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Muslim thugs burn embassies in Syria


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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 02:28 PM)


Buncha little savages is what these people are.  Those cartoons with Mohammed having a Turban made of dynamite grow more and more accurate by the day.


Yup, that's right. Nothing worthwhile in any Muslim human being, they're all savages. Nuke 'em all, right?


And before you ask me, no, of course I'm not justifying their actions. The ones who are violent should be punished (though they won't be). I just refuse to submit to bigotry.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 01:36 PM)
Yup, that's right.  Nothing worthwhile in any Muslim human being, they're all savages.  Nuke 'em all, right?


And before you ask me, no, of course I'm not justifying their actions.  The ones who are violent should be punished (though they won't be).  I just refuse to submit to bigotry.



I was referring to those who were rioting as savages, not the whole Muslim faith.



You're right about one thing though, they wont be punished because the Syrian government is as corrupt as they come.

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Christian thugs blow up abortion clinics, shoot doctors, and kill homosexuals. So much for a "Religon of Peace"


Except I don't believe it, of course. They may be thugs alright, but theor acts are far from Christian.


Now you can go back to painting the world with that wide-ass brush you like to use.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 01:40 PM)
You just said "so much for a 'religion of peace.'" Does that mean every time Pat Robertson calls for the assasination of a foreign leader, we can rightly say the same about Christianity?



Pat Robertson is an idiot who does not speak for anyone but himself.



Where is the voice of reason in Islam?? It seems that they have thousands of Pat Robertsons preaching hate of Europe and America in mosques across the globe and its from these teachings that terrorists are spawned.



You dont hear about ministers, priests, rabbis etc.....etc...... preaching hatred about Muslims to their congregations.

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That wasn't my experience at the last Lutheran bible study I attended. And that was the reason I stopped attending actually.


I was also told that Buddhists are satanists by a Baptist minister.


Yet, I don't hold it against the larger faith.


And we have Mullah Dobson and Mullah Falwell and Mullah Phelps. The dude from Operation Rescue who advocated the bombings of doctor's offices... But I guess, its just the Muslims.


It doesn't really bother me how you feel about Islam. What bothers me is that so many people in this forum get all indignant when their religion is belittled yet belittle others' so easily.


What was the Golden Rule? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?

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I'll say this: Islam undoubtedly has peaceful intentions, but by far, their fanatical followers are the MOST fanatical followers of any organized religion. And just to root out any expected replies which avoid the subject, I'm not counting any whacko cults or religious cults with 1,000 members.


The problem is those who speak out and condemn the actions of misguided Muslims are overshadowed by radical clerics preaching annihlation of Western powers and Israel. I believe Islam has a HUGE image problem in the world, as does Christianity. It's just more difficult to compare the two when radical Muslims are piloting airplanes into skyscrapers, whereas radical Christians are bombing clinics. In law enforcement, it's a fact the most dangers person to reason is someone intent on killing themselves--with absolutely no hesitation to bring others with them. It's definitely a problem when people of a certain faith deem their passage into heaven as guaranteed with taking the lives of others, and themselves.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 01:42 PM)
Christian thugs blow up abortion clinics, shoot doctors, and kill homosexuals. So much for a "Religon of Peace"


Except I don't believe it, of course.  They may be thugs alright, but theor acts are far from Christian.


Now you can go back to painting the world with that wide-ass brush you like to use.


Abortion clinics are bombed because those people believe that those doctors and offices are supporting and committing murder. There is no widespread fatal violence against gays.


These dumb motherf***ers are rioting around the f***ing globe because of a f***ing political cartoon...not murder....not perceived murder....a f***ing drawing. Quit trying to draw comparisons. Oh yeah, apparently I need to add the disclaimer that should go without saying, I'm referring to the f***heads who are rioting, not the muslim religion as a whole. If this isn't proof that those societies are stuck in the f***ing dark ages then I don't know what is.

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QUOTE(mmmmmbeeer @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 03:06 PM)
Abortion clinics are bombed because those people believe that those doctors and offices are supporting and committing murder.  There is no widespread fatal violence against gays.


These dumb motherf***ers are rioting around the f***ing globe because of a f***ing political cartoon...not murder....not perceived murder....a f***ing drawing.  Quit trying to draw comparisons.  Oh yeah, apparently I need to add the disclaimer that should go without saying, I'm referring to the f***heads who are rioting, not the muslim religion as a whole.  If this isn't proof that those societies are stuck in the f***ing dark ages then I don't know what is.



:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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QUOTE(mmmmmbeeer @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 04:06 PM)
Oh yeah, apparently I need to add the disclaimer that should go without saying, I'm referring to the f***heads who are rioting, not the muslim religion as a whole.  If this isn't proof that those societies are stuck in the f***ing dark ages then I don't know what is.


And you did add such a disclaimer, and the point was clear that you were not denigrating the entire faith.


NUKE made no such distinction with his "So much for the religion of peace" bit in the title, which is the point being driven home by the bulk of opposing posts.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 09:18 PM)
And you did add such a disclaimer, and the point was clear that you were not denigrating the entire faith.


NUKE made no such distinction with his "So much for the religion of peace" bit in the title, which is the point being driven home by the bulk of opposing posts.

When you have entire governments acting like spoiled little brats that need their asses spanked over a CARTOON, it is sometimes hard not to use a wide brush. He could have used a spray gun!


mmmmmmbeer, you hit it on the head. The f***heads rioting are stuck on stupid, hijacking whatever good will mainstream Muslims may have ever had. When Pat speaks his idiocy, others here denounce him as the jerkoff he is and distance themselves as fast as they can. Mainstream Musilms try to do that when you get death threats inssued over a drawing, they find themselves blown up.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 05:36 PM)
How many cartoons and TV programs are out there that depict Christians in a negative light?  More than I could ever read or watch in a year thats for sure and you dont see them taking to the streets burning down buildings and rioting.

Well, they are a little busy protesting the funerals of dead military men. . .

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 04:05 PM)
Well, they are a little busy protesting the funerals of dead military men. . .

And bombing abortion clinics, shooting doctors, taking photos of people and plates of cars that go into clinics and publishing them, etc.


Mmmmm... I think he is drawing the comparison that we've got plenty of ready to be violent religious fundies in our own country that it makes no sense to denigrate one group while avoiding others.



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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 05:54 PM)
And bombing abortion clinics, shooting doctors, taking photos of people and plates of cars that go into clinics and publishing them, etc.


Mmmmm... I think he is drawing the comparison that we've got plenty of ready to be violent religious fundies in our own country that it makes no sense to denigrate one group while avoiding others.





Even you have to admit that Christian extremists are far fewer and their acts of violence much farther between than the Islamo-fascists.


When was the last act of violence against an abortion clinic? Been a while hasn't it? Every single day theres some manner of madness going on in the Middle East.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 05:57 PM)
Even you have to admit that Christian extremists are far fewer and their acts of violence  much farther between than the Islamo-fascists.


When was the last act of violence against an abortion clinic?  Been a while hasn't it?  Every single day theres some manner of madness going on in the Middle East.


Yeah, that's unlikely. Although not even LCR can cite random internet articles from a liberal publication reporting recent bombings of abortion clinics.


We just need to come to a consensus here. No more bulls***. Muslims extremists outnumber, and produce vastly more destructive acts of violence than Christian extremists. I mean, can I state this without hearing accusations of hate mongering? If no one supports my position because I can't site a refutable source, than fine. Continue believing "EVERY religion has misguided fundementals" while avoiding the actions of those fundementals..

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 06:21 PM)
Yeah, that's unlikely. Although not even LCR can cite random internet articles from a liberal publication reporting recent bombings of abortion clinics.


We just need to come to a consensus here. No more bulls***. Muslims extremists outnumber, and produce vastly more destructive acts of violence than Christian extremists. I mean, can I state this without hearing accusations of hate mongering? If no one supports my position because I can't site a refutable source, than fine. Continue believing "EVERY religion has misguided fundementals" while avoiding the actions of those fundementals..



Well, most people realize that comparing Christian violence to Islamo-fascist violence is like comparing ants at a picnic to Gengis Kahn's armies stomping across Asia.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 06:21 PM)
Yeah, that's unlikely. Although not even LCR can cite random internet articles from a liberal publication reporting recent bombings of abortion clinics.


We just need to come to a consensus here. No more bulls***. Muslims extremists outnumber, and produce vastly more destructive acts of violence than Christian extremists. I mean, can I state this without hearing accusations of hate mongering? If no one supports my position because I can't site a refutable source, than fine. Continue believing "EVERY religion has misguided fundementals" while avoiding the actions of those fundementals..

I'd agree that there are more active Muslim nutbag religious nuts out there but to discount the Christian extremists is myopic. After all, it is all these religions that seem to be causing all these problems in the f***ing first place.


"My invisible man in my infalliable book says this!" and we wonder why people grow up with a f***ed up, warped sense of the world that can't appreciate irony, literary humor etc. And the scale of destructive acts of violence by religious extremists in Christianity-- it just depends how far you want to go back in history (and I'm not talking Crusades, I'm just talking less than 100 years)


All the religions have a s***load of blood on their hands. It has just been Islam's turn in the limelight getting publicized for their crazy s***. For example (and this is from CNN -- just google the name of the general and you'll find the quote on a bunch of news sites, I just chose CNN) Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, whose promotion and appointment was confirmed by the Senate in June, has said publicly that he sees the war on terrorism as a clash between Judeo-Christian values and Satan, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.


Appearing in dress uniform before a religious group in Oregon in June, Boykin said Islamic extremists hate the United States "because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christians. ... And the enemy is a guy named Satan." -- except for the part where Islam actually comes from the roots of Judeo-Christianity as well (they acknowledge the other books as pieces of the puzzle and the status of the prophets in Judaism/Christianity)

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