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Joe Torre


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I was listening to the radio this morning, and these two guys were talking about Joe Torre possibly being canned at the end of the season. They thought that with such a high payroll and unbelieveable staff that if he can get them to the World Series this season and win it, he will get the boot from Steinbrenner. Also, it was mentioned that it has been two years since they got to a World Series. These was their basis for him getting canned.



I thought there can be no way that he gets fired after this season, World Series or not.....but then I got to thinking, and we are talking about Steinbrenner here.



What does the board think? Is there any basis to these guys' argument? If Torre doesn't get them to the Fall Classsic, will he be fired?

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I was listening to the radio this morning, and these two guys were talking about Joe Torre possibly being canned at the end of the season. They thought that with such a high payroll and unbelieveable staff that if he can get them to the World Series this season and win it, he will get the boot from Steinbrenner. Also, it was mentioned that it has been two years since they got to a World Series. These was their basis for him getting canned.



I thought there can be no way that he gets fired after this season, World Series or not.....but then I got to thinking, and we are talking about Steinbrenner here.



What does the board think? Is there any basis to these guys' argument? If Torre doesn't get them to the Fall Classsic, will he be fired?

He might quit before then. The Boss just TOLD him that Jose Contreras was starting Friday against the Tigers. And you though that KW interfered with JM?

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If the Yankees don't get to the World Series, he should get his ass canned. With a $160 mill payroll, anything less then a World Series birth is a failure....and I, for some reason, don't see Joe Torre in a Yankees uniform next year....not as the manager anyways.


They lost that Yankee aura during the 2001 World Series....and they somehow became beatable in the postseason last year.


Like I said....I don't think Joe Torre will be wearing the NY pinstripes next year. Someone else will be.

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If he quits we should hire him the next day.

Wait ... we're too cheap to pay him I'm sure.

Jerry Manuel and Joe Torre are the only managers in the AL to have had their current jobs for 2 centuries. Did you know that?


Also....IMO....if you switch who hires who...George hired JM and we hire Torre....and JM is under a lot of heat in NY....we are saying "Man, I wish we could get JM to come here....he'd be much better then Joe Torre."


I could have won with the Yankees.

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I have never said this publicly aboput Joe Torre, but I will now.  I think he is a sleep-walker.  He could not manage the White  Sox, either.

I met Joe Torre when he was the Cardinals manager. He seemed like a very decent man. I don't know how he would do in Chicago, as his demeaner seems to be very similar to JM. He is perveived as a classy individual, and that is always a postive the Sox could use.

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I met Joe Torre when he was the Cardinals manager.  He seemed like a very decent man.  I don't know how he would do in Chicago, as his demeaner seems to be very similar to JM.  He is perveived as a classy individual, and that is always a postive the Sox could use.

Of all of the things you can say about JM, that he lacks class isn't one of them. I do agree that his style is WAY too much like Torre's and I don't think he would be a good successor to JM just because of that.

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Torre might get canned on Friday considering the suck-ass White Sox just split with the team that swept the Yanks last weekend  :lol: :lolhitting

I hadn't thought of it like that-that is embarassing.Toronto and New York will both be cleaning house now.Hopefully,we'll win in Cleveland-and they'll have to start cleaning house too-if that's possible.................







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Another Torre memory of years ago was when he won the NL batting title way back when. He had a truly career year for the Cards and hit about .355-.365 or something. Way ahead of the pack. Whenever I saw him that year, everything was a line drive. He never approached those numbers before or since. He did a good job at every position he played, catch, first, third. It was easy to tell that he would manage someday.

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