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U.S. Catches "Iraqi Death Squad" in act


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It's things like this which make me very, very concerned about the quality of the "Iraqi troops" we're putting in place to run that country when we do depart.


Iraq has launched an investigation into claims by the US military that an Iraqi interior ministry "death squad" has been targeting Sunni Arab Iraqis.


The probe comes after a US general revealed the arrest of 22 policemen allegedly on a mission to kill a Sunni.


"We have found one of the death squads. They are part of the police force," US Maj Gen Joseph Peterson said.


Sunnis have long accused Iraqi forces of operating death squads - but the claims have never been substantiated.


Iraqi deputy interior minister Maj Gen Hussein Kamal said his ministry had set up an inquiry.


"The interior minister has formed an investigation committee to learn more about the Sunni person and those 22 men, particularly whether they work for the Interior Ministry or claim to belong to the ministry," he told Associated Press news agency.


Hundreds of Sunni Arab Iraqis have been found dead since the 2003 war in what appear to have been extra-judicial killings.


On Wednesday, the bodies of four unidentified men were found in Baghdad's Shia district of Shula. They had been handcuffed, blindfolded and shot in the head.


Iraqi insurgents have also often used a similar tactic against Iraqis working with international forces or the Iraqi government.


The latter part seems the most chilling to me. Whether or not we hand over to the Shi'a or the insurgents, it sounds like both have been doing the same dirty work over there.

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