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Brian Anderson


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We know Brian Anderson was a stud in Triple A. We know he hit 16 or 17 dongs and had 56 rbi's. But can he play? Is the kid for real? Last year in the bigs Anerson was up for 13 games where he had 34 AB's. He hit .176 and had a OBP of .176. He had 2 homers and 3 rbi's. Granted, he is going to be hitting in the 9 spot, and Rowand didn't have his best year at the plate last year, but is he as good at Rowand? Especially in the field? He played 5 games in center last year and had a fielding % of 1.000...That's pretty good, but he only had 7 total chances. In 157 games played in centerfield, A-Row had a fielding % of .992. 3 Errors ALL of last season. All I've heard of Brian Anderson has been good things. Hopefully they are true. He can field, but is he as good at Rowand in the field? He's young, which I like, but he lacks experience and he shows it at the plate. No, we didn't bring him up for his stick and yes he will be batting in the 9 spot where he just has to get the order around, but can he replace Rowand? Plus, Rowand loved it here in Chicago and the fans love him. It was hard to see him go, so I'm a little skeptical about Brian Anderson. What do you think? Tell me what you know and how you feel about Anderson. I like him, but I dont know if he'll fill the shoes of Rowand....

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I hope Brian has a good start to the season so the Arow lovers who feel that only Arow can fill our CF position can be quiet.


I liked Rowand, he was a great fielder and a good guy. However he is now a Phillie. Please move on and lets give our new CF a fair shake. I keep remembering the same comments when Arow came up. Lets see how it all works out.

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