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NOT guilty in rape trial


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I'm guessing the video didn't broadcast the defendents face, and the only remnants of him were background sounds--which would have to be corroborated by the victim. Since she refused to watch the video, no validation was given. Reasonable doubt was created.


Everyone probably knew he was guilty. It just wasn't possible to convict him on the evidence provided.

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Just read the article on the decision. Don't want to see the video but it obviously showed it was consent. I believe it did show two of the kids faces. The 3rd kid wasn't taped.

It i suspicious that all these kids fled the country, kind of showing they maybe guilty, but the prosecution didn't do their job.

Did the girl testify? I don't think she did but wondering what she would of said. Paper said she woke up with nasty words marked on her.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Mar 4, 2006 -> 02:04 PM)
It i suspicious that all these kids fled the country, kind of showing they maybe guilty, but the prosecution didn't do their job.


I've wondered that myself. I wonder if they can look in the mirror after all this.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 4, 2006 -> 01:46 AM)
I'm guessing the video didn't broadcast the defendents face, and the only remnants of him were background sounds--which would have to be corroborated by the victim. Since she refused to watch the video, no validation was given. Reasonable doubt was created.


Everyone probably knew he was guilty. It just wasn't possible to convict him on the evidence provided.



The judge in this case is a meathead. He used to be a public defender, what a shock. Any judge who thinks its a requirement in a rape trial to have the victim watch the attack should be taken off the bench. But because he is a public defender, he will get a great rating from the bar association come next election. He is doing some goofy things in the criminal court. This is just one of them.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Mar 4, 2006 -> 03:26 PM)
The judge in this case is a meathead.  He used to be a public defender, what a shock.  Any judge who thinks its a requirement in a rape trial to have the victim watch the attack should be taken off the bench.  But because he is a public defender, he will get a great rating from the bar association come next election.  He is doing some goofy things in the criminal court.  This is just one of them.

I agree.


And as Queen pointed out, the victim was intoxicated, so legally, consent could not be given. I was absolutely shocked by this verdict--and it takes a whole hell of a lot to shock me.

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Its s*** like this that makes you absolutely hate attourneys and our legal system in general. How he couldn't have AT LEAST been guilty of child pornography is beyond me. The kid is on tape having sex with a 16 year old girl, which they know is being videotaped. Excuse me?


The version on NBC5.com includes a quote from the videotape which is where I am guessing they got "reasonable" doubt from.


NBC5's Natalie Martinez reported that prosecutors presented the videotape to the jury with a portion of the audio enhanced. On that portion of the tape, Missbrenner could be heard saying, "The good drugs are paying off."




I am not quite sure what else it could have been, that got these rapists off. They'll all get there's though, I have no doubt about that.

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The prosecution must have blown it. That's the only way you can explain having it on videotape and STILL losing the trial.

I know people get emotional about these kinds of verdicts and rightfully so, but a lot of innocent people get locked up every day and guitly people walk free every day. A trial by a jury of your peers is still the best system of justice.

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Werent all the kids innebriated? Isnt it possible that they all got messed up, decided to portake in this activity, and she just regretted it later? Isnt it possible?


Kids these days are sexually active before the age of 16, I wouldnt put it out of the question.

Edited by RockRaines
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Wow, I wonder if you had personal ties to the defendants?


Once again, I actually share your view. If I had sex with the girl this weekend after a long night at the bars. No matter if it was consensual, if she accused me of rape, I would be labeled a rapist no matter what. I think after seeing the tape of the whole incident, we have to believe the jury. They are the only people who saw the act, and they didnt think it was rape.

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