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As Phil Rogers pointed out in his column....




the Sox have to play .600 ball the rest of the way to win 90 games.... and that probably won't be enough to beat the Twins. You can look at the starts by the A's and Angels last season and still maintain some degree of hope, but it doesn't look promising.

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Barring some major injuries befalling the Twinkies, this season is done. They'll fall to about 15-16 games back, before going on another patented worthless run in August/September to end the year about 6-7 out.


There are about 4-5 key outs, and 2-3 key hits per game that you have to get regularly in order to be a winner, and the Sox get none of them, all the time. Twins = greater than the sum of all parts, whereas as the Sox are the exact opposite. Throw into the mix that there will be distractions in about 2 weeks concerning who's getting traded, and I would say I'd bet everything I own that this season, only 52 games in, is already over.

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The Sox can still do it. Rogers and others talk about how we need to get on a roll to catch the Twinkies. Well, this team has done it in the past. It can be done. Yes, we only won a single game last night, but the performance by Garland was superior. Coupled with Buerhle looking like he's ready to turn the corner and Colon and Loaiza we have the starters. Relievers except for one or two are steady. The hitting will be there and we started putting some hits out there and scoring runs.


We need to get behind Jerry and all have a seance and hand holding and keep the faith, baby! Where there's a will, there's a way.


Tonight Loaiza wants to show something to the Blue Jays. He is going up against Lidle (who we should have gotten last year) and we win 3-2 or 2-1.

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Some of you missed the emphasis in this post. It's not about wins or losses or our seemingly crappy lineup. It's about what is starting to look like the best 1-4 rotation in the AL.


This was a make or break season based on Garland. With 3 quality starts in a row against better than avg lineups you have to be excited about that.


If essentially the 1-4 are on, then all we need is a marginal increase in the offense to start winning games. Koch, Glover, Gordon, & Wunsch have been pretty steady in the month of May. I know the D will always hurt us, but in 2000 the offense would pick up the D gaffes.


GO SEATTLE .. spank dem Twinkies down to size :bang:




note: I could never post this on ESPN. The trolls would be on this thread like flies on s***!

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In terms of trades, I do NOT want to trade Carlos Lee. Of all the players in the middle of the lineup he has proven to be a club house charm, shown tremendous heart, a hard worker, & has more raw talent than Frank or Konerko do going forward. He may never be a Sosa HR hitter, but he's always working his ass off to get better.


He'll never be able to make the catches on turf that we see him make on grass. But instinctively he will always try & this will always hurt him D. But we don't play many on the turf so I can live with that.


Most importantly, he has been very easy to sign to date. I think he really enjoys being with the WhiteSox. He does not appear to have a big ego or any garbage like some of the others.


I think Lee should be considered the least expendable of the million dollar position players on the SOX. Konerko would w/out a doubt be the most expendable.


Some of you think Maggs is untouchable but I do not. He's not performing at a 9mil level this year, & I don't think he'll ever perform consistently at a 15mil level. 12mil is probably where he's heading. But like Konerko he is too streaky to be considered in the Ramirez or Delgado categories.


What I would like KW to assemble is a team built around :

Colon, Beurhle, Garland, Loaiza, Wunsch, Glover, Gordon, Koch, Lee, Borchard, Crede, Olivo, & DAng.

I would like to see Lee play left on grass & 1B or DH when the team plays on turf. There are few on this team that can make Carlos like plays on grass.


It looks like the OF talent is continuing in the SOX mLs. So make some trades before the break to get a quality SS. A breakout June for Konerko could make that possible. He's NEVER failed in June.

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Wow! One of the best 1-4 pitchers in the league? That's quite a statement there. Even if it were halfway close to true, it doesn't matter and it won't matter until the Sox master the other two thirds of the equation...hit the ball, catch the ball. They can do neither.

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We have the team to compete when they all do what their supposed to do. I was trying to think of the game stories from our encounters with the Twinkies especially. I think we showed we can compete and at least the games were close and if we can get the hitters going again I think we can take those smirking Twinkies head to head.


I don't think we should be thinking of trading Lee either. All I have seen from him is hustle and a desire to improve. That's all we can ask of the others too ... hustle and show some fire.

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The optimism seems to follow this logic:


1. We were suppose to be very good :headbang


2. We've basically sucked up until now :fyou


3. We believed 1 so eventually the law of averages will catch up and we'll win a bunch of games :cheers


Problem is #2 is proven and #1 was a guess. I refuse to get excited. The pitching has come around. I would still like to be able to hang my hat on a 3 run 8th inning lead.


Over? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor :huh:


No! And it aint over now! You with me? :headbang

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You people depress the s*** out of me. :angry:


I must keep this thread alive!


:fyou Twinkies - hope the M's beat the cream filling out of ya!

:fyou Cubs - your demise is inevitable

:fyou Injuns - if we stink, then you suck!

:fyou Royals - still floating above on your freak April start


:fyou Gammons - why don't you contract yourself from the human race?

:fyou Rogers - first the SOX will win everything because of that stupid 190

ip thing & now you're jumping ship. Witless, & wimp-s***.

:fyou ESPN - you need a stupid meter for being so stupid to actually

believe any one gives a crap about hockey after the Hawks



I think I got everybody. :bringit

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We cant catch up. We wont catch up.

We cant catch up. We wont catch up.

We cant catch up. We wont catch up.

We cant catch up. We wont catch up.


Get used to it. Its been "still too early" for too long. We're through 1/3 of the season already and we're 7.5 games back. The Twins are playing terrific after their bad start. We just won ONE freaking game, and we're still playing corpseball. They cant beat Toronto, they cant beat Detroit, they cant beat the Orioles, how do you expect them to beat Boston, New York, Anaheim?


Be optimistic all you want, but until I see us 1 or 2 games back, I wont get excited.

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SOX CLOSING in on 6.5 gb!






As for the Twinkies & the Royals, they are both getting pasted with a 4 run deficit in the 7th inning. :lol:



:cheers :headbang :cheers :headbang :cheers :headbang :cheers

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

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We need a winning streak or something like 14 out of 15. The Angels and A's had their streaks last year. This means of course we have to win some series on the road. So far the Sox have shown me little sign of being able to do this. 4 game set coming up in Cleveland, this series is a must-win.

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We need a winning streak or something like 14 out of 15.  The Angels and A's had their streaks last year.  This means of course we have to win some series on the road.  So far the Sox have shown me little sign of being able to do this.  4 game set coming up in Cleveland, this series is a must-win.

cleveland :bringit

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SOX CLOSING in on 6.5 gb!






As for the Twinkies & the Royals, they are both getting pasted with a 4 run deficit in the 7th inning. :lol:



:cheers  :headbang  :cheers  :headbang  :cheers  :headbang  :cheers

:ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

assuming you are not an overely enthusiastic 8 year old,


I love your style!


:cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang

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:angry: Meh to all you naysayers. Last yr you b****ed & moaned about not having enough pitching. Now this year you b**** & moan about not having enough offense.


Well now we might just have the best 1-4, & Danny had a pretty good 2nd 1/2. If he could just find his groove, we could have the best 1-5. The game usually comes down to pitching & D. We can't possibly be any worse D than we have been.


Reasons for optimism:

1) We are only 6.5 gb after having the most dismal start on offensive in recent years.

2) This team has never failed to put up big offensive #'s in June. It's always been it's power month.

3) The pitching is better than ever. Or at least in the last decade.

4) The futility of the ALC will still reign true. The Twinkies are not going to be as LUCKY this year as they were in 2K2. The law of averages & Murphy's law predict this to be so.


:lolhitting <- to any SOX fans writing the SOX off in the worst div in baseball.


Tonight's a big game. If we could win with Danny on the mound, that has to lift the spirits of the team.



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Guest hotsoxchick1

jugg.. im just happy b****ing and moaning...... there isnt anything, outside of jr selling or croaking off, that will make me happy about this team this year......... they flat out suck... all around.. and if you dont believe that just ask maggs.. he thinks so too............ ;) whats that tell ya about the rest of the season??????lol

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I'm not giving up yet. If I did, what would be the point of paying any attention to them the rest of the year?

a reason to drink mass quantities of beer??????? :huh: thats the excuse i use........... ;)

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