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American Idol Predictions


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Not much of a prediction, but Simon is right--Melissa is definitely gone. Even if she performed well, I believe America would have casted her off.


Second choice of mine is Kinnik. Her collagen lip injections have become too much of a distraction--and she butchered her sound. Unless someone absolutely bombs, the remaining contestants will go through the next round.


McPhee up next. :wub: After that I can turn the channel....

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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I think Melissa and Kinnik are gone. Although my sleeper pick to go home is Lisa.


Ideally, Kellie Golly-gee Pickler would go too. Girl is like fingers on a chalkboard to me.



Edit: Holy hell can Mandisa sing. She was awesome. So was Katherine.

Edited by Soxy
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QUOTE(Soxy @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 03:11 AM)
I think Melissa and Kinnik are gone. Although my sleeper pick to go home is Lisa.


Ideally, Kellie Golly-gee Pickler would go too. Girl is like fingers on a chalkboard to me.

Edit: Holy hell can Mandisa sing. She was awesome. So was Katherine.


Going into tonight I thought it would be tough for anyone to go besides Kinnik and Melissa. I think Melissa is the better of the two, but I believe there is a definite division between those two and the next six. I think it will be interesting to see in what order the girls depart once the Top 12 begins.


I like Kellie Pickler because she is real. Her problem now is that she is SO real she is becoming irritating as hell. I mean, other than Bucky, can anyone really be THAT dumb??


For some reason, I am still not sold on Mandisa being that great. I am not sure what it is about her, but to me she isn't any better than Lisa, Paris or Katharine. I really like Ayla (feeling like a dirty old man) but I don't think she fits with the above. I wouldn't put it past her to last a few more weeks than one might think, though.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 3, 2006 -> 09:56 AM)
The medication effects her badly.


Well then, it's a good thing she's not on national TV or anything to cause tons of speculation of her "extra-curricular" activities.


I was saying Paris before. But after the past two week, I think the little girl will get walked all over by Mandisa. She just keeps getting stronger and better, and her personality is great.

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Predictions on eliminations this week....



Kinnik - no doubter

Melissa - pretty sure

Ayla - don't think she should be gone this week, but a possibility. I'll go with the above two.



Will - picked the wrong James Taylor song

Kevin or Bucky - can't decide. If forced to do so, I am going to guess Bucky.


Overall, I thought the guys were much better than the girls this week. I really liked Taylor's "Takin it to the Streets". I was happy he did well, because I think his star had begin to fade.


I think Ace is overrated. His looks are what is keeping him high in the pecking order at this point. Sing like a guy, damnit!

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The final 12 is set. I was glad to see Melissa stay, but I don't think she will last more than another week or two with the negative buzz she gets. I was really disappointed with the guys that got voted off, I really wanted to see both Bucky and Kevin get voted off, and I was really upset to see Gideon go.


Thoughts or early winner predictions?


I am going to give an early wildcard guess of Katharine winning it all.

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I was also sad to see Gideon go, he totally won me over two weeks ago with the A change is gonna come song. I can't believe Kevin is still around. I don't hate Bucky, I think he'd be a good country artist, I like his voice for country, but I don't see him around much longer. Ace should go soon too, his last two performances have been physically painful, but he's beautiful so that will buy some time. I like Taylor, although I feel a little guilty that maybe I like him for the Timmy (Southpark) factor. I'm bored with Chris, he's super talented but this nouveau pop-rock stuff isn't really my style. Maybe he'll do better under the theme weeks, but I could also see that being his downfall. I love Elliot's voice and he's got the perfect face for radio, but I don't think he'll win.


I would like Melissa a lot better if she dressed better (maybe her pitch problems on Tuesday were because she couldn't breathe in that jacket?), I don't think the Stevie Wonder songs next week will be a good genre for her either. I think Lisa is dull and a disappointment. And Kellie Pickler is as fake as Melissa's tan, and far less talented than Melissa or any of the remaining girls. I'd like Mandisa to be the last lady standing because I really enjoy her voice and would like to hear her on the radio.


Ideally, I'd like the top 4 to look something like this:

Katherine, Mandisa, Taylor, Elliot


But it will probably go more like this:

Kellie, Katherine/Mandisa, Chris, Ace/Elliot


I'd like Mandisa to win it all because I bet her album would be amazing and fun.

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I'd love to see Mandisa win, but I just don't see it happening. She has by far the most talent, but keeping in mind who is contributing the majority of the votes here, I just don't see it happening.


I'm also glad to hear that I am the only one who can't stand the whole act that Kellie puts on. It is a complete ripoff of Carrie last year.

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i thought the eliminations were correct last night, i think Melissa got too much negative feedback. her voice is more unique than a lot of the other girls.


Thank god i don't have to see Gideon's stupid big smile anymore....good ridance.


the show is Taylors to lose now....he's above all the others.


I think Mandisa is over-rated, is she gonna sign "it's raining men" next???? lol

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 12:42 PM)
I'd love to see Mandisa win, but I just don't see it happening.  She has by far the most talent, but keeping in mind who is contributing the majority of the votes here, I just don't see it happening.


I'm also glad to hear that I am the only one who can't stand the whole act that Kellie puts on.  It is a complete ripoff of Carrie last year.

I know Bama Rex is a fan of Kellie, but no one I know in real life enjoys her. I can't believe she's still around after the lies about oh, I've never sung in public before, I've only ever sung in my shower. When she competed in beauty pagents and other talent competitions.


She just adds to the golly-gee I'm a nice but stupid southerner stereotype.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 06:28 PM)
I know Bama Rex is a fan of Kellie, but no one I know in real life enjoys her. I can't believe she's still around after the lies about oh, I've never sung in public before, I've only ever sung in my shower. When she competed in beauty pagents and other talent competitions.


She just adds to the golly-gee I'm a nice but stupid southerner stereotype.


I do think she is real. Unfortunately, she isn't real bright and her best move would be to just smile and shut the hell up right now. I think she is one of those girls that has never been anywhere. Just real naive to the rest of the world. But she is starting to wear on me.


I was really disappointed to see Ayla go. I don't know if it was because of the jock thing, but I really liked her from the very beginning. I knew she had no chance of winning, but I hoped she'd stick around for awhile.


I still just can't jump on the Mandisa bandwagon. I think she is no better than Kellie, and a step behind Katharine, Paris and Lisa. The above three have shown some weakness recently, so I think the five of them are all pretty close.


I think Ace is overrated, but his looks will carry him. I can't see Taylor going that deep as Means projected. My guess is he makes his exit somewhere around 7-9.


I'm still okay with Chris and Elliott, but not sure I see either winning. Bucky and Kevin are by far the two weakest (boys and girls) remaining. I hated to see Gedeon go as well. I thought he was a potential sleeper in this thing if he could get past a few weeks and keep getting better.


They now only eliminate one per week from here on out, right??

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Stevie Wonder week was not kind to the contestants. I fully agree with Simon when he said it was like watching two different shows between the first half of the show and the second.


-Chicken Little needs to GO!


-Melissa was terrible as well, except at the end.


-I can't even listen to Kellie talk anymore. I thought he preformance was so so last night, but I wanted to smack her after she talked to Ryan.


-The mediocres included Ace, Bucky, Elliot, and Lisa.


-Chris was surprisingly good.


-Katharine was somewhere in between the goods and the greats.


-Paris, Mandisa, and Taylor were top notch.

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Randy and Paula keep showing how little they know by continually praising that dang Kevin guy. He sucks worse than the freak from last year. Everytime I see him come onstage it makes me think of watching a High School talent contest. With Clay, you saw a transformation from a geek into something kind of classy. With Kevin, it's like the stylist all just threw their hands in the air and said "ah, f*** this". His looks, performance, sound, everything are BAD High School.

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Who's the one who looks like Kelly Clarkson and Simon said sounded like Kelly Clarkson?

I came in the living room to get my daughter ready for bed and I looked at the TV and said "What's SHE doing back on here?"

My wife said, "Yeah, she kinda looks like Kelly Clarkson, huh?" and laughed.

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Mar 15, 2006 -> 12:51 PM)
Who's the one who looks like Kelly Clarkson and Simon said sounded like Kelly Clarkson?

I came in the living room to get my daughter ready for bed and I looked at the TV and said "What's SHE doing back on here?"

My wife said, "Yeah, she kinda looks like Kelly Clarkson, huh?" and laughed.


Katharine. She is very solid, definately one of the favorites.

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Melissa deserved to be voted off last night, but it was definately a shocker to see Ace in the bottom 3. I definately would have liked to have seen Kevin voted off, but I understand Melissa going... I just can't believe Kevin wasn't in the bottom 3... Its like John Stevens all over again. :puke

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I can't stand Ace. Reminds me a lot of Constantine from last year and I thought he was a punk, too.


But he certainly didn't deserve the bottom three based on past performance.


Kevin has a cult following of geeks unlimited. Pathetic.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 16, 2006 -> 07:51 AM)
Melissa deserved to be voted off last night, but it was definately a shocker to see Ace in the bottom 3.  I definately would have liked to have seen Kevin voted off, but I understand Melissa going... I just can't believe Kevin wasn't in the bottom 3... Its like John Stevens all over again. :puke



Who's John Stevens?

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Mar 16, 2006 -> 09:50 AM)
Who's John Stevens?


The redheaded geeky kid from last year who sang like Sinatra, except not nearly as good. He stayed on waaaaaaaaaaay longer than he should have for the same reason as Chicken Little is still on the show... the 12 year old girls who vote.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 16, 2006 -> 08:56 AM)
The redheaded geeky kid from last year who sang like Sinatra, except not nearly as good.  He stayed on waaaaaaaaaaay longer than he should have for the same reason as Chicken Little is still on the show... the 12 year old girls who vote.


Oh yeah. The Crystal Lake kid did better than that bonehead in the style, but he got voted off quickly.


I think that Scott freak from last year is the prime example of how screwy that show is. If Kevin is still standing next week, then something needs to be done. Not saying what, but something.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 16, 2006 -> 01:51 PM)
Melissa deserved to be voted off last night, but it was definately a shocker to see Ace in the bottom 3.  I definately would have liked to have seen Kevin voted off, but I understand Melissa going... I just can't believe Kevin wasn't in the bottom 3... Its like John Stevens all over again. :puke


I have always felt that the "bottom 3" is complete bulls*** and used by the show to help shape the outcomes they want. If they want ace around longer, what better way to get his fan base to voter stronger than to make them think he is vulnerable.


In this situation, Ace may have been in the bottom 3 (I don't think he is that good and his looks will only carry him so far), but I still think the producers tinker with the voting in that regard.

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