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a reason to drink mass quantities of beer??????? :huh:  thats the excuse i use........... ;)

I always keep the faith, anything can happen. If they do win it, it makes it that much sweeter.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I always keep the faith, anything can happen. If they do win it, it makes it that much sweeter.

thats when you charge the funnel cake stand right?????? no wonder why you think its sweet.........lol........

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thats when you charge the funnel cake stand right?????? no wonder why you think its sweet.........lol........

The funnel cakes come with chocolate toppings now......damn that sounds good.


mmmmmmmm.......tasty funnel cakes.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

omg that sounds like a diabetic coma just waiting to happen.......hey did you get free bagles today too???? just wondering :o

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If they come home with a better .500 ball in this road trip, that would be a great motivation for this guys. But, JM needs bench PK because this season is over for him....maybe in the offseason he will work on his hitting. PK needs some bench time and Daubach should be playing all the games.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Free bagels?  :huh:

eddie got free bagles today.. your department didnt???? i would tell the boss and complain...........

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Hey, HSC, how is the trip to brazil going??? :D

i have a few questions on that one rafa.... i have a trip booked to rio.... how far is that from you ?????

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eddie got free bagles today.. your department didnt???? i would tell the boss and complain...........

Eddie ain't getting outsourced either. After today I am not an employee of the same company as him, I just sit in the same cube and do the same job while someone else pays me. Eventually I will be somewhere else doing something else.

To hell with bagels anyway, I would rather have free Krispy Kremes.

mmmmmmm.......Krispy Kreme

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i have a few questions on that one rafa.... i have a trip booked to rio.... how far is that from you ?????

:o , that's too far....that's sad. Take a Brazil map and you will see it. It's like New York to FLorida.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ahh i can probably get it cheaper as booking it as an addon to my trip.........im gonna check it out....... ;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1

end of october .... fly out on the 30th and come back november 10th...ill need a vacation by then anyhow.......

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Great, it will be the start of the summer and it will be hooooooooooooott. You will love here and wont come back to US.


Yo, rafa, the best ball-dribbling skills I've ever seen belonged to Denilsen and George Vea. Ronaldo and Baggio weren't bad either. Maradona too.



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:angry:  Meh to all you naysayers.  Last yr you b****ed & moaned about not having enough pitching.  Now this year you b**** & moan about not having enough offense.


Well now we might just have the best 1-4, & Danny had a pretty good 2nd 1/2.  If he could just find his groove, we could have the best 1-5. The game usually comes down to pitching & D.  We can't possibly be any worse D than we have been.

You're the type of White Sox fan that JR wishes he hadn't run-off after 20 + years of sub-standard baseball and public relations practices. A fan in denial. Unfortunately, the only people that still give a rats ass about this team in Chicago are the 1000 or so diehards that post on any given White Sox board everyday.

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Yo, rafa,  the best ball-dribbling skills I've ever seen belonged to Denilsen and George Vea.  Ronaldo and Baggio weren't bad either.  Maradona too.



Hey Brando. It´s Denilson and he is a average player, what he only do is dribbling, he doesnt kick well. George VEA??? i think it is George Weah... Ronaldo is the best player in the world. He and Zidane meake the Real Madrid squad the best ever. It´s like a movie watch them play. Djalminha, another brazilian, IMO, has the best ball-dribling skill in the world. The brazilian soccer is the best in the world in all skills. Romario is another great player. Do u remember him in 94??? He is striker, he is like Barry Bonds and Ronaldo is like A-Rod.

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Yo, rafa,  the best ball-dribbling skills I've ever seen belonged to Denilsen and George Vea.  Ronaldo and Baggio weren't bad either.  Maradona too.



Hey Brando. It´s Denilson and he is a average player, what he only do is dribbling, he doesnt kick well. George VEA??? i think it is George Weah... Ronaldo is the best player in the world. He and Zidane meake the Real Madrid squad the best ever. It´s like a movie watch them play. Djalminha, another brazilian, IMO, has the best ball-dribling skill in the world. The brazilian soccer is the best in the world in all skills. Romario is another great player. Do u remember him in 94??? He is striker, he is like Barry Bonds and Ronaldo is like A-Rod.

Maradona was a great player but he is asshole and drug user. I hate him, he is so stupid that he is a racist motherf***er. Players from Argentina envy the brazilian´s play. They are racist and they call the brazilian players of monkey.

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Yo, rafa,  the best ball-dribbling skills I've ever seen belonged to Denilsen and George Vea.  Ronaldo and Baggio weren't bad either.  Maradona too.



Hey Brando. It´s Denilson and he is a average player, what he only do is dribbling, he doesnt kick well. George VEA??? i think it is George Weah... Ronaldo is the best player in the world. He and Zidane meake the Real Madrid squad the best ever. It´s like a movie watch them play. Djalminha, another brazilian, IMO, has the best ball-dribling skill in the world. The brazilian soccer is the best in the world in all skills. Romario is another great player. Do u remember him in 94??? He is striker, he is like Barry Bonds and Ronaldo is like A-Rod.

Maradona was a great player but he is asshole and drug user. I hate him, he is so stupid that he is a racist motherf***er. Players from Argentina envy the brazilian´s play. They are racist and they call the brazilian players of monkey.

Cool, but I was strictly talking about ball-handling skills not personality flaws or shhooting ability.


When I saw Denilsen in 1998, he took a ball from right side of midfield and slalomed past 7 players, the most amazing thing I've ever seen with a ball...outside of George Weah sticking it to 5 players at the same time but in a penalty box when he was with Monaco. I was told crazy things about old cripple Garincha when he played with Pele used to be the best dribbler in the world despite having one leg 4 inches shorter than the other.


My info is a bit outdated (soccer was my life and Netherlands was my favorite team up until 1996 when I exchanged soccer cleats for a magical unicorn).......I think I did mention Ronaldo (Romario, Davids could handle the ball too) and I only remember a young Zidane from his Bordeax (sp?) days and he was no where near as good as he has become 5-6 years ago; Beckham, Figu, Del Piero and Raul were all better as a young players than Zinedine...Baggio was great in the early 90's and so was Stoichovic.


What do you think about Shevchenco from Milan, all-around?




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