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Delay tied directly to IRS audit of critics


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This little nugget appeared in the Washington Post today.


The Internal Revenue Service recently audited the books of a Texas nonprofit group that was critical of campaign spending by former House majority leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) after receiving a request for the audit from one of DeLay's political allies in the House.


The lawmaker, House Ways and Means Committee member Sam Johnson (R-Tex.), was in turn responding to a complaint about the group, Texans for Public Justice, from Barnaby W. Zall, a Washington lawyer close to DeLay and his fundraising apparatus, according to IRS documents.


Now, as we all know, this sort of thing seems to happen quite consistently, with things like Judicial Watch randomly coming up for an audit every year of the Clinton Administration, etc. But as I understand it, it's pretty darn unusual to be able to draw that straight of a line from a politician directly to an audit of a group criticising that politician. Anywho, at least now I have something to point at the next time people cite Clinton's use of the IRS against his critics as a major problem of that administration.

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