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Lasik Cost?

Mr. Showtime

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Just to throw a somewhat random fact about laser eye surgery out there...


If you are in, or are ever considering applying for any federal job (and jobs in some states) that has any type of vision requirement (law enforcement agencies and security/intelligence, for example), be aware that having any sort of surgical modification to your vision will automatically disqualify you from that job. I know, sounds weird, but it is absolutely true. The federal government appears to not yet be confident that such procedures will be effective in the long run.


Just in case it matters to anyone.

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Guys I am refraining from posting for personal reasons but I saw this thread and would like to help you out.


I had Lasik done 5 years ago by Dr. Richard Foulkes in Hinsdale (Google him, I think it's Laser Eye Center) and I could not be more pleased. I paid $1500 total and the cost is lower in some cases now, not only that it can be financed with no money down and about $40 a month.


I could not be any happier, I am thrilled with the results. I had horrible vision, 20/700 in one eye and 20/650 in the other, I mean really bad vision.


My vision is now 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other, he slightly undercorrected one eye so I wouldn't have trouble seeing up close as I aged.


I wore glasses since age 10 and contacts from age 18, suffice it to say I do not miss them. Not only that I am WAY ahead expense wise from all the contact lens crap I had to buy.


My wife's vision was almost as bad, she had her eyes done 2 years ago and is just as happy.


You experience a rough nite for the first nite but the good news is all you want to do is sleep anyways. After 72 hours you are well on the road to recovery.


Highly recommended.

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I wouldn't worry so much about cost as much as getting a reputable place. SO many places are doing it now and a lot are just chop shops trying outbid the others for business. I think the $1,200 per eye range is about right.

One more thing to add, the funny thing about Lasik is that it cannot be done on the people who need it most. I have HORRIBLE vision (-10.00 prescription on my contacts) and numerous places told me that I would still need to wear glasses and contacts after the procedure. There is a limit to what they can accomplish.

A friend of mine, also with horrible vision, had it done and she still had to wear glasses afterward and her vision seems to be digressing again. Often times 'touch ups' are required.

Be careful, if you're not comfortable, don't do it at all.

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QUOTE(JimH @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 02:12 PM)
Guys I am refraining from posting for personal reasons but I saw this thread and would like to help you out.


I had Lasik done 5 years ago by Dr. Richard Foulkes in Hinsdale (Google him, I think it's Laser Eye Center) and I could not be more pleased.  I paid $1500 total and the cost is lower in some cases now, not only that it can be financed with no money down and about $40 a month.


I could not be any happier, I am thrilled with the results.  I had horrible vision, 20/700 in one eye and 20/650 in the other, I mean really bad vision. 


My vision is now 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other, he slightly undercorrected one eye so I wouldn't have trouble seeing up close as I aged.


I wore glasses since age 10 and contacts from age 18, suffice it to say I do not miss them.  Not only that I am WAY ahead expense wise from all the contact lens crap I had to buy.


My wife's vision was almost as bad, she had her eyes done 2 years ago and is just as happy.


You experience a rough nite for the first nite but the good news is all you want to do is sleep anyways.  After 72 hours you are well on the road to recovery.


Highly recommended.




I've heard good things about Dr. Foulkes.


I've had glasses since 2nd grade and I'm going to be 22 soon. I don't know if I qualify but this was very helpful to me, Jim.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 01:51 PM)
This makes me curious cause I wouldn't mind getting it done eventually.  That said contacts really don't bother me, but I hate having to get up in the night and no being able to see.

Yeah same here. I've had mine from age 15 (I'm 22). The only thing that sucks is falling asleep with them (or not wanting to get up to take them out because you are falling asleep). Other than that it's about a 30 second process per day.


Once i have some money and this stuff is more consistent and perhaps cheaper, i might look into it.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 12:53 PM)
Yeah same here. I've had mine from age 15 (I'm 22).  The only thing that sucks is falling asleep with them (or not wanting to get up to take them out because you are falling asleep). Other than that it's about a 30 second process per day.


Once i have some money and this stuff is more consistent and perhaps cheaper, i might look into it.

Ya...every once in a while I'll sleep with mine in. If they bothered me like contacts bother some people I'd probably for sure get the procedure, but honestly, when my contacts are in I don't even know it.


Its just the minute or so a day between popping them in and taking them out. Of course I am blind as a bat (6.00 or so in each eye in terms of perscription). Worse part was 20/20 up until I was 16.

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I have used extended wear contacts with excellent results. I can't see without correction, well of 20/1000, fumbling for glasses at night was a pain. Extended wear worked great for me. I'm wearing glasses again, for some other reasons, but am considering a switch back for all the water stuff I'll be doing this summer.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 04:03 PM)
Ya...every once in a while I'll sleep with mine in.  If they bothered me like contacts bother some people I'd probably for sure get the procedure, but honestly, when my contacts are in I don't even know it.


Its just the minute or so a day between popping them in and taking them out.  Of course I am blind as a bat (6.00 or so in each eye in terms of perscription).  Worse part was 20/20 up until I was 16.

I'm at 3.75 for both eyes. So i'm not totally blind, but i can't watch tv or see much of anything without contacts. I use my glasses at night before i go to bed and for a bit when i wake up. I honestly don't know my contacts are in either, they don't bother me much at all.


The best part about getting contacts was the first time i wore them. It was freshman year during spring break. I went to baseball practice and was like "holy s***, you can see the seams on a baseball." Well i actually went like 7-8 in the next doubleheader we had. I had no idea my vision wasn't up to snuff before that.

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I know that if I ever tried contacts, I would never be able to get them in.


I can see pretty well without my glasses, just won't see a whole lot of detail watching TV or won't be able to read things somewhat far away, but I wear them just about all the time.


I guess I'm one of the few that has no problem w/ glasses.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 05:10 PM)
I'm at 3.75 for both eyes. So i'm not totally blind, but i can't watch tv or see much of anything without contacts. I use my glasses at night before i go to bed and for a bit when i wake up.  I honestly don't know my contacts are in either, they don't bother me much at all.


The best part about getting contacts was the first time i wore them. It was freshman year during spring break. I went to baseball practice and was like "holy s***, you can see the seams on a baseball." Well i actually went like 7-8 in the next doubleheader we had. I had no idea my vision wasn't up to snuff before that.

My 1st experience was really similar. As your eyes slowly go bad you really don't notice it. Especially cause when I first needed them I was like 20/60 or so. Just enough to not pass my drivers license eye exam (thats when I found out). I noticed when I first put my contacts in (I got contacts from the get go). Well it took me forever to adjust to getting the damn things in for the first week or so. But when I was driving back home with my dad I could see everything.


I never realized what I should have been able to see and it was sweet. I definately remember my first bball practice after getting them and I was stunned at how much better I picked up the ball. Not that it really mattered since I only had like 2 ab's my entire high school career (after hurting my arm and eventually quitting the team, lol).


Since than the only doctors appointment I make to on time and every year or so (since my vision is starting to finally slow down I won't have to do that soon enough) was my eye appointment cause I love getting the proper prescription so you can see super clear.


Sadly I have the best vision in my family. I thought I was an enigma cause the rest of my family all had had glasses by 1st grade yet I went till high school somehow.

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QUOTE(SnB @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 07:16 PM)
I know that if I ever tried contacts, I would never be able to get them in.


I can see pretty well without my glasses, just won't see a whole lot of detail watching TV or won't be able to read things somewhat far away, but I wear them just about all the time.


I guess I'm one of the few that has no problem w/ glasses.


That's why I've never tried contacts.


I don't have a problem with them per se, I just think I'd look better without my glasses. Not the best reason I suppose, but it's more of a confidence thing for me.

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QUOTE(SnB @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 05:16 PM)
I know that if I ever tried contacts, I would never be able to get them in.


I can see pretty well without my glasses, just won't see a whole lot of detail watching TV or won't be able to read things somewhat far away, but I wear them just about all the time.


I guess I'm one of the few that has no problem w/ glasses.

I don't think I could do glasses full time. I play basketball and football at least once a week and all I'd do is worry about getting my glasses broken. And I refuse to sport goggles like James "Big Game" Worthy.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 07:46 PM)
I don't think I could do glasses full time.  I play basketball and football at least once a week and all I'd do is worry about getting my glasses broken.  And I refuse to sport goggles like James "Big Game" Worthy.

yeah I see where you're coming from.

When I play sports, i can just take them and have no problem seeing what I need to see.

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