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In like a Lion... March 06 Quotes of the Month

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An excellent post from Addison that speaks for itself.


QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 09:40 PM)
The Paul Konerko seventh-inning Grand Slam in Game Two of the 2005 World Series will go down as my favorite moment in White Sox history.  Actually in attendance, the place was just waiting to explode, and, at that very moment, Paulie connects on a first-ball fastball.  Being able to enjoy that expierence with my old man, someone who has lived and died with this ballclub, someone who passed his passion for his White Sox on to his oldest son, and someone who needed to break out of an in-person post-season losing streak with his belov'ed Sox, is just indescribable.  We were just saying, "hey, how about Paulie comes through and hits a grand frickin' slam," and mid-sentence, Paulie connects.  The ball kept carrying, carrying, carrying...the outfielder went back, back, back...and even when that ball landed in the left-field stands, it took a couple moments to realize what exactly just happened.  We just looked each other and lost our minds; it was at that very moment that I knew that team was destined to win, not just for themselves, not just for the critcs, but, for all the fans that have been waiting their entire lives for this best-of-seven.


An image frozen in time, an absolute flash-bulb memory, something I'll never forget for as long as I live...seeing our Paulie hit a go-ahead Grand Slam in the World Series with my old man on the Southside of Chicago, rocking out to the "Go Go White Sox" montage and AC/DC's Thunderstuck moments later...


I just got the chills.

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A gem from the Critic in the thread about Mark Prior getting pushed back again


  The Critic said:
This is beyond ridiculous.

The Cubs have such a reputation for lying about injuries, you can't believe a single word they say.

I can see it now:


Mark Prior's Right Arm Found Behind A Cactus

"We Expect Him To Miss Maybe One Start" - Baker

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From the Oscars thread


The ensemble drama "Crash" pulled off one of the biggest upsets in

Academy Awards history, winning best picture Sunday over the cowboy romance "Brokeback Mountain," which had been the front-runner.


  GeneHondaCivic said:
That quote's just plain erroneous. Anyone who knows Brokeback knows it's not about front running... It's about coming from behind.
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From the thread about living to be 1000 years old...


QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Mar 16, 2006 -> 11:13 AM)
Obviously tons of Cubs fans will be up for this so they have a chance to be alive the next time they win the World Series.


Although 1000 years may not be long enough...  :P

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From the OUCH!!!!! thread, about a guy throwing knives, and one sword, at police. Critic empathizes w/ the police:

QUOTE(The Critic @ Mar 17, 2006 -> 04:55 PM)
Question - if a knife and a dick are flying at you at the same time, which do you duck away from?


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QUOTE(klaus kinski @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 08:45 PM)
How do you say Ozzie Ball in Japanese?



QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 08:49 PM)
How do you say Japanese baseball in Ozzie?


A fun exchange in the WBC Championship thread.


If I had to guess, it'd be something like, "Japani beisbol."

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 10:15 AM)
Here you had me thinking the radio station in Cedar Rapids.


The title is very confusing to native eastern Iowans.



QUOTE(Soxy @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 10:35 AM)
What isn't very confusing to eastern Iowans?



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The banner thread:


This pic here gave ChWRoCk2 trouble:




QUOTE(ChWRoCk2 @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 09:04 PM)
i dont see it



Newb benbacca37 replied:


QUOTE(benbacca37 @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 09:29 PM)
It's being covered by a white tarp. You have to look through it. Think like a wet T-shirt contest.




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Yesterday just wasn't Heads day... From the thread about the guy who payed $4000+ for 4 burgers...


QUOTE(Heads22 @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 01:04 PM)
We were charged $6,999 at a Holiday Inn once.


Parlayed that into some priority club points that ended up quealing like 5 free stays.



QUOTE(Capn12 @ Mar 29, 2006 -> 01:20 AM)
Yep, Heads paid $49 for the room for the night, and $6,950 for buying "Forrest Hump" on the adult channel 556 times.

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I don't know how this story hasn't made to POTM till now, but I was roaring with laughter. Texsox's opening post in the "Spring Break Over" thread:


I almost forgot what the internet is. I have over 1,000 emails sitting in my in box, but my first dash was here. A three week spring break on South Padre Island almost killed me.


Funniest moment with a Chicago twist.


I am in my favorite out of the way, bay side, tavern. Literally bar, sand, surf. Open air. Usually just the locals. But not this year, the owner hooked up with a tour company and had all you can drink from 12-2 and 5-7 for breakers on their package.


9:00 PM, and two BoSox fans, a Cards fan, a decent Yankme fan, and assorted drunks are making fun of a Chicago guy wearing a Cub cap. This guy is getting nailed from all sides for a long while then pleads, is there anyone from Chicago here?


I am!


Cool. help me out here.


f*** You, ScRubs suck!


Later, feeling bad, I offer a fellow Chicagoan a beer (.75 draft, lets not get carried away)


For a Sox fan, you are an ok guy, what's your name?


Steve Bartman


No s***! What they hell are you doing here?


I had to move, I'm close to Mexico in case I have to hide, some Cub fans are still pissed, I live in a trailer now.




That's pure humor. :cheers

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 30, 2006 -> 06:51 AM)
I don't know how this story hasn't made to POTM till now, but I was roaring with laughter.  Texsox's opening post in the "Spring Break Over" thread:

That's pure humor.  :cheers

Thanks, YAS, I missed that one.

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