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Worst Presidents


Who is the worst president  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the worst president

    • U.S. Grant (1869-1877)
    • Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)
    • Warren Harding (1921-1923)
    • Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
    • James Buchanan (1857-1861)
    • Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
    • Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
    • Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
    • William Taft (1909-1913)
    • Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 09:55 AM)
How in holy hell do you not put Andrew Johnson, a consensus bottom 5, on that list?


Yeah him and congress just couldn't work anything out, I would've put him on the list. I'm glad to see William Henry Harrison isn't on the list with his 1 month of duty, that's not really fair to him. I went with Millard Fillmore though, the 19th Century had a few good presidents, but a lot of bad presidents.

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QUOTE(G&T @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 01:26 PM)
Using BHAM's rationale I would put JFK on this list.

John Quincy Adams would be a good choice too. Corrupt bargain. That's how you steal the presidency.



I just gave you the short version but since you want the long version here it is:


Buchanan sent over a HALF MILLION American people to their graves and mostly for his own career. It started in 1854 with Buchanan writing the famous Ostend Manifesto which basically stated that the US would take over Cuba and make it a slave territory. Also that same year he worked with Pierce and Douglas to create the Kansas-Nebraska Act that was a bill that would make the territories decide if they wanted to be slave or free, which lead to mass killings there just so he they could get the precious railroad to come through, of course for Buchanan meant lining his pockets and padding his political career. Then his failed presidency where he lowers tariff by 20% just to appease his base while hurting the Northern industry causes the country to go into a Depression. Then my favorite where he says that southern states have no legal rights to secede from the union but yet he does nothing. Bottom line when he had the power to compromise he sat on his fat ass and watched as the country tore it self apart and 556,000 people were killed.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 09:55 AM)
How in holy hell do you not put Andrew Johnson, a consensus bottom 5, on that list?



Believe me he is on my top 5 list, it was a error on my part one that I regret, here is my list


5. Grant

4. Harding

3. A Johnson

2. Pierce

1. Buchanan

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QUOTE(BHAMBARONS @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 10:19 PM)
I just gave you the short version but since you want the long version here it is:



Yeah, and I agree with you. I would put JFK on this list because his indecisiveness caused the Bay of Pigs disaster.

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this really should be a 2 man race between Pierce and Buchanon the rest arent in their category in my opinion....


And im not saying Carter was good but wow those people who voted for him maybe should take a civil war history class or something and learn about Pierce/Buchanon.

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I love how people vote for Carter -- despite ignoring the FACT that Reagan, Casey and Bush Sr. used the CIA to negotiate with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election, just so they could use Carter's failure to get the hostages out against him.


Talk about stacking the damn deck. http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/110204.html


You'd figure that Reagan could make the list:

-Arming Saddam

-Arming Iran


-Keeping the hostages in Iran just so he could use it as a political tool to win an election

-Funding/arming/training bin Laden and Al Qaeda

-Savings and Loans scandals

-Ignored AIDS

-Supported S. African apartheid

-Supported numerous Central/S. American dictators and others throughout the globe


I think it is a better laundry list of stupid s*** done in 8 years than Carter could ever dream of having done. And to say that Carter was a bad President is like saying Idi Amin was a people person. Sure, it is true but it isn't the whole story by any stretch of the imagination.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 09:55 PM)
I second that.  How he isn't on this poll is beyond me.



First of all it is Andrew Johnson and secondly If you were to read my explanation you would have seen that I forgot to add him to the list.

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QUOTE(BHAMBARONS @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 11:14 PM)
First of all it is Andrew Johnson and secondly If you were to read my explanation you would have seen that I forgot to add him to the list.


No, I am referring to Andrew Jackson, and I believe Balta is as well. Different guy. I myself got some of their histories mixed up in an earlier thread, but they are two different presidents.


Andrew Jackson is about the most hateful man to hold the office. He outwardly stated he wanted to exterminate the entire American Indian population, and said similar things about Blacks. He was also paranoid to the point of mental illness.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 10:18 PM)
No, I am referring to Andrew Jackson, and I believe Balta is as well.  Different guy.  I myself got some of their histories mixed up in an earlier thread, but they are two different presidents.


Andrew Jackson is about the most hateful man to hold the office.  He outwardly stated he wanted to exterminate the entire American Indian population, and said similar things about Blacks.  He was also paranoid to the point of mental illness.



I also got caught in that and yes they are very different for me it was a tough call I do think he is by far the most over rated president he has always been top 10 in all history books which I can not see why. I would have added him if I had more places to put him.

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QUOTE(BHAMBARONS @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 11:23 PM)
I also got caught in that and yes they are very different for me it was a tough call I do think he is by far the most over rated president he has always been top 10 in all history books which I can not see why.  I would have added him if I had more places to put him.


That amazes me - I mean that he could be in a top ten list. How can anyone put a man who openly advocated the annihilation of two entire racial groups/cultures in a list like that? Gotta love those selective history texts from grade school. Jackson rises up against the Electoral College (which I actually agree with) and came from some backwater hole, and made it to Prez, so he must be great, right?

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Hahahaha -- I'm actually starting the chapter on Jackson and his presidency tomorrow with my 7th grade class that I'm student teaching for.


I have set for a couple days of discussions about the way he got us Florida and the way that we went about Indian Removal under his Presidency. It is going to be so much fun playing Devil's Advocate for both sides during those discussions.


Edit: Did you ever notice that this guy openly advocated mass murder, killed a bunch of people in duels, threatened to hang other politicians, etc. and yet was still elected to the Presidency?


Wow, has America really become pussified when it comes to electing leaders. :P

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Why isn't George W. Bush on there? I am not sure whether I would vote for him but he has f***ed things up pretty bad for 2 countries. You guys really think there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? What about the CIA agent who had her cover blown because her husband (who worked for the President) discovered there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction and that this was all for oil? The only reason Bush is in office is because his f***ING BROTHER IS THE MOTHERf***ING GOVERNER OF FLORIDA!

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 10:25 PM)
That amazes me - I mean that he could be in a top ten list.  How can anyone put a man who openly advocated the annihilation of two entire racial groups/cultures in a list like that?  Gotta love those selective history texts from grade school.  Jackson rises up against the Electoral College (which I actually agree with) and came from some backwater hole, and made it to Prez, so he must be great, right?



I am reading in book that ranks him 6th best if you can believe that. Don't forget how he sent the country into a panic and ignored several Supreme Court rulings most noticeably in a case involving Indians saying that all citizens of Georgia must pledge to allegiance to the state or be removed which is a terrible to say the least. This guy abused his powers to the max the constitution meant nothing to him.

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QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 08:30 PM)
Why isn't George W. Bush on there?  I am not sure whether I would vote for him but he has f***ed things up pretty bad for 2 countries.  You guys really think there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?  What about the CIA agent who had her cover blown because her husband (who worked for the President) discovered there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction and that this was all for oil?  The only reason Bush is in office is because his f***ING BROTHER IS THE MOTHERf***ING GOVERNER OF FLORIDA!

I'll field this one...George W. Bush isn't up there yet because we're not even close to seeing the end result of his policies. We didn't know how much damage Eisenhower had done in preventing elections in South Vietnam in 1956 for 2 decades afterwards. We didn't know how much damage Reagan had done by funding the Afghan rebels in the 80's or by putting us into heavy debts, and we still don't know how much damage Bush 1 and Clinton have done by cutting off Afghanistan, etc.


I don't think it's likely, and I think it's pretty close to impossible, but until Bush 2 is an actual part of history, there's still a chance some of the things he did could turn out right. Say Iraq causes the U.S. to finally develop an alternative energy source to oil? Or Iraq somehow does actually spur democratic movements somewhere in the Middle East. It still is theoreticall possible. On the other hand, it's also possible that some of those radioactive materials that were looted from Iraqi sites could show up along with some looted Iraqi HMX in the middle of Manhattan. We don't know how history will judge people until history is actually written.

Edited by Balta1701
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