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Rex Kickass

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I am glad you brought that up.  This administration has engaged in secrecy at a level we have not seen in over 30 years.  Unfortunately, I have to bring up the name of Richard Nixon, because we haven't seen it since the days of Nixon.  And now what they're doing -- and they're using the war on terror to justify -- is they're starting to target journalists who try to pierce the veil of secrecy and find things and put them in the newspapers.


Now, in the past what the government has always done is go after the people who leak, the inside people.  That's the way they try to stop leaks. This is the first administration that I can remember, including Nixon's, that said -- and Porter Goss said this to Congress -- that we need to think about a law that would put journalists who print national security things to...bring them up in front of grand juries and put them in jail if they don't -- in effect, if they don't reveal their sources. 

David Gergen - Reliable Sources (CNN)


The problem is the 45-day investigation clearly required by law wasn't conducted, and the committee conducting the review is weighted toward the Treasury Department. I think we should scrap the committee, the process now is deeply flawed."

Susan Collins ® Maine - ABC This Week (Regarding Dubai ports deal)


I think it’s become in people’s minds an emblem of the administration that just isn’t as serious about the competent execution of the functions of government as it should be. And even — I’m struck talking to conservatives and Republicans — they agree with the president on basic political philosophy, the they agree with his basic policy agenda, but they are worried that they just don’t seem to be able to execute as well as they should be.

Bill Kristol - Fox News Sunday


GEN. PACE: Mr. Buckley would probably do well to take a trip over to Iraq and walk the streets and talk to Iraqis, and talk to Iraqi government, talk to Iraqi army, talk to Iraqi police. I believe that what is happening there is very, very positive with regard to the training of the army, the training of the police, the loyalty of that army and police who were—performed exceptionally well during this most recent crisis. This is not a failure. This is a very, very difficult situation, putting together a democracy inside of a country that for the last multiple decades has known nothing but tyranny. This is not going to be easy to do, but it is come—coming along and is coming along with good progress.


MR. RUSSERT: Do you really believe it’ll be safe for William F. Buckley to walk the streets of Baghdad?


GEN. PACE: I think not all the places in Baghdad, no, but I do believe that if he had a chance to get over there, properly escorted—I would want to be escorted myself—but properly escorted, that he would have a chance to talk to folks and see that the Iraqi people are positive about their future; that the Iraqi armed force and the Iraqi police are loyal to their government and are getting much, much better each day.

General Peter Pace - Meet The Press (NBC)


My most serious problem is that there is no economic component to the war on terror. In other words, there’s no 21st century Marshall aid plan to—I think we should be building on President Bush’s idea of a trade zone in the Islamic world, but there has to be aid and some type of hope that life can be better for women, their children, families and, as the general pointed out, some economic component that will lead to jobs and an opportunity to better one’s life, one’s condition in life.

Jack Kemp (Former Vice Presidential Candidate 1996) - Meet The Press (NBC)


And the public is way ahead of what's going on in Washington. They no longer

believe. The troops themselves, 70 percent of the troops said, `We want to

come home within a year.' The only solution to this is redeploy. Let me tell

you, the only people who want us in Iraq is Iran and al-Qaeda, and I talked to

a top level commander the other day, who's--about two weeks ago, and he said

China wants us there also. Why? Because we're depleting our resources. Our

phys--our mental--not our mental--our troop resources and our fiscal


John Murtha (D) Penna. - Face The Nation (CBS)

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There ya go, Mike is -- he's a gone guy. You know, we have his -- we have your phone numbers, by the way. So, if you're listening, Mike, we have your phone number, and we're going to turn it over to Fox security, and you'll be getting a little visit.


No, Maybe Mike is going to get into big trouble, because we're not going to play around. When you call us, ladies and gentleman, just so you know, we do have your phone number, and if you say anything untoward, obscene, or anything like that, Fox security then will contact your local authorities, and you will be held accountable. Fair?

-- Bill O'Rielly, responding to hearing the words "Kieth Olberman" on his radio show.
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