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Who the FU*K does Carter think he is?


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QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 08:19 PM)
I agree.  Reagan's two-tiered economic and military approach arguably had minimal effect.  I just found irony of liberal criticism of Reagan's methods back in the '80s and your criticism of Nixon's detente.


Nixon was a scumbag, but he was instrumental in erroding up the Soviet/China alliance and improved our relations with China at the same time.  Therefore, I still say that he was strong in the field of foreign relations.


I think our two-tiered approach had a huge effect. I just think that the approach had its effect on only one tier. Economics. Although I don't think it was Reagan alone that caused the Soviet Union to fall. He definitely played a huge part in it.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 07:40 PM)
jimmy carter needs to shut the hell up and go build another house. thats all hes good for anyway. in conclusion, i hate jimmy carter. just thought everyone here would like to know.

We're overwhelmed with surprise.

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QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 07:48 PM)
I still say Morgan Freeman was the WORST President in history.

He sent Robert Duvall to blow up the meteor and not Bruce Willis!!



uaually i totally disagree with everything ribberubarb says... but this time he is right.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 09:29 AM)
Im a big fan of post president Carter.... he isnt perfect but In my opinion he has done a lot of good since being out of presidency.... Its just that he did such a crap job while being a president many people cant see past that.


I used to have respect for Carter as an ex-president. However, he's been politically irrelevent for 25+ years. Seems like he's getting tired of it and has blown off the the courtesy he received while in office of not being criticized by ex-presidents.

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I think Carter is sincere in his objections to the direction the country is going in, but I could swallow his perspectives if he would acknowledge what a disaster he was in the Middle East. Can anyone say "Iranian hostage crisis"?

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 11:29 AM)
Im a big fan of post president Carter.... he isnt perfect but In my opinion he has done a lot of good since being out of presidency.... Its just that he did such a crap job while being a president many people cant see past that.


if by being a good post-prez you mean building houses then yes, he has been a great post-prez. however, my money says he cant even hang drywall. in conclusion, carter sucks.

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