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rob blagojevich hires farrakhan


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Haha, he hired her to a panel to combat hate crimes... just earlier this week Farrakhan blamed the "evil Jew" for black poverty and referred to Jews as the devil. He also said white protestants are prostitutes.


nice job, keep up the good work Rob.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 2, 2006 -> 07:26 PM)


Not that I don't believe you, but I'm sure someone on this board will allege the quotes were taken out of context.


i don't have a link, it was on the local CBS news.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Mar 2, 2006 -> 05:39 PM)
i don't have a link, it was on the local CBS news.

Oh come on man, Google News is Not that hard to use.


Two Jewish members of the state's hate crimes commission resigned Thursday rather than serve with a Nation of Islam official appointed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich's administration.


"Having a top member of an organization that continues to spew out hate on a regular basis made it impossible for us to continue to serve," said Lonnie Nasatir, who represents the Anti-Defamation League on the commission.


Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich talks about a state hate-crimes commission during an interview at the Executive Mansion in Springfield, Ill., Wednesday, March 1, 2006. Blagojevich says he didn't know he had appointed an official with the Nation of Islam to serve on a state hate-crimes commission until reading it in the newspaper, and tempers flare at the State Capitol as lawmaker argue over whether the woman should continue to serve.


Richard Hirschhaut, director of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, resigned later.


Blagojevich replaced Nasatir with Democratic Rep. Lou Lang, who is Jewish and has criticized Blagojevich's handling of the issue.


On Wednesday, Blagojevich expressed support for Claudette Marie Muhammad, director of community outreach for the Nation of Islam, led by the Rev. Louis Farrakhan. But Blagojevich said he did not know he had appointed Muhammad until learning about it from news reports, and wished his staff had discussed it with him.


Nasatir and Muhammad joined the commission in August. It was created in 1999 to foster education and help implement anti-discrimination laws.


Muhammad recently invited commission members to attend a Farrakhan speech in which he accused "Hollywood Jews" of "promoting lesbianism, homosexuality" and other "filth."


Blagojevich, a Democrat, said Farrakhan's comments are no reason to dismiss Muhammad as long as she believes in the panel's goals.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 2, 2006 -> 07:49 PM)
Oh come on man, Google News is Not that hard to use.



that link doesn't have the majority of the quotes i heard on the news, therefore i did not use it.



oh, and Blago says he fully supports her now (needs to pander to black voters)

Edited by mr_genius
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The nice thing about the nation of islam. Is that they pretty much dont hide what their view is. As insane as it is. They have an interview about the Palestinian elections, someone basically says that they want to destroy Israel and they just let it fly. I am glad that Blago decided to appoint someone that associates themselves with the Nation of Islam.



They interview Dr. Kaukab Siddique who is an Associate Professor of English at Lincoln University, and is most likely someone that the NSA has bugged or should be bugging.


FC: Can you clarify the “two state” solution that is supposedly being

advocated by George Bush, why it seems plausible to some and opposed by others?


KS: The U.S. wants Israel to be recognized as a legitimate country and Palestine to be formulated in such a way that it would be a defenseless, client state, totally helpless before and dependent on Israeli power and American-Saudi economic resources [not very different from the Bantustans in South Africa under apartheid]. The “two state” solution simply means that Arabs, Muslims and Africans should accept the “right” of Europe and America to set up an artificial country, armed and funded by the U.S., in the heartland of Islam.


Such a solution would be the victory of imperialism. Islam does not accept the victory of the oppressors. The Qur’an puts it very clearly that occupation of Muslim land cannot be accepted. It says: “Drive them out from where they drove you out.”


Why would Blago during an election let anyone associated with the Nation of Islam on anything. Its not that they are f***ing nuts, its how f***ing nuts they are. I am waiting for the day when ol Farakkan decideds to stop coddling the countries of evil, and decides to have a Jihad of his own. He is just a terrorist in training.

Edited by southsideirish71
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Why would Blago during an election let anyone associated with the Nation of Islam on anything.  Its not that they are f***ing nuts, its how f***ing nuts they are.  I am waiting for the day when ol Farakkan decideds to stop coddling the countries of evil, and decides to have a Jihad of his own.  He is just a terrorist in training.

This is a guy that didn't know that "The Daily Show" was playing him for a fool.

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