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In need of some prayer


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I probably wouldn't do this but I really need some prayer today. My grandmother is in critical condition with blood clotting around the lungs and we don't know if she will be able to make it. We are hoping that the worst has passed and that she will be able to overcome the situation but not all the terms of the sickness are known as of now. If the clotting goes to the heart or brain, the chances of her surviving are slim. If I could politely ask for you to keep her in your prayers, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :pray

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Hang in there SF1. Ironically enough my family just found out yesterday that my grandma is going to pass away. They told her she has anywhere from 2 days or 2 weeks.


The good news is she is peaceful and she's had all of us around here at the hospital. I'm just hoping it stays peaceful. They found cancer in her liver yesterday. She had beaten breast cancer for 10 years too.


Hopefull your grandma can pull through :pray

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Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers guys. I really appreciate it. To keep you updated, her condition has remained the same. No worse and no better. It could be good news or it could be bad news. My prayers to your family as well Jason.

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