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Cheney shoots Quail Hunter


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 09:37 PM)
The shotgun he was using was relatively small guage (26 or something odd).

.28 I read.


Still, being blasted with a couple hundred BBs from 30 feet away doesn't sound like a whole lotta fun.


[/Mr. Obvious]

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QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 10:42 PM)


This thread goes all the way til March.


Over. Don't forget we'll still have the commentary after Whittington is released from the hospital, as well as the stories which include some variation of "his life will never be the same," or "activites such as hunting will no longer be possible with his heart condition."

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 04:47 AM)
Over. Don't forget we'll still have the commentary after Whittington is released from the hospital, as well as the stories which include some variation of "his life will never be the same," or "activites such as hunting will no longer be possible with his heart condition."


and the fact that i still laugh when i hear "cheney shot a man in the face"

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 06:02 AM)
Wordplay.  I don't know what amazes me more, the ability of BushCo loyalists to defend absolutely anything done by the administration or their capacity for manufactured outrage.


Oh, there was nothing manufactured about it. It took quite a lot of self restraint to keep myself from directing a few well chosen words your way.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 04:49 PM)
No sense in living in the past...?  :huh


I agree it's all bulls*** and they are all cream of the crop bulls*** dishers.. but 2 wrongs don't make a right Kap. In order to make changes to make the future better we have to correct things as they happen. No?


:headbang :notworthy


The fastest change will happen when Dems stop making excuses for "their people" and the GOP stops making excuses for "their people".

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 07:41 AM)
Oh, there was nothing manufactured about it.  It took quite a lot of self restraint to keep myself from directing a few well chosen words your way.

Plenty of it is manufactured, and it's not just you YAS. Accidental accident, yes. Did a beer at lunch have anything to do with it, I very much doubt it. But when the Vice President SHOOTS SOMEBODY (even if it is an accident), for BushCo loyalists to come on and say, "Oh I just know the left is going to say something about it" is manufactured outrage. To say with disgust that people would "fillet Cheney" if given the chance is essentially saying he hasn't done ANYTHING (not talking about the shooting) to deserve the animosity dircted at him.


But I understand your statement is hyperbole, and vice versa. Few people literally want to fillet tthe veep, just as I'm sure there are very few people actually literally fellating him. Still your statement conveys your opinion of a lot of the left. As mine does for a lot of the right.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 07:33 PM)
haha, suuuure


yes, Dick Cheney accidentally shot some guy with a small calibur gun during a hunting trip, the guy is fine.  that should be news for about 1 day, not a frickin week.  get over it dudes, no one cares about this except the "bush is hitler" crowd.  this is such a non-story and all this coverage is comical to me, just more of the lame conservative media vs liberal media battle.


I'm not a Bush basher and quite proud to be a republican.. however when anyone shoots anyone accidental or not, IMO, it IS a big deal. So don't tell me what the f*** I can or can't comment about. If you don't like it stay the f*** out of a thread discussing it.

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I guess I want my government open and responsive to the people. This is the White House and certainly they are smart enough to know that Chaney not appearing for an extended period of time would cause people to wonder.


What would I have loved to see? ASAP Chaney appears on camera, saying Oh s***, I shot my buddy by mistake. I understand there will be questions about the shooting, the person shot, my involvement and condition, and probably a few things we haven't thought of. So here goes


For privacy reasons, and to give him time to speak with his family to assure them that he is ok, we are not identifying the victim. I am certain at a later date he will come forward and answer questions, but I can say that he is a private citizen and we need to respect his privacy in the matter. Please keep him and his family in your prayers tonight. Doctors have assured me he is fine and will have a complete recovery.


The accident happend at 5:32 PM when I blah blah blah I have *voluntarily* submitted a blood sample to local authorities to stop any speculation in that arena.


game.set.match to the Texans and the American way of life.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 05:21 PM)
Stop it.  Seriously.  Whenever someone criticizes something anyone anywhere in the current administration does, the GOP'ers here immediately come up with something about a Clinton.  It's childish and makes no sense.


Are we capable of sticking to an issue here?


Oh that's right. Because I have never seen a bumpersticker that said when Clinton lied, no one died. Or no one has ever said why is lying about a blowjob impeachable, when lying about a war isn't. No one ever brings up the past in the other light... Give me a break. Its also shortsighted to think that two similar things never get compared and contrasted. Are you telling me that kids in the same household never say well when Joey stayed out late, you didn't ground him... Or hell even in the city of Chicago, that the Sox and Cubs never get compared on the basis of what they did? The entire court system is based on precedent of previous rulings.


I heard 8 years of Vast Right Wing Conspiracy bulls*** everytime Clinton was critisized for anything. And now we are just supposed to forget about the past when our current President gets blackballed for the samekinds of things? I couldn't tell you how many times I got told that his and Monica's affair, because it was between two consentual adults was none of my business, and that because no law was broken, we didn't deserve to know. Well guess what... Dick Cheney had a hunting accident. Why is that now my business? It happened on his personal time, with other consenting adults, and the biggest ACTUAL crime committed was that he didn't have a stamp to be hunting quail. Oh s***, start the impeachment hearings.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 10:04 AM)
Oh that's right.  Because I have never seen a bumpersticker that said when Clinton lied, no one died.  Or no one has ever said why is lying about a blowjob impeachable, when lying about a war isn't.  No one ever brings up the past in the other light...  Give me a break.  Its also shortsighted to think that two similar things never get compared and contrasted.  Are you telling me that kids in the same household never say well when Joey stayed out late, you didn't ground him...  Or hell even in the city of Chicago, that the Sox and Cubs never get compared on the basis of what they did?  The entire court system is based on precedent of previous rulings.


I heard 8 years of Vast Right Wing Conspiracy bulls*** everytime Clinton was critisized for anything.  And now we are just supposed to forget about the past when our current President gets blackballed for the samekinds of things?  I couldn't tell you how many times I got told that his and Monica's affair, because it was between two consentual adults was none of my business, and that because no law was broken, we didn't deserve to know.  Well guess what... Dick Cheney had a hunting accident.  Why is that now my business?  It happened on his personal time, with other consenting adults, and the biggest ACTUAL crime committed was that he didn't have a stamp to be hunting quail.  Oh s***, start the impeachment hearings.


You are welcome to make comparisons, but that isn't what is happening here. What I see happening is a pattern of right-wingers defending any criticism of Bush as being "typical left-wing drivel", followed immediately by pointing out what an a**hole one Clinton or the other is. That isn't comparison, its flaming.


And I can't speak for everyone, but when I criticize Bush or anyone else (including the Dems) for something here, I don't throw in the extra insults and taunts, and I try to back it up with some evidence and thought. That is what I am seeking here. Less attacks, more substance. Less of the "he did it, I can do it" bulls**t. More discussions on how to make it better.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 08:54 AM)
I love how everyone thinks that things should have been done a certain way, and what was done is never good enough.  That's my point.


It seems you think it should have been done the way it was and that the American public should just accept whatever explaination the government has. That is certainly a way it could work, and has worked in many countries. Is there an example of someone here who posted and didn't think it should have been done a certain way? Either the way it was or an alternate?


I believe in total disclosure as fast as possible. Others believe that the government shouldn't have to answer to the American public, or if they do, on whatever time table the government wants. As I stated earlier, either one works, I just believe we are better served when the American public, via the media usually, is kept informed and there are no government secrets beyond certain obvious national security ones. When anyone in our government seems to have something to hide, I think we are best served when there are verified answers.


Using some golden oldie examples, when Nixon gave his Checker's speech, most Republicans were satisfied and wish Bob and Carl would STFU. When CLinton gave his Monica speech, most Dems were satisfied and wished the press would have STFU. And if the press did STFU, we still would have survived. Ford would never have been President. Monica's blue dress would not have been the foder for late night humor. But our nation would have kept tugging along. So maybe government secrets aren't such a bad idea. Maybe telling the press to just report what the government releases is a good idea. Maybe we are making our leaders too responsible. *If* Chaney was drunk, it was still an accident, and he was on vacation, and everyone did make the choice to hunt with him. So who does need any more explaination?

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I thought this was funny:


The ABC radio National "Top of the hour" news led with the Cheney story for the 5th day. The story this morning was that he was making his first public speech since the incident, which happens to be in his home state of Wyoming. The had a clip of someone from there: "If I was him I'd be embarrassed. That'd be like me accidentally shooting a friend of mine."


I'm like, "Well, yeeeeaahhh. Brilliant, buddy." :lol:

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QUOTE(mreye @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 10:01 AM)
I thought this was funny:


The ABC radio National "Top of the hour" news led with the Cheney story for the 5th day. The story this morning was that he was making his first public speech since the incident, which happens to be in his home state of Wyoming. The had a clip of someone from there: "If I was him I'd be embarrassed. That'd be like me accidentally shooting a friend of mine."


I'm like, "Well, yeeeeaahhh. Brilliant, buddy."  :lol:


:lolhitting except you don't have an ambulance on call . . .

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QUOTE(mreye @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 11:01 AM)
I thought this was funny:


The ABC radio National "Top of the hour" news led with the Cheney story for the 5th day. The story this morning was that he was making his first public speech since the incident, which happens to be in his home state of Wyoming. The had a clip of someone from there: "If I was him I'd be embarrassed. That'd be like me accidentally shooting a friend of mine."


I'm like, "Well, yeeeeaahhh. Brilliant, buddy."  :lol:


Did Yogi Berra say that? :bang :bang

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 07:38 AM)
Using some golden oldie examples, when Nixon gave his Checker's speech, most Republicans were satisfied and wish Bob and Carl would STFU.

I think you're a bit mistaken there. The Checkers speech was given in 1952. Watergate was in 1972. Bob was 9 years old and Carl was 8.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 10:51 AM)
I think you're a bit mistaken there.  The Checkers speech was given in 1952.  Watergate was in 1972.  Bob was 9 years old and Carl was 8.


Oops, you are correct. Thank you for pointing that out.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 17, 2006 -> 09:38 AM)
I believe in total disclosure as fast as possible. Others believe that the government shouldn't have to answer to the American public, or if they do, on whatever time table the government wants. As I stated earlier, either one works, I just believe we are better served when the American public, via the media usually, is kept informed and there are no government secrets beyond certain obvious national security ones. When anyone in our government seems to have something to hide, I think we are best served when there are verified answers.


I totally agree in disclosing as much as you can as fast as you can. However, how fast is fast enough? It is very easy to look back after everything has played out and say: "They could have done this or that faster or different." The thing about all of this is, HE JUST SHOT A FRIEND. Put yourself in those shoes. How long would it take for the shock to wear off? How long before you got your bearings?


I cannot imagine shooting a friend in the face, and seeing them in the ICU. Then, to come up with the perfect way of doing things? I would try to give myself as much time as possible to be able to clearly discuss what happened.

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