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H. Clinton opening mouth again


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February 14, 2006, 9:07 PM EST



WASHINGTON -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton thinks White House delays in disclosing Dick Cheney's shotgun mishap are evidence of a vast West Wing conspiracy to stonewall journalists and voters.


Clinton told reporters Tuesday that the nearly 24-hour lag proved the White House has a "disturbing" tendency to "withhold information" no matter what the issue.


"I don't think that one incident alone tells a story, but put it all together, going back years, there's a pattern and it's a pattern that should be troubling," Clinton said during a Capitol Hill news conference criticizing the administration's handling of Hurricane Katrina.


"I don't care if you're a conservative, a liberal, a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent -- the refusal of this administration to level with the American people in matters large and small is very disturbing because it goes counter to the way our constitutional democracy ... is supposed to work," she added.


Republican National Committee spokesman Danny Diaz, responded later, "It seems that there's no issue above politics for New York's junior senator."


After the news conference, Clinton stopped by the Senate Armed Services Committee to grill Army brass about body armor supplies and to listen to Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) ask questions about Humvee safety. During the session, both shared a public chuckle at Cheney's expense.


When one general used the expression "shooting ourselves in the gut," Kennedy interrupted to say, "I'm not sure that's a good analogy today."


Clinton threw back her head and laughed so heartily it echoed through the cavernous committee room.



How soon she forgets that she PERSONALLY withheld the news about Vince Foster’s “suicide” note for 30 hours, going to far as to keep it from the President, her husband.


i was listening to CNN on sirius (yay sirius!) yesterday, and paula zahn made me want to punch her - TWICE -.




1. “if this was just an accident, why is Cheney so secretive?” [insert scaaaaaaaaaary music]


2. “Cheney is known to be secretive. i talked to him back [don’t remember when] in Afghanistan, for example [insert prior recording]:


paula: do you know where osama is?

dick: if i did, i wouldn’t talk about it.”


this was her example of secrecy.



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When is Hillary going to figure out the country doesn't want to hear your garbage. I was once hoping for Hillary not to run in 08 but now I am just to see her and extreme liberal friends fall on their faces. If Hillary wins 40% and 100 electoral votes I will be shocked.

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This is so embarrassing and pathetic. Of all people to make such comments... but Hillary Clinton? ROFL, the irony is delicious.


It's nice that these great leaders of our country are laughing about a guy being shot though. Especially when the fat-headed drunk Ted Kennedy actually drowned one of his girlfriends in a drunken stupor in 1969 and forgot to call the police.

Edited by SSH2005
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QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 09:17 PM)
This is so embarrassing and pathetic.  Of all people to make such comments...  but Hillary Clinton?  ROFL, the irony is delicious.


It's nice that these great leaders of our country are laughing about a guy being shot though.  Especially when the fat-headed drunk Ted Kennedy actually drowned one of his girlfriends in a drunken stupor years ago and "forgot" to call the police.

Ok, someone else brought it up, so I feel OK in using this one.


State of the nation


From a client: Cheney invited Ted Kennedy on a hunting trip. Kennedy agreed, but only if he could drive.

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that seemed like a real objective article.


that was so ridiculous it seems fake. IF they are gonna claim she says it was part of the vast right wing conspiracy, quote her. It seemed like she said what the media, citizens and fellow politicians have been saying...why was there so much delay. This article seemed like utter bulls***.

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QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 10:14 PM)
that seemed like a real objective article.


that was so ridiculous it seems fake. IF they are gonna claim she says it was part of the vast right wing conspiracy, quote her. It seemed like she said what the media, citizens and fellow politicians have been saying...why was there so much delay. This article seemed like utter bulls***.

THe article isn't fake, but thus far none of the pieces I've found (all of which seem to be appearing only on conservative sites, i.e. Newsday, Newsmax, NY Daily News, etc.) actually say she used the phrase "vast right wing conspiracy" here. I think Newsday was just bringing that old one up to try to keep the smear delicious and tasty.

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QUOTE(minors @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 12:11 AM)
When is Hillary going to figure out the country doesn't want to hear your garbage.  I was once hoping for Hillary not to run in 08 but now I am just to see her and extreme liberal friends fall on their faces.  If Hillary wins 40% and 100 electoral votes I will be shocked.


I dislike Hilary pretty intensely, and I can't see voting for her for Prez (unless the GOP alternative is Tom DeLay).


But you need to get with reality, my friend. Hilary is not nearly as far left as some of the others you will see in the Dem primaries in '08. On a handful of issues she is pretty far left, but on the whole, she is closer to center than quite a few in her party.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 09:45 AM)
I dislike Hilary pretty intensely, and I can't see voting for her for Prez (unless the GOP alternative is Tom DeLay).


But you need to get with reality, my friend.  Hilary is not nearly as far left as some of the others you will see in the Dem primaries in '08.  On a handful of issues she is pretty far left, but on the whole, she is closer to center than quite a few in her party.


I would second that. Hillary is as far left as her polls tell her to be. There are real honest to goodness liberals in the democrats who actually believe what they say and mean to fight for it, even if it isn't the most popular guy. I have a lot more respect for the Howard Deans of the party, just for that reason. And don't kid yourself, with as far to the right as the White House has been, this is the perfect opportunity for a REAL left wing canditate to emerge from the pack as an alternative.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 02:59 PM)
I would second that.  Hillary is as far left as her polls tell her to be.  There are real honest to goodness liberals in the democrats who actually believe what they say and mean to fight for it, even if it isn't the most popular guy.  I have a lot more respect for the Howard Deans of the party, just for that reason.  And don't kid yourself, with as far to the right as the White House has been, this is the perfect opportunity for a REAL left wing canditate to emerge from the pack as an alternative.

Agreed, and if they stick by their prinicpals and don't go as far left or right as the polls tell them to be, they should get more respect.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 08:59 AM)
I would second that.  Hillary is as far left as her polls tell her to be.  There are real honest to goodness liberals in the democrats who actually believe what they say and mean to fight for it, even if it isn't the most popular guy.  I have a lot more respect for the Howard Deans of the party, just for that reason.  And don't kid yourself, with as far to the right as the White House has been, this is the perfect opportunity for a REAL left wing canditate to emerge from the pack as an alternative.

The White House has been far right? Could have fooled me.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 01:28 PM)
It said "Vast West Wing Conspiracy" and she wasn't quoted in the article. Reading the article, I didn't actually think she said those words, nor did the author say she did. Am I missing something?


you are correct on the west...




quote " Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton thinks White House delays in disclosing Dick Cheney's shotgun mishap are evidence of a vast West Wing conspiracy to stonewall journalists and voters.





and for the record...what she said is right. This has been the most secretive administration in my lifetime.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 11:08 AM)
Far right doesn't equal conservative.

Far left doesn't equal liberal.


Well said, but a republican can't seem to be voted into office without being far right, and a democrat can't seem to be voted into office without being far left. Apparently moderation in either party means sellout and flip flop, which is sad.

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QUOTE(bmags @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 03:46 PM)
you are correct on the west...




quote " Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton thinks White House delays in disclosing Dick Cheney's shotgun mishap are evidence of a vast West Wing conspiracy to stonewall journalists and voters.





and for the record...what she said is right. This has been the most secretive administration in my lifetime.


You quoted the article, not Hillary. Newsday is a tabloid paper.

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