying to make the papers.


I'm sure there are pictures of me drinking on facebook somewhere, doesn't really bother me. ANd i'm saying f*** the judge in all those pictures, too.


Him bringing them back for 15 days of jail is just silly to me.



Public intox doesn't require driving - and how they got caught at the prom. Drinking under age IS illegal.. and he could have imposed a harsher punishment from the get go.. But didn't. And got a slap in the face for it. Read the article again.. they got over it, pulled the ringleaders ass out of college, and took away her car.


Polly's comments now:

"Polly Meerschaert said the experience has taught her that parents can't be too careful.


"Peer pressure is tremendous," she said. "Years ago, kids didn't think twice about getting a buzz.


"Now, I'd say to parents, 'Check the purses. Check the limos. Talk to the limo driver. Find out who else is going.' I would second-guess everything."



Will it still be silly if your kid drinks themself to death.. or, God forbid, does get behind the wheel and kills someone. Long time away... I know.



Agree to disagree.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 09:39 PM)
Public intox doesn't require driving - and how they got caught at the prom. Drinking under age IS illegal.. and he could have imposed a harsher punishment from the get go.. But didn't. And got a slap in the face for it. Read the article again.. they got over it, pulled the ringleaders ass out of college, and took away her car.


Polly's comments now:

"Polly Meerschaert said the experience has taught her that parents can't be too careful.


"Peer pressure is tremendous," she said. "Years ago, kids didn't think twice about getting a buzz.


"Now, I'd say to parents, 'Check the purses. Check the limos. Talk to the limo driver. Find out who else is going.' I would second-guess everything."

Will it still be silly if your kid drinks themself to death.. or, God forbid, does get behind the wheel and kills someone. Long time away... I know.

Agree to disagree.


no it doesn't require driving...your example of a DUI case does...which is why i found it irrelevant. Realize though there is a difference between the examples you gave, and what these kids did.

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QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 04:09 PM)
no it doesn't require driving...your example of a DUI case does...which is why i found it irrelevant. Realize though there is a difference between the examples you gave, and what these kids did.




I did say "or".


I understand you are rationalizing on what you know, believe, or have experienced, but no I don't see the difference between an adult being put on probation for public intox.. violating it.. then serving the time for the violation.


The punishment is not for the web site.. it's for drinking after being ordered not to.


But like I said above, let's just agree to disagree. I definitely think I think differently because I've seen bad effects of "innocent underage drinking".

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I'd be pissed too if I was those kids. The judge just needs to chill out and leave them alone. Just because they hurt his feelings doesn't mean he should be able to drag them into court and put them in jail for two weeks. And yes I realize they acted like idiots for putting pictures online of them violating his "order".

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 12:16 PM)
"More than 400 digital photos showed some students appearing passed out, others using special tubes to gulp beer, couples playing a drinking game called "beer pong," inebriated girls sitting on toilets -- all of it tagged with captions, many of them profane and aimed at Martone. Stesney, visiting from Detroit, and Senopole, Meershaert's roommate, were also shown drinking at parties at MSU."

Oh my god, they use SPECIAL TUBES.


Wow, lets go ahead and convinct every college kid who is drinking underage and has pictures to prove it.  Talk about the judge taking something a little too far.  My whole dorm/fraternity would have been jailed.  s***, my parents let us have some beers once we got into college, it was even legal in OXford if your parents were with you.  I think this is complete bulls***.



Oh so just because everyone else is doing it does that make it right?



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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 04:38 PM)
Oh so just because everyone else is doing it does that make it right?








I would LOVE to see Killa's response to this incident.... :lolhitting

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QUOTE(Spiff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 04:31 PM)
I'd be pissed too if I was those kids.  The judge just needs to chill out and leave them alone.  Just because they hurt his feelings doesn't mean he should be able to drag them into court and put them in jail for two weeks.  And yes I realize they acted like idiots for putting pictures online of them violating his "order".



Chill out and leave them alone?! They broke the law once and got off with not even a slap on the wrist. They break the law again, defy the Judge's specific orders not to and throw it in his face to boot?!!? They deserve some jail time.

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I am actually glad to see all of this happen. They showed a complete lack of respect for the law and our judicial system. Sure a lot of kids drink in college before they are "of age", but the biggest problem I see is the attack at the judge.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 05:39 PM)
Chill out and leave them alone?!  They broke the law once and got off with not even a slap on the wrist.  They break the law again, defy the Judge's specific orders not to and throw it in his face to boot?!!?  They deserve some jail time.


If they were caught doing it in the act I'd agree but the judge is just being a sore ass.

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QUOTE(Spiff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 04:48 PM)
If they were caught doing it in the act I'd agree but the judge is just being a sore ass.



Only getting in trouble when caught in the act... :huh: There would be a lot of criminals on the streets..

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