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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 05:46 PM)
That's just nonsense.  Joking about Hillary running is a shot at Republicans?  How?


First, she's a Democrat which should be plain enough. But mostly it's totality of the circumstances. You have people taking shots at the war and the weapons of mass destruction, then you have Bill Clinton throwing in an endorsement for his wife's campaign at what should be a solemn service to remember a person's life.

If they want to mention her anti-war ideas that's fine, but when you mention specifics about the war in Iraq and Chris Mattews says Jimmy Carter didn't acknowledge President Bush, what do you think the message is?

This was an opportunity to gain and the Dems jumped on it. Whether you see something wrong with it is a matter of opinion but you have to see that there is something behind their actions.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 04:55 PM)
What's a prople?



prople. (N) 1. A keystroke error. Commonly seen when one types too fast.


2. A humanoid life form living in the sub-surface caverns of the planet Gork.




Which defenition do you think applies?

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 05:57 PM)
prople.  (N) 1.  A keystroke error.  Commonly seen when one types too fast.


            2.  A humanoid life form living in the sub-surface caverns of the planet Gork.

Which defenition do you think applies?

Hehe....just needling. :P

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 04:57 PM)
prople.  (N) 1.  A keystroke error.  Commonly seen when one types too fast.


            2.  A humanoid life form living in the sub-surface caverns of the planet Gork.

Which defenition do you think applies?




242. :cheers

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QUOTE(G&T @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 10:57 PM)
First, she's a Democrat which should be plain enough. But mostly it's totality of the circumstances. You have people taking shots at the war and the weapons of mass destruction, then you have Bill Clinton throwing in an endorsement for his wife's campaign at what should be a solemn service to remember a person's life.

If they want to mention her anti-war ideas that's fine, but when you mention specifics about the war in Iraq and Chris Mattews says Jimmy Carter didn't acknowledge President Bush, what do you think the message is?

This was an opportunity to gain and the Dems jumped on it. Whether you see something wrong with it is a matter of opinion but you have to see that there is something behind their actions.

Obviously there were some shots at Bush and the WH. But what you quoted was not.


But, no, I have no problem with that. Hers was a life heavily involved in politics, in recent years mostly spent in opposition to the policies of the current administration. To just ignore what's screamingly obvious b/c we gotta be nice to the Prez is a disservice to her life and memory.


I do have a problem with the motioning, but that's about it.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 06:05 PM)
Obviously there were some shots at Bush and the WH.  But what you quoted was not.


But, no, I have no problem with that.  Hers was a life heavily involved in politics, in recent years mostly spent in opposition to the policies of the current administration.  To just ignore what's screamingly obvious b/c we gotta be nice to the Prez is a disservice to her life and memory.


I do have a problem with the motioning, but that's about it.


What I quoted was to show there was, in my opinion, political posturing. My point is I think that should have been saved for another time.

It would appear that nobody there cared either

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QUOTE(G&T @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 03:13 PM)
What I quoted was to show there was, in my opinion, political posturing. My point is I think that should have been saved for another time.

It would appear that nobody there cared either

The question should be...was that what Mrs. King, and her family, would have wanted? If the answer is yes, then I don't mind at all. If the answer is no, then to hell with the people who broke with their wishes.

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QUOTE(G&T @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 11:13 PM)
What I quoted was to show there was, in my opinion, political posturing. My point is I think that should have been saved for another time.

It would appear that nobody there cared either

You said: "The whole thing is clearly a chance for the Dems to take shots at the White House."


But I don't think it's "posturing" to joke about something that has long been a national joke. Whose cave is deep enough that they haven't heard that Hillary might run? Who is so daft that they weren't thinking through the whole speech that these words would be analyzed if she runs?


Yup, daft... :D

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I'd like somebody to mention that day, that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to give his life serving others. I'd like for somebody to say that day, that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to love somebody. I want you to say that day, that I tried to be right on the war question. I want you to be able to say that day, that I did try, in my life, to clothe those who were naked. I want you to say, on that day, that I did try, in my life, to visit those who were in prison. I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity.


Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice; say that I was a drum major for peace; I was a drum major for righteousness.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 06:53 PM)
So Jimmy Carter mentioning that the Kings were illegally wiretapped in the 1960s is now considered Bush bashing? I would think it more JFK bashing.


You may, others won't. You can't expect people to hear the story of King's phone being illegally wiretapped without drawing the comparison to Bush. Do you suppose it never crossed Carter's mind? That his intentions were to insult a dead president?

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spin you however you want, from whatever side of the political spectrum. it was shameless political hackery, and was pretty deplorable.


if i was a member of the king family i would have been outraged.


stuff like this costs you votes.


and for the record, jimmy carter was the worst president in american history (he has a gas shortage and a failed hostage rescue attempt to claim, and thats it).

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 05:32 PM)
if i was a member of the king family i would have been outraged.

It's good to know that you are in such a position as to know the exact thoughts and feelings of the king family and lecture all of us about how we should feel from your position of knowledge.


Or, alternatively, it's good of you to tell the King family how to feel. They're clearly fools if they feel anything else other than what you say they should feel, and your wise advice will certainly be welcome to them in their time of mourning.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 09:34 PM)
It's good to know that you are in such a position as to know the exact thoughts and feelings of the king family and lecture all of us about how we should feel from your position of knowledge.


Or, alternatively, it's good of you to tell the King family how to feel.  They're clearly fools if they feel anything else other than what you say they should feel, and your wise advice will certainly be welcome to them in their time of mourning.


put yourself in their shoes. if you had a family relative die, how would you feel if the funeral was turned into a stage for politics(for example, that comment on WMD's by that old reverand; absolutely shameless and unrelated to the funeral)? you apparently would be OK with your realtive's funeral being turned into a mockery. i would not.


and i dont need to say after every post that it's just my opinion- that goes without saying for what anyone says on this board unless they link some article or facts with their post. but you're right, i must be as ignorant as you imply, since i dont agree with you.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 07:53 PM)
So Jimmy Carter mentioning that the Kings were illegally wiretapped in the 1960s is now considered Bush bashing? I would think it more JFK bashing.


No, I don't think it was an unintended consequence that it was mentioned. But it raises a great point. There's nothing wrong with mentioning the obstacles that the Kings had to face in their struggle for rights. And there's nothing wrong with mentioning a specific obstacle that might resonate with people today because of current events.


If you think its bashing, that means you're thinking that the person who's being compared is doing something wrong.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 05:43 PM)
put yourself in their shoes. if you had a family relative die, how would you feel if the funeral was turned into a stage for politics(for example, that comment on WMD's by that old reverand; absolutely shameless and unrelated to the funeral)? you apparently would be OK with your realtive's funeral being turned into a mockery. i would not.


and i dont need to say after every post that it's just my opinion- that goes without saying for what anyone says on this board unless they link some article or facts with their post. but you're right, i must be as ignorant as you imply, since i dont agree with you.

Why do I need to put myself in their shoes? You've already put yoruself in their shoes and told them what they should do and how they should feel.


Mrs. King worked for many causes during her life. She believed in many things. She spoke at an anti-Vietnam-war rally 3 weeks after Dr. King's assassination. Her family was close personal friends with the preacher you're calling absolutely shameless. He formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Dr. King in 1957, and served as its vice president. And you're trying to tell me that you believe beyond any shadow of a doubt that they found the words of that reverend inappropriate?


If my relative was a powerful political figure and wished for those political views to be expressed at her funeral, then I'd be damned if I was going to allow some random person out there in the middle of no where to tell me that the service was inappropriate. It'd be much more of a mockery if the wishes of the deceased weren't followed.


If the family finds it inappropriate, then it was inappropriate. If the family believed in every word and wanted it to be said and heard, then who the Hell are we to tell them they're wrong? Give me an actual statement by some of her kids that they found the sermon inappropriate, or stop trying to tell the family what they should feel.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 09:54 PM)
Why do I need to put myself in their shoes?  You've already put yoruself in their shoes and told them what they should do and how they should feel.


Mrs. King worked for many causes during her life.  She believed in many things.  She spoke at an anti-Vietnam-war rally 3 weeks after Dr. King's assassination.  Her family was close personal friends with the preacher you're calling absolutely shameless.  He formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Dr. King in 1957, and served as its vice president.  And you're trying to tell me that you believe beyond any shadow of a doubt that they found the words of that reverend inappropriate?


If my relative was a powerful political figure and wished for those political views to be expressed at her funeral, then I'd be damned if I was going to allow some random person out there in the middle of no where to tell me that the service was inappropriate.  It'd be much more of a mockery if the wishes of the deceased weren't followed.


If the family finds it inappropriate, then it was inappropriate.  If the family believed in every word and wanted it to be said and heard, then who the Hell are we to tell them they're wrong?  Give me an actual statement by some of her kids that they found the sermon inappropriate, or stop trying to tell the family what they should feel.


I cant give you any facts- I was only giving my OPINION. do you understand? what i am now saying is a repeat of my last post in response to you. I could be wrong about how they feel, and thats fine, because its MY POINT OF VIEW and THATS ALL.


to reiterate, i was not telling the king family, nor anyone else, how to feel. i was only giving my opinion. thats the beauty of free speech, stalin. so no, im not going to give you any quote from kings family or some s*** like that, because i dont have the energy or motivation to go get one, if it even exists. i'll stick with my opinions, like EVERYONE ELSE on this board who isnt being attacked for saying how they stand on an issue.


and what is your problem anyway, picking out the 17th person to say what a joke that funeral was for a debate.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 06:04 PM)
and what is your problem anyway, picking out the 17th person to say what a joke that funeral was for a debate.

Only 1 person I saw thus far in this thread had the gall to say "If I was a member of the King family". That's why you caught my attention.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 10:13 PM)
Only 1 person I saw thus far in this thread had the gall to say "If I was a member of the King family".  That's why you caught my attention.


no response to anything else i had to say?


i am still waiting

Edited by samclemens
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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 07:47 PM)
No, I don't think it was an unintended consequence that it was mentioned. But it raises a great point. There's nothing wrong with mentioning the obstacles that the Kings had to face in their struggle for rights. And there's nothing wrong with mentioning a specific obstacle that might resonate with people today because of current events.


If you think its bashing, that means you're thinking that the person who's being compared is doing something wrong.


I'm sure you meant to quote me during your post.


Yes, Bush has done something wrong. I believe issuing wiretraps without obtaining a simple warrant is unjustifiable. You won't hear me debate that. More than the infringement of privacy opponents have mentioned, I oppose the wiretaps because they violated the law.


You can rationalize those connecting points of history as grounds to illustrate the struggles Loretta and family endured, but I look beyond that. EVEN IF the intentions were merely to draw parallels, the fact a democrat is saying it leads me to question their motives. They're honoring Loretta in one hand and insulting Bush in another.


I just believe it's ridiculous the areas politics can drag itself to. For the reason we're discussing this issue is a disservice to Loretta.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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1 question:


Has anyone found an article yet that actually mentions any reaction from the King family to the service? I looked, couldn't find. I'd be curious.


1 comment:


As I've mentioned before, I don't think this sort of thing will hurt the Dems at all. In fact, given the fact that their Bush bashing and rhetoric has already helped them out, and the fact that this was exactly the Dems' kind of stage, I think it might help them.


I for one am not saying it was good, or even OK. I just don't think it will hurt the Dems in the slightest - even if it should.

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