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Intelligent design dead?


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QUOTE(minors @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 11:04 PM)
Well I consider my uncle being suddendly cured from terminal caner when 3 weeks earlier when his wife was told to make him confortable he will be dead in 2-4 weeks.  Even the doctor from UM said it was a miracle beyond science. 

Also a friend who was in a terrible car crash in which she was drug 91 feet, half of her face was torn off and failed a brain test what ever it's called and the doctor told her mother to pull the plug but the mother prayed about it then misterously the next day the mother went to touch her and she pushed her hand off her the doctor performed another test and she passed again the doctor said science had no answer for this.  Granted she still does have a long recovery.  That is what I mean I should have stated it better


You still havent really stated anything. You telling us these things doesnt prove anything. I mean no disrespect, but what you are telling us doesnt disprove evolution.

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QUOTE(minors @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 10:41 PM)
Personally no I don't but hey I am not in control of what is taught an what isn't the Governor is and they have made it clear that evolution will come with an asterik

More importantly, science degrees from Tennessee will come with an asterisk. :ph34r:

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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You still havent really stated anything.  You telling us these things doesnt prove anything.  I mean no disrespect, but what you are telling us doesnt disprove evolution.


I am not saying that I totaly disagree with evolution I really don't know what to believe I just giving you guys the same stuff I hear down here

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QUOTE(minors @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 09:54 PM)
Oh you should make a trip down here to the south if you think I am bad, I get criticised because I don't believe in it more strongly.  You should ask BHAM how it is in Bama I feel sorry for him being a liberal down there.



Whoa don't get me invloved in this.

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Since my name has come up in this thread I will say this:


#1. ID is a complete waist it is so bad that many of the pastors that I know do not support it.


#2. Alabama does not place asterisks in text books, that was a stupid plan by Governor James in 1998 who came up to a school board meeting a dressed up like a monkey and made himself look like a fool. James was defeated that year and no longer are text books marked. Now some Private Christian Schools that is a different story.


#3. Yes I have been targeted for my beliefs but those are by the far right wing extremists. Minors you make the south sound like this terrible place and I will tell you it just isn't true just a few extremists that give the south a bad name.

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 11:33 PM)
The realm of science only includes things that can be tested. ID can't. Total and separate distinction with the two.


I totally agree that evolution should be taught in a science class without any disclaimers since this is the best working theory that science can offer us based upon its assumptions.


I would like to see this supplimented with teachings about the philosophy of the science. In order to say what it does, it needs to make certain assumptions, and I would like people to understand what these are.

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QUOTE(minors @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 10:41 PM)
Personally no I don't but hey I am not in control of what is taught an what isn't the Governor is and they have made it clear that evolution will come with an asterik

Actually, Bredesen does not agree with the asterisks. Bredesen, who didn't even live in the south until he was in his thirties and has a degree from Harvard, has stated that he wants school science to be jut that. Its parts of the TN legislature that are pushing this warning sticker stuff (along with some local yokels).

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QUOTE(minors @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 10:44 PM)
I will not change my stance on the issue just like I don't see any other southerners doing it either.

I lived in Memphis for a few years. The city where the delta starts, as the saying goes. Yeah, there were some crazies around. But even there, I got no feeling that everyone rejected evolution. Some, yes. But not all, and not even most. Plenty of southerners have accepted evolution as science, even if their religious beliefs can be INTERPERETED otherwise.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 08:53 AM)
I lived in Memphis for a few years.  The city where the delta starts, as the saying goes.  Yeah, there were some crazies around.  But even there, I got no feeling that everyone rejected evolution.  Some, yes.  But not all, and not even most.  Plenty of southerners have accepted evolution as science, even if their religious beliefs can be INTERPERETED otherwise.


See, that's the difference. Evolution is science, and it's real. Most religious conservatives believe that. However, they don't accept it as the only explanation for the beginning of life on this planet. It is something that looked as a way for life to evolve and survive, but not as the answer to beginning of all life.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 09:26 AM)
See, that's the difference.  Evolution is science, and it's real.  Most religious conservatives believe that.  However, they don't accept it as the only explanation for the beginning of life on this planet.  It is something that looked as a way for life to evolve and survive, but not as the answer to beginning of all life.

Even beyond that...eventually science will come up with a plausible, fully consistent mechanism for the origin of life on earth. Dozens have been proposed but not proven. But even when that happens, that doesn't explain why the universe is here. That doesn't explain why the constants of the universe fall where they do, that doesn't explain how the universe started. For those who choose to believe in a higher power, even with a scientific explanation for the origin of life on earth, when one finally does gain acceptance, there is still plenty of room for people to hold those beliefs without contradicting science.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 12:41 PM)
Even beyond that...eventually science will come up with a plausible, fully consistent mechanism for the origin of life on earth.  Dozens have been proposed but not proven.  But even when that happens, that doesn't explain why the universe is here.  That doesn't explain why the constants of the universe fall where they do, that doesn't explain how the universe started.  For those who choose to believe in a higher power, even with a scientific explanation for the origin of life on earth, when one finally does gain acceptance, there is still plenty of room for people to hold those beliefs without contradicting science.


In my opinion, it doesn't contradict science. It embraces science. As I said, that's the difference. The creationist aspect does allow for evolution as a viable reality. The scientifific aspect will know even consider a higher power as a reasonable alternative, even though it cannot be disproven any more than it can be proven.

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Short answer No.

Long answer Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo





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