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2006 pre-season fact or fiction


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Since we decided to bump the old one, I thought I'd put together a new one. Fact or Fiction:


1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same :P )

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not)

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61)

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact :fight )

20) The Sox will return to the World Series

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1) Fact, this is the year Buehrle does it.

2) Fact

3) Fact

4) Fact

5) Fact

6) Fiction, but close

7) Fiction

8) Fact

9) Fact

10) Fact

11) Fiction

12) Fiction, just hit 145 in a healthy '05 season

13) Fact

14) Fact

15) Fact

16) Fact

17) Fact

18) Fiction

19) Fact

20) Fact

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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games - false

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot -eh, true

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever -true

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers -true

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break -true

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games -True

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 -True

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not) -True

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases -True

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games -False

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 -True

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games -false

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 -true

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again -false, not more then 40 homers, but more then 100 rbis

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) -false

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline -false

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored -true

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs -true

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact ) -true

20) The Sox will return to the World Series -eh, true.

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Since we decided to bump the old one, I thought I'd put together a new one. Fact or Fiction:


1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same :P ) Fact

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot Fact

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever Fact

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers Fact

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break Fact

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games Fiction

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 Fiction

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not) Fact

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases Fact

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games Fiction

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 Fiction

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games Fiction

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 Fiction

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again Fiction

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) Fact

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline fact

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored Fiction

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs Fiction

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact :fight ) Fact

20) The Sox will return to the World Series fact

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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same :P )

Fact. We just have too many guys who can. And we have improved the offense enough to do it.


2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot

Fact. Makes by far the most sense out of every option I see. I wouldn't be surprised if he lasts more than 1 year with the team though.


3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever

Fact. With Munoz gone, there's no one else even close.


4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers

Fact. Just think about the ballpark. He could play 120 games for us and still maybe hit 35 in that park.


5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break

Fact. This is one decision that makes sense to me.


6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games

I really want to say fact, but I worry about him too much. Too much moving around, too much money, too many fly balls in the Cell.


7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260

Fiction. He is going to be in Crede mode for most of this year...power, but lots of outs, maybe streaky.


8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not)



9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases



10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games

If he doesn't get hurt, fact.


11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280

Tad's really scaring me a lot lately. I'm worried about moving him down in the lineup, maybe more than I am about moving Uribe up. But I still have to say fact.


12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games

Fiction. Too many other outfielders. Too many spiders. No room for him at DH. Ozzie liking to play his backups. And a nasty injury history. Hell, he only played 145 last year, with TIMO as the backup.


13) Joe Crede will hit over .260

Fact. He has to one of these years.


14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again

Absolute fact.


15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61)

Fact. The lowest ERA's on our team last year were, in order: David Sanders, Kevin Walker, Jon Adkins, Jeff Bajenaru, Shingo Takatsu, Orlando Hernandez, Brandon McCarthy, Freddy Garcia, Damaso Marte, Luis Vizcaino. All of them were above our average. Only 2 are still here, and one of them was a rookie. Simply replacing El Duque with Vazquez will knock it down.


16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline

Fiction. There just isn't an obvious need.


17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored

We were ninth last year without Thome. We only need to score a little over 50 runs to move in the top 5. Problem is...there are lots of teams in that same boat, and there are a few guaranteed teams up there. (Boston, Texas, NYY, Cleveland). I just have to say fiction, no matter how much I think we can do it. Everything would have to go right with the bats for that to happen.


18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs

Fiction. Even with Thome there...I think he'll take a step back.


19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact :fight )

Fact. There simply isn't another team nearly as balanced as we are.


20) The Sox will return to the World Series

Fact. I'll take our pitching staff against anyone's in the playoffs.

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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games

Fiction - If it didn't happen last year, I don't see it happening this year.

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot

Fact - The Sox have invested so much money in him, they better at least give him a shot with that job.

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever

Fiction - I only see 1 lefty in the pen.

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers

Fact - Think upwards of 40 with the protection Konerko and company will give him.

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break

Fact - Protection is key, and with Thome, Konerko, and Dye hitting behind him, and Pods hitting in front of him, he's going to get plenty of pitches to hit.

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games

Fact (tentative) - His ERA and WHIP won't be pretty, but his offense should be enough to win him 15 games or so.

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260

Fiction - He'll struggle, but thats expected of a rookie.

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not)

Fiction - Garland's will be low 4's, while Contreras will be mid-high 4's.

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases

Fact - He'll steal more than 45 bases in the first half alone.

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games

Fact - Jenks should save at least 35 games,

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280

Fact - His numbers will improve now that he'll be hitting down in the lineup, and his average will hover around the .290's.

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games

Fiction - With Mack and Borch on the bench, Dye will be given plenty of rest.

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260

Fact - He'll hit around .270

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again

Fact - With Thome and company in front of him, he shouldn't have a problem driving in 100 runs, and his power numbers should stay around the same as in the past few years.

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61)

Fiction - Last year's team ERA was spectacular, and improving on it would be a tough, tough thing to do.

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline

Fiction - Depends on what you mean by "at the deadline". I think they will trade for a MLB player during the year, but not at the deadline (meaning on the final day of trading).

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored

Fact - Thome, Konerko, Dye, Gooch. 'Nuff said.

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs

Fact - He's got a good shot, considering Thome and Konerko will be hitting ahead of him.

19) The Sox will win the AL Central

Fact - They improved the most of teams in the Central after winning the division last year, so naturally they will win it, although the division won't be an easy win.

20) The Sox will return to the World Series

Fiction - I'd love it, and I wouldn't argue against anyone that says fact, but I just don't think they'd be that nice to the Sox fans two years in a row :P

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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same) - Fact, this could be Buehrle's year

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot - Fiction, the addition of Cintron just gives him more competition

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever - Fact

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers - Fact

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break - Fact

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games - Fact

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 - Fiction (but he should get close)

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not) - Fact

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases - Fact (that number seems a little low)

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games - Fiction, even if he pitches like he did last year, they will still be giving a decent amount of the opportunities to Cotts. But he'll get close.

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 - Fact

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games - Fiction, with the depth on the bench, guys like Dye and Crede will get more than adequate rest.

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 - Fact

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again - Fact

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) - Fiction, that would be hard to improve on.

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline - Fact, possibly a lefty reliever.

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored - Fact

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs - Fact

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact) - Fact

20) The Sox will return to the World Series - Hope so.

Edited by AirScott
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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same ) Fiction

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot Fact

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever Fact

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers Fiction

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break Fact

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games Fact

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 Fiction

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not) Fiction - JG will be just over

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases Fact

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games Fiction

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 Fiction

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games Fiction

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 Fact

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again Fact

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) Fiction

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline Fact

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored Fiction

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs Fiction

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact ) Fact

20) The Sox will return to the World Series Fiction

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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games - Fiction

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot - Fiction

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever - Fiction

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers - Fact

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break - Fact

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games - Fiction

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 - Fiction

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 - Fiction One of them may achieve it. I don't see both of them doing it.

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases - Fact

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games - Fiction

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 - Fact

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games - Fiction

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 - Fact

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again - Fiction He'll get 100 RBI's, but not 40 Homers.

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) - Fiction

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline - Fact

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored - Fact

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs - Fact

19) The Sox will win the AL Central - Fact

20) The Sox will return to the World Series - No Comment I don't want to jinx it.

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QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 07:31 PM)
Since we decided to bump the old one, I thought I'd put together a new one. Fact or Fiction:


1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games - Fiction

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot - Fact

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever - Fact

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers - Fact

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break - Fact

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games - Fiction

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 - Fact

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 - Fact

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases - Fact

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games - Fiction

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 - Fact

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games - Fiction

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 - Fiction

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again - Fact

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) - Fiction

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline - Fiction

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored - Fiction

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs - Fact

19) The Sox will win the AL Central  - Fact

20) The Sox will return to the World Series - Fact

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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same :P )

Fiction: I've thought this would happen for a while but i'll say the highest will be 18 by Buerhle. No pitcher with less than 14.

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot

Fact: Nice power bat off the bench. I like it. I don't think we'll keep 12 pitchers.

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever

Fact: i don't see anyone else close right now. But its so early...f***, well i'll be bold and say yes this early.

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers

Fiction...He'll hit 32.

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break

Fact: I really think this will work.

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games

Fiction: He'll win 14 dominating performances and lose 10 terrible games.

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260

Fiction: I don't see it happening. I'll say .250 with an obp of .315

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not)

Fact: I don't think there will be the fall off people say with these two. I think this has been 3 years in the making at least for these two.

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases

Fact: NO hernia or groin issue.

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games

Fact: Please be true.

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280

Fiction: I think he'll drop to .265 but his power numbers will go up up up

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games

Fact: I don't know how to elaborate.

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260

Fiction: I just don't trust that to happen.

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again

Fact: He's been consistent enough to disprove this.

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61)

Fact: If i said fiction that would contradict the Jon and Jose era thing.

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline

Fact: Every year we do...

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored

Fiction: I don't see us improving THAT much

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs

Fiction: naw...prolly like 75

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact :fight )

Fact: i hope. f*** cleveland. That's an answer.

20) The Sox will return to the World Series

Will not jinx.

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1) FACT, Mark Buehrle finally reaches 20.

2) FACT, Borch will end up with the final bench spot simply because he has more value to the Sox than Gload does.

3) Fact, with Munoz on his way to Charlotte, Lopez has all but secured this spot

4) Fiction, he will hit exactly 35 HRs this year

5) Fact, Ozzie will not be moving Iguchi back into the 2 hole at all this year unless it's on a Uribe day off.

6) FACT, Javier will pick up 16 wins, which will be 4 more than Freddy Garcia

7) FICTION, BA will stumble out of the gate hard but will pick it up soon enough to finish with a .253 avg.

8) FACT, Contreras - 3.12, Garland - 3.81

9) FACT, 58 to be exact, of course he'll also get thrown out 23 times.

10) FICTION, Bobby will pick up 23 saves next year before being replaced by Hermanson due to injury.

11) FACT, Gooch is gonna break out, .301 avg, 31 HRs, 85 RBI next year.

12) FACT, another injury free year from the White Sox' lone black man.

13) FICTION, sadly Crede will only hit .249 this season but will put up 28 HRs so that's a plus.

14) FACT, Pauly with another outstanding overall year, 43 HR, 128 RBI.

15) FACT, with El Duque and a bad Brandon McCarthy out of the picture the White Sox will will post a 3.43 team ERA.

16) FICTION, shockingly the Sox will not be pulling off any major deals this year at the deadline.

17) FICTION, the offense is much improved but will finish 7th in the AL in runs scored

18) FICTION, 89 RBIs for Dye next year.

19) FACT, by 7 games over the WC Indians and 13 games over the 3rd place Twins

20) FACT, and win it.

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QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 06:31 PM)
Since we decided to bump the old one, I thought I'd put together a new one. Fact or Fiction:


1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same :P )

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not)

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61)

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact  :fight )

20) The Sox will return to the World Series


1) Fiction. I think Buehrle is the closest with 17 or 18 wins.

2) fact

3) fact

4) fact, although I think it will be closer than you guys seem to think. I think he'll start off a little slow and finish in the mid-30's.

5) fact, although I expected more dissenters on this one.

6) fact. I actually think he's going to finish with the second highest total on the team, with about 16. I've got the other guys being a little more inconsistent and finishing at 15 tops.

7) fiction. I don't think it's too likely in his first year.

8) fiction. I think Garland finishes somewhere between 4 and 4.20, Contreras in the high 3's.

9) fiction, but barely. I think he finishes in the low 40's.

10) fiction. I think he's somewhere between 30 and 35, with a few BS's due to wildness. There also could be fewer opportunities with an improved offense.

11) fact. I think he's just a bit above .280 in his second year over here.

12) fiction. I expect one DL stint, and Ozzie will give him some rest.

13) fiction. He's just not a contact hitter.

14) fiction. I think he finishes with about 38 and 114.

15) fiction. A lot of our pitchers had exceptional seasons. The only guys I think might improve are Mark and Freddy.

16) fact. I think we get a bullpen arm, or possibly try to add a stop gap CF if things go south.

17) fact. No one really had a career year at the dish last year, and adding Thome is huge.

18) fiction. I think he's in the 80's.

19) fact, and I think we finish about 6 games in front of Cleveland.

20) fact. I just don't see anyone that can really hang with us in the AL.

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I'm going to do a few more just for fun. Feel free to add you thoughts on these, or add a category.


21) All of the Sox starters will finish with 15 wins or more.


Fiction. Mark goes 17-9, Javier goes 16-10, Jose goes 15-8, Freddy and Jon go 14-10. That accounts for 76 of about 100 wins.


22) The Sox will have 6 players finish with more than 20 homers.


Fiction. Konerko in the high 30's, Thome in the mid to high 30's, Dye in the high 20's, Crede and Uribe in the low 20's. Iguchi finishes with 20 on the nose.


23) The Sox will win 100 games.


I'm kind of torn, but I'm going to say fiction. They'll win over 96, but I think they were a bit fortunate in a lot of close games last year.


24) Brandon McCarthy will start more than 5 games.


Fiction. Our guys are pretty durable. I'll give him 2 spot starts and another start after we clinch the division.


25) The Sox will have more than 4 players in the All-Star game.


Fact. Ozzie will stack the lineup as much as he can. Konerko, Buehrle, and Vazquez will be chosen before the manager votes. Plus we all know that if a Sox player is in the fan vote, you might as well just put him on the roster. :P

Edited by ZoomSlowik
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1) FICTION, close but no cigar





6) FACT, no more, no less

7) FACT, .265


9) FACT, barely

10) FACT, he will stay healthy

11) FACT, .285

12) FACT, he will stay healthy

13) FICTION, .250

14) FICTION, 30s for HR 100+ RBIs

15) FICTION, close again but no cigar

16) FACT, but not a big one


18) FACT, 92 to be exact

19) FACT, theyll have competition but theyll will it

20) FACT, harder postseason but theyve got the goods again

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21) All of the Sox starters will finish with 15 wins or more.

Fiction - I think Buehrle, Garcia, Vazquez (possibly), and Garland will, but I think Contreras will end up with 14.

22) The Sox will have 6 players finish with more than 20 homers.

Fiction - Konerko, Thome, Dye, Gooch, Crede makes 5, and I don't think Uribe will hit 20 in his new role.

23) The Sox will win 100 games.

Fiction - I'd say ~96 games.

24) Brandon McCarthy will start more than 5 games.

Fact - He's good enough to spot start at any time during the year, so I think he'll get his 5 starts. Whether they are due to injury or not is a different story.

25) The Sox will have more than 4 players in the All-Star game.

Fiction - Konerko, Buehrle will make it, and possibly Thome and Gooch. If Gooch does what I think he can do, he'll make the team, as will Thome. But since thats an uncertainty, I'll go with fiction.

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I didn't prognosticate very well last year, but this is fun.


1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same )

- Fact. Contreras gets 22.

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot

-Fiction. He'll be traded before opening day.

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever

-Fiction. 2nd lefty comes in Borchard deal.

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers - Fact

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break - Fact

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games - Fact

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 - Fiction. .250 range

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not) - Fact

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases - Fact

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games - Fiction. I'm thinking 30ish.

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 - Fact.

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games - Fiction. Not quite that many.

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 - Fact.

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again

- Fact.

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) Fact. 3.57

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline.

- Fact. The odds are that someone will falter or get hurt.

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored

-Fiction. Ozzie will take us out of a few big innings by playing for one or two runs.

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs - Fact. Thome's OBP will help Dye.

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact ) -Fact


20) The Sox will return to the World Series -Fact

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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same ) Fiction

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot Fiction

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever Fact

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers Fiction

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break Fact

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games Fact

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 Fact

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not) Fact

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases Fact

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games Fiction

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 Fact

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games Fact

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 Fact

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again Fiction

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) Fiction

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline Fact

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored Fact

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs Fact

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact ) Fact

20) The Sox will return to the World Series Fact

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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same :P ) - False

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot - False

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever - False

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers - False

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break - False

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games - True

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 - True

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not) - True

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases - False

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games - False

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 - True

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games - False

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 - True

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again - False

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) - False

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline - True

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored - True

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs - True

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact :fight ) - True

20) The Sox will return to the World Series - False

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QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 05:31 PM)
Since we decided to bump the old one, I thought I'd put together a new one. Fact or Fiction:


1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same :P )


2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot


3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever


4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers


5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break


6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games


7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260


8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not)

fiction.... one of them will be in the 4.2 range, possibly both

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases


10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games

ill say fiction, just cuz i think at some point hermy will get a few

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280


12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games

fiction...just because we have such a deep bench now,

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260


14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again

fiction....hell be closes, but konerkos best is about 40 and 100, and to do his best 3 years in a row is tough

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61)

fiction... i dont expect hermy, cotts and politte to all have ERAs near 2 again (slight regression from garland and possibly jose as well)

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline


17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored

fiction (boston texas new york cleveland detroit)

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs

fiction (80)

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact  :fight )


20) The Sox will return to the World Series

fiction.....gettin to the world series requires just way too much chance...ie injuries, one starter getting shelled in the playoffs etc.

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1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same )

Fact - Garland with 22

2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot

Fact - This makes the most sense

3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever

Fact - No One else even close, need 2 lefties

4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers

Fact - If he stays healthy, 40+

5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break

Fact - There will be no change here all season

6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games

Fact - He fits perfect in our rotaion

7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260

Fiction - Streaky, I say about .140-.150

8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not)

Fact - Garland will be about a 3.1 Contreras about a 3.8

9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases

Fact - Befor the All-Star break

10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games

Fact - 40+

11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280

Fact - He will get back on track

12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games

Fiction - To much depth in the OF...he will get a lot of rest

13) Joe Crede will hit over .260

Fact - This is the Lamb's year, .280-.290

14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again

Fact - 45+ 110+

15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61)

Fact - I predict somewhere in the range of 3.45

16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline

Fact - A supurb southpaw int he bullpen

17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored

Fiction - To many other offensive powerhouses

18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs

Fiction - 70-75

19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact )

Fact - It will be another close race...No pulling away this year

20) The Sox will return to the World Series

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JiYea!! :cheers


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