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Ball-handling, right now in the world is Djalminha, Filipe, Ronaldo score a when he was playing for Barcelona that he take the ball in midfield and pass dribble about 7 guys. Denilson is a player that dribble too much and in the end he doesnt do nothing...i dont like him. Garrincha was the secont best player in the history of soccer. Pelé was number 1 and he was number 2. He won the World Cup 2 times with Brazil. He dribbled his opponents so easy that they leave him do what him wanted waiting for him to make a error or lose the ball. And he had a leg bigger that the other one. He was always drunk and that finished his career. What Davids??? Edgar Davids??? I dont like him, he uses violance all the time he is rude layer, h doenst have the ability to dribble the ball, what he know to do is coverage. You gotta follow the Brazilian league is much to watch than this Italian league. And Shevchenko is a good player, in Brazil we have much better players than that guy. Dida was the savior of the Milan. Rivaldo should not be in the bench :angry: . Rivaldo is the best player in that team and that stupid coach puts him in the banch. The teams that i watch play in Europe are the Spanish, because they remember a lot of the Brazilian´s style. THe English league is a crap, a lot of players in that league are terrible players. Beckham is a one dimensional player, he make some great pass. You gotta check out the Brazilian league, look like the NBA it´s showtime all the time. And that´s why we are 5 time champion of the WORLD!!! Brazilian soccer is the best in the world and the second best, too far behind is the argentinean soccer. Van Basten was a great striker but Romario is a much better striker, Romario in a face to face situation agst the Goalkeeper is goal no doubt about it.

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Ball-handling, right now in the world is Djalminha, Filipe, Ronaldo score a when he was playing for Barcelona that he take the ball in midfield and pass dribble about 7 guys. Denilson is a player that dribble too much and in the end he doesnt do nothing...i dont like him. Garrincha was the secont best player in the history of soccer. Pelé was number 1 and he was number 2. He won the World Cup 2 times with Brazil. He dribbled his opponents so easy that they leave him do what him wanted waiting for him to make a error or lose the ball. And he had a leg bigger that the other one. He was always drunk and that finished his career. What Davids??? Edgar Davids??? I dont like him, he uses violance all the time he is rude layer, h doenst have the ability to dribble the ball, what he know to do is coverage. You gotta follow the Brazilian league is much to watch than this Italian league. And Shevchenko is a good player, in Brazil we have much better players than that guy. Dida was the savior of the Milan. Rivaldo should not be in the bench :angry: . Rivaldo is the best player in that team and that stupid coach puts him in the banch. The teams that i watch play in Europe are the Spanish, because they remember a lot of the Brazilian´s style. THe English league is a crap, a lot of players in that league are terrible players. Beckham is a one dimensional player, he make some great pass. You gotta check out the Brazilian league, look like the NBA it´s showtime all the time. And that´s why we are 5 time champion of the WORLD!!! Brazilian soccer is the best in the world and the second best, too far behind is the argentinean soccer. Van Basten was a great striker but Romario is a much better striker, Romario in a face to face situation agst the Goalkeeper is goal no doubt about it.

Rafa you honestly think Brazilian league is anywhere NEARLY as competetive than the English Primiere League let alone the Italian one whic has been the best in the last 15 years? Just because something is flashy doesn't mean it's good, saying it's the NBA of soccer is just silly...And yes I've seen many games when I was a kid from San Paulu to Peles former team.


Marco Van Basten is no worse or less accomished a striker as Romario and he played in a much tougher league for the most part of his career...He was better all around and most people would agree.


Beckham is not good? Yes, that's why he was the player of the Year in the world a few years back, wasn't he?


Garincha could dribble like no other, but was he better than Platini, Kruiff, Mueller, Batistuta, Maradonna, Baggio, Van Basten, Stoichkov, Klinsmann among many others? Hell, no!


Why would Milan coach bench Rivaldo in favor of Chevchenko if the former was so much better? I thought they always wanted to win first and foremost....


I want your opinion on Raul, Figu, Zidane, Stoichkov, Baggio, Del Pierro and Batistuta....I remember them from early/mid-90s, they were very good. You know them?


I think you have a big problem/bias with non-Brazilian players, pretty racist if you ask me. Brazil won 5 times, but Germany, Argentina and Italy won a few times too, no?

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maybe not the best player - although one could argue he is - but my favorite...



Very much like Gerdt Mueller before...Vieri and Berkoff are the type of players who don't look very flashy, but it comes to goal scoring. they are as effective as anyone who's ever played the game in the penalty box.


Anyone who's ever seen Van Basten score his 4 goals, including the scissor kick in the CL game in 1992....or the kick in top shelve in 1988 Euro Finals against USSR....pure brilliance. Too bad he got injured and never recovered.

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Rafa you honestly think Brazilian league is anywhere NEARLY as competetive than the English Primiere League let alone the Italian one whic has been the best in the last 15 years? Just because something is flashy doesn't mean it's good, saying it's the NBA of soccer is just silly...And yes I've seen many games when I was a kid from San Paulu to Peles former team.


Marco Van Basten is no worse or less accomished a striker as Romario and he played in a much tougher league for the most part of his career...He was better all around and most people would agree.


Beckham is not good?  Yes, that's why he was the player of the Year in the world a few years back, wasn't he?


Garincha could dribble like no other, but was he better than Platini, Kruiff, Mueller, Batistuta, Maradonna, Baggio, Van Basten, Stoichkov, Klinsmann among many others?  Hell, no!


Why would Milan coach bench Rivaldo in favor of Chevchenko if the former was so much better?  I thought they always wanted to win first and foremost....


I want your opinion on Raul, Figu, Zidane, Stoichkov, Baggio, Del Pierro and  Batistuta....I remember them from early/mid-90s, they were very good.  You know them?


I think you have a big problem/bias with non-Brazilian players, pretty racist if you ask me.  Brazil won 5 times, but Germany, Argentina and Italy won a few times too, no?

Competitiveness...i dont care...i like to see the showtime, the great plays, the impossible goals, in England, you dont see that...you see a vilent game that all teams playing on defense and if the score is 1-0 is good. Maybe you need to check it out our league and our players, nobody in the world plays soccer better than our players. Italian league??? The worst soccer in the world to watch teams playing. Italian league and English league are both horrible to watch, a ugly game that meake you suffer. If the brazilian teams had the money that this italian´s teams has....man....it would be great and no doubt about it you will be saying that our league is the best in the world. When i was a kid??? I watch soccer my entire life and i will always love. ANd it´s São Paulo and Pelé´s team is Santos (i wil talk later about this team). Romario wasmuch better than Van Basten, right now he is not the same. But in 94, 95, ... he was great player the best striker in the world. If he played just few seasons in Europe this dont say nothing. In Spain he made 35 goals in a one season, in Netherlands he did the same. Here in Brazil, he scores 100 goals almost every year, because we play much more games than this Spanish teams. We have 3 to 4 competitions for a year. They have 1-2 competitions. You need definetely watch some brazilian soccer. Romario dribbling was much better than Van Basten, the goal scoring much better, the header van basten wwas better but not so much and because of his height Romario is 5 foot-6 inches and Van Basten, i think is 6-0. And the league that Van Basten palyed as the italian beacuse the others leagues was worst than the brazilian league. Bechkham is a guy that the press love and he was voted by that stupoid coaches in Europe that dont know s*** about soccer. Garrincha was much better than all this guys that you said.


You dont even compare Platini, Batistuta, Baggio, Van Basten, Stoichkov, Klinsmann because this is becoming ridiculous....Garrincha was a tremendous player....you need some brazilian soccer!!! Stop watching this european leagues, if you want to watch some european league warch the Spnish league or maybe the Germany league. You will watch some brazilians playing.


Rivaldo is much better player than Schevchenko. Rivaldo carries his team on the back what you need to do is let him play.


Raul is a good player. Figo is good too. Zidane is a tremendous player, put him with Pelé and Garrincha, Romario, Ronaldo, Jairzinho, Tostão, Rivelino, Martadona and others that you never know about it, but thus guys Klinsmann, Batistuta, Platrini??? :lolhitting :lolhitting Stoichkov was a good players when he played in Barcelona and in the World Cup but in that barcelona´s team he was the second player in that team because Romario was the number one.


Racist me??? Maradona is the racist guy in here!!! He calls our players of monkey and they consider Pelé a monkey. Racist :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting Look, you need some brazilian soccer big time!!! Brazil won 5 times and went to the finals 7 times. This put some pressure in others country, hein?? Dopnt say this here in Brazil that our soccer is not the best in the world because people in here will laugh big time at you!!! :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting Klinsmann much btter player than Garrincha :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting


Sorry man, icould contain myself.

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Rafa you honestly think Brazilian league is anywhere NEARLY as competetive than the English Primiere League let alone the Italian one whic has been the best in the last 15 years?   Just because something is flashy doesn't mean it's good, saying it's the NBA of soccer is just silly...And yes I've seen many games when I was a kid from San Paulu to Peles former team.


Marco Van Basten is no worse or less accomished a striker as Romario and he played in a much tougher league for the most part of his career...He was better all around and most people would agree.


Beckham is not good?  Yes, that's why he was the player of the Year in the world a few years back, wasn't he?


Garincha could dribble like no other, but was he better than Platini, Kruiff, Mueller, Batistuta, Maradonna, Baggio, Van Basten, Stoichkov, Klinsmann among many others?  Hell, no!


Why would Milan coach bench Rivaldo in favor of Chevchenko if the former was so much better?  I thought they always wanted to win first and foremost....


I want your opinion on Raul, Figu, Zidane, Stoichkov, Baggio, Del Pierro and  Batistuta....I remember them from early/mid-90s, they were very good.  You know them?


I think you have a big problem/bias with non-Brazilian players, pretty racist if you ask me.  Brazil won 5 times, but Germany, Argentina and Italy won a few times too, no?

Competitiveness...i dont care...i like to see the showtime, the great plays, the impossible goals, in England, you dont see that...you see a vilent game that all teams playing on defense and if the score is 1-0 is good. Maybe you need to check it out our league and our players, nobody in the world plays soccer better than our players. Italian league??? The worst soccer in the world to watch teams playing. Italian league and English league are both horrible to watch, a ugly game that meake you suffer. If the brazilian teams had the money that this italian´s teams has....man....it would be great and no doubt about it you will be saying that our league is the best in the world. When i was a kid??? I watch soccer my entire life and i will always love. ANd it´s São Paulo and Pelé´s team is Santos (i wil talk later about this team). Romario wasmuch better than Van Basten, right now he is not the same. But in 94, 95, ... he was great player the best striker in the world. If he played just few seasons in Europe this dont say nothing. In Spain he made 35 goals in a one season, in Netherlands he did the same. Here in Brazil, he scores 100 goals almost every year, because we play much more games than this Spanish teams. We have 3 to 4 competitions for a year. They have 1-2 competitions. You need definetely watch some brazilian soccer. Romario dribbling was much better than Van Basten, the goal scoring much better, the header van basten wwas better but not so much and because of his height Romario is 5 foot-6 inches and Van Basten, i think is 6-0. And the league that Van Basten palyed as the italian beacuse the others leagues was worst than the brazilian league. Bechkham is a guy that the press love and he was voted by that stupoid coaches in Europe that dont know s*** about soccer. Garrincha was much better than all this guys that you said.


You dont even compare Platini, Batistuta, Baggio, Van Basten, Stoichkov, Klinsmann because this is becoming ridiculous....Garrincha was a tremendous player....you need some brazilian soccer!!! Stop watching this european leagues, if you want to watch some european league warch the Spnish league or maybe the Germany league. You will watch some brazilians playing.


Rivaldo is much better player than Schevchenko. Rivaldo carries his team on the back what you need to do is let him play.


Raul is a good player. Figo is good too. Zidane is a tremendous player, put him with Pelé and Garrincha, Romario, Ronaldo, Jairzinho, Tostão, Rivelino, Martadona and others that you never know about it, but thus guys Klinsmann, Batistuta, Platrini??? :lolhitting :lolhitting Stoichkov was a good players when he played in Barcelona and in the World Cup but in that barcelona´s team he was the second player in that team because Romario was the number one.


Racist me??? Maradona is the racist guy in here!!! He calls our players of monkey and they consider Pelé a monkey. Racist :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting Look, you need some brazilian soccer big time!!! Brazil won 5 times and went to the finals 7 times. This put some pressure in others country, hein?? Dopnt say this here in Brazil that our soccer is not the best in the world because people in here will laugh big time at you!!! :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting Klinsmann much btter player than Garrincha :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting


Sorry man, could contain myself.


Granted my info was a bit outdated (up to late 90's at the most) as I told you before, BUT.....


You don't care about high competitiveness? Well, that's too bad for you, but most people who know soccer DO...and that's why MLS is worth s*** to every soccer fan in the world. I'd rather see a GREAT 1-0 game between Ajax and Milan (1995) than to see a 5-3 shootout between second rate Brazillian cellar clubs.


Garincha played when? That's right, you can't compare modern soccer to Pele years (pre-1973) because in the last 20-30 years, the game has become SO MUCH FASTER AND TOUGHER similar to hockey and American football.....Players like Michael Owens and Sitchev could outrun Pele in their sleep and you can;t compare dribbling that old man Garincha had to do at half-speed to what Denilson and Djalminha have to do TODAY against juiced up 6'2'' defenders and very fast/stategic midfield pressure...Just watch some old games from 50/60s and compare...


As far as Brazilian League being better than Italian in mid-90s? You are 110% wrong, it's like saying CBA is better than NBA just because some games are more "open" or "high-scoring". That's why Rivaldo, Romario, Ronaldo, Bebeto and the rest of great young players from 90's (Figu, Klinssman, Boksic, Suker, Bebeto, Del Pierro, Van Basten, Baggio, Shevchenco, Zidane, Berkhoff, Vieri, Stoichkov, Berkamp, Amochachi, Weah, Bechham, Raul, Davids, etc, etc, etc) ALL played in Europe in their PRIME...


You really think Spanish League was much tougher in mid-90's than the Italian one? Wow, shows how much you know about soccer...This is the order of toughness for 90-98 seasons: Italy, England, then Germany/Spain/France. Ask all the experts and would agree...


What part of Shevchenco's game do you not like? Rivaldo is old, no? You think Milan coach is stupid that he would kepp a better player on the bench?


Platini, Kruiff, Baggio, Batistuta and others were all faster and more skilled than Garincha and in way were they inferior overall. It's a fact, different era, different speed, different denamics, different reality.

And Van Basten is considered one of the greatest strikes of the 80's/early 90's, certainly no lower than Romario who did nothing before 94 World Cup and had a couple of good years in the inferior Spanish league where Barcelona and Real were the ONLY teams that had success in the annual European Club Inter-Leagues like UEFA, Cup, Champion League....What's next? Are you gonna tell me that Portugese league is worth s*** just because Benefica and Portu were usually semi-decent in the 90's....bwa


You need to pull your head out of your ass and start being objective for a change, I love Brazilian players, but to say they are the only thing worth watching is RIDICULOUS and smacks of inbedded nationalism/racism.


How many times has Brazil won World Cub in the last 30 years, since 1974? Twice (same as Argentina and Germany), and I believe one of them was a very close 0-0 penalty kicks victory in 1994. So to say they've been dominating national arena of modern soccer is UNFAIR and ARROGANT and STUPID.

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:lolhitting I will not continue this s*** because you dont know nothing about soccer. Brazil went to all the World Cups, went to 7 finals, won 5 times and for the modern soccer: we won 2 cups went to final 3 times, the last 3 cups Brazil went to the 3 finals. YOu are a so stupid, if Pelé is playing today, the game would not be the same because there would not exist fun anymore, it would be ridiculous watching Pelé driving some D crazy.


Competetiviness. I'm not accostumed to this, Brazil has dominated the soccer for too much time and competitiviness agst Brazil dont exist. We win almost everything and if you are saying that our soccer is not the best in the world, the f***ing experts woill say that you are a stupid bonehead.


Players like Schevechenko will have a ton in here, Brazilian league has a lot of players like him in here and much better than that guy. Do u ever heard talk about Kaká? And Robinho? and Diego? Luis Fabiano? This guys will get our 6th World Cup in Germany!!! BOOK IT!!


And talkking about our league in 92 São Paulo was the champion of the Libertadores, it's like a Champions League here in SOuth America, i think you dont know this, And São PAulo went to tokyo and defeated the Milan of Van Basten, Rijkaard. And in the next year they went again and won again, this agst Barcelona. Did u know that or u just know about this European leagues??? :lolhitting


Romario is playing right now in Brazil because he has money and dont want to leave our country because Brazil is a great place to live. All the brazilian players love playing here, after they got their money in Europe they come back.


English soccer sucks big time!!! It's horrible to watch that guys playing. When the Man United came here in Brazil in 2000 they were all humiliated, 2000 we had a tournament in Rio that brought REal Madrid, Man United and this teams lose to Corinthians and Vasco. Vasco won the Man United by 5-2, and Man U had Bechkaham, Keane, Roy Keane. Vasco had Edmundo, do you know this guy??? Corinthians was the champion and in the time this toruanment was considered the World Champioship Club.


You are saying that Schevchenko is a better player than Rivaldo??? :lolhitting :lolhitting Rivaldo pass so well, kick so well, dribble so well, has great header, shoots a great free kick, has a great offensive awareness...and schevchenko has speed, dont have ability, he is a guy that has heart....i dont see nothing besides this. In Brazil we have a ton of players like him.


YOu are calling Batistuta fast??? :lolhitting :lolhitting

Look, some people in Brazil said that Garrincha was a better player than Pelé. Garrincha won 2 world Cups and Baggio, Cruiyff, Platini, Batistuta??? 0 world cups. Look, we have a guy here in Brazil that remember a lot of Garrincha, you dont know him of course, Robinho he is 17 years old and is great player, he will be in the WOrld Cup in 2006, he plays for Santos.


Van Basten was a great player. But look at Romario and his 600 goals, 300 in Spain, Netherlands and World Cups.


I prefer watch a match with the Brazil's style of play than the european, english style of play. We have the showtime and the showtime has showed in the world hoiw manytime we were the champions.


"ow many times has Brazil won World Cub in the last 30 years, since 1974? Twice (same as Argentina and Germany), and I believe one of them was a very close 0-0 penalty kicks victory in 1994. So to say they've been dominating national arena of modern soccer is UNFAIR and ARROGANT and "

One more time: We are the only country to go to all the World Cups, we have been already to 3 finals in the last decade and won 2. We went to the semifinals in 74, 78. Quarterfinals 82, 86 round 16 90. You are a joke!!! How cvan you say that our soccer is not the best in the existence of the sport??? :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting


YOu guys hate some 3rd world country dominates the world like we do in one thing. :lolhitting


And, please, atop this bulls*** because waht you are saying is ridiculous. Dont try to talk soccer with South american (Brazil , Argentina) that tehy will laugh at your face like i am doing right now!!! :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting :D :D :bang

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:lolhitting I will not continue this s*** because you dont know nothing about soccer. Brazil went to all the World Cups, went to 7 finals, won 5 times and for the modern soccer: we won 2 cups went to final 3 times, the last 3 cups Brazil went to the 3 finals. YOu are a so stupid, if Pelé is playing today, the game would not be the same because there would not exist fun anymore, it would be ridiculous watching Pelé driving some D crazy.


Competetiviness. I'm not accostumed to this, Brazil has dominated the soccer for too much time and competitiviness agst Brazil dont exist. We win almost everything and if you are saying that our soccer is not the best in the world, the f***ing experts woill say that you are a stupid bonehead.


Players like Schevechenko will have a ton in here, Brazilian league has a lot of players like him in here and much better than that guy. Do u ever heard talk about Kaká? And Robinho? and Diego? Luis Fabiano? This guys will get our 6th World Cup in Germany!!! BOOK IT!!


And talkking about our league in 92 São Paulo was the champion of the Libertadores, it's like a Champions League here in SOuth America, i think you dont know this, And São PAulo went to tokyo and defeated the Milan of Van Basten, Rijkaard. And in the next year they went again and won again, this agst Barcelona. Did u know that or u just know about this European leagues??? :lolhitting


Romario is playing right now in Brazil because he has money and dont want to leave our country because Brazil is a great place to live. All the brazilian players love playing here, after they got their money in Europe they come back.


English soccer sucks big time!!! It's horrible to watch that guys playing. When the Man United came here in Brazil in 2000 they were all humiliated, 2000 we had a tournament in Rio that brought REal Madrid, Man United and this teams lose to Corinthians and Vasco. Vasco won the Man United by 5-2, and Man U had Bechkaham, Keane, Roy Keane. Vasco had Edmundo, do you know this guy??? Corinthians was the champion and in the time this toruanment was considered the World Champioship Club.


You are saying that Schevchenko is a  better player than Rivaldo??? :lolhitting  :lolhitting  Rivaldo pass so well, kick so well, dribble so well, has great header, shoots a great free kick, has a great offensive awareness...and schevchenko has speed, dont have ability, he is a guy that has heart....i dont see nothing besides this. In Brazil we have a ton of players like him.


YOu are calling Batistuta fast??? :lolhitting  :lolhitting 

Look, some people in Brazil said that Garrincha was a better player than Pelé. Garrincha won 2 world Cups and Baggio, Cruiyff, Platini, Batistuta??? 0 world cups. Look, we have a guy here in Brazil that remember a lot of Garrincha, you dont know him of course, Robinho he is 17 years old and is great player, he will be in the WOrld Cup in 2006, he plays for Santos.


Van Basten was a great player. But look at Romario and his 600 goals, 300 in Spain, Netherlands and World Cups.


I prefer watch a match with the Brazil's style of play than the european, english style of play. We have the showtime and the showtime has showed in the world hoiw manytime we were the champions.


"ow many times has Brazil won World Cub in the last 30 years, since 1974? Twice (same as Argentina and Germany), and I believe one of them was a very close 0-0 penalty kicks victory in 1994. So to say they've been dominating national arena of modern soccer is UNFAIR and ARROGANT and "

One more time: We are the only country to go to all the World Cups, we have been already to 3 finals in the last decade and won 2. We went to the semifinals in 74, 78. Quarterfinals 82, 86 round 16 90. You are a joke!!! How cvan you say that our soccer is not the best in the existence of the sport??? :lolhitting  :lolhitting  :lolhitting 


YOu guys hate some 3rd world country dominates the world like we do in one thing. :lolhitting


And, please, atop this bulls*** because waht you are saying is ridiculous. Dont try to talk soccer with South american (Brazil , Argentina) that tehy will laugh at your face like i am doing right now!!! :lolhitting  :lolhitting  :lolhitting  :lolhitting  :D  :D    :bang

Dude, you can't possibly be older than 15, very weak stuff. Wow!


Don't waste my time anymore, I thought yuo knew what you were talking about, saying clubs Santos is Milan's peer is like saying Harlem Globetrotters could beat mid-90's Chicago Bulls.

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:lolhitting I will not continue this s*** because you dont know nothing about soccer. Brazil went to all the World Cups, went to 7 finals, won 5 times and for the modern soccer: we won 2 cups went to final 3 times, the last 3 cups Brazil went to the 3 finals. YOu are a so stupid, if Pelé is playing today, the game would not be the same because there would not exist fun anymore, it would be ridiculous watching Pelé driving some D crazy.


Competetiviness. I'm not accostumed to this, Brazil has dominated the soccer for too much time and competitiviness agst Brazil dont exist. We win almost everything and if you are saying that our soccer is not the best in the world, the f***ing experts woill say that you are a stupid bonehead.


Players like Schevechenko will have a ton in here, Brazilian league has a lot of players like him in here and much better than that guy. Do u ever heard talk about Kaká? And Robinho? and Diego? Luis Fabiano? This guys will get our 6th World Cup in Germany!!! BOOK IT!!


And talkking about our league in 92 São Paulo was the champion of the Libertadores, it's like a Champions League here in SOuth America, i think you dont know this, And São PAulo went to tokyo and defeated the Milan of Van Basten, Rijkaard. And in the next year they went again and won again, this agst Barcelona. Did u know that or u just know about this European leagues??? :lolhitting


Romario is playing right now in Brazil because he has money and dont want to leave our country because Brazil is a great place to live. All the brazilian players love playing here, after they got their money in Europe they come back.


English soccer sucks big time!!! It's horrible to watch that guys playing. When the Man United came here in Brazil in 2000 they were all humiliated, 2000 we had a tournament in Rio that brought REal Madrid, Man United and this teams lose to Corinthians and Vasco. Vasco won the Man United by 5-2, and Man U had Bechkaham, Keane, Roy Keane. Vasco had Edmundo, do you know this guy??? Corinthians was the champion and in the time this toruanment was considered the World Champioship Club.


You are saying that Schevchenko is a  better player than Rivaldo??? :lolhitting  :lolhitting  Rivaldo pass so well, kick so well, dribble so well, has great header, shoots a great free kick, has a great offensive awareness...and schevchenko has speed, dont have ability, he is a guy that has heart....i dont see nothing besides this. In Brazil we have a ton of players like him.


YOu are calling Batistuta fast??? :lolhitting  :lolhitting 

Look, some people in Brazil said that Garrincha was a better player than Pelé. Garrincha won 2 world Cups and Baggio, Cruiyff, Platini, Batistuta??? 0 world cups. Look, we have a guy here in Brazil that remember a lot of Garrincha, you dont know him of course, Robinho he is 17 years old and is great player, he will be in the WOrld Cup in 2006, he plays for Santos.


Van Basten was a great player. But look at Romario and his 600 goals, 300 in Spain, Netherlands and World Cups.


I prefer watch a match with the Brazil's style of play than the european, english style of play. We have the showtime and the showtime has showed in the world hoiw manytime we were the champions.


"ow many times has Brazil won World Cub in the last 30 years, since 1974? Twice (same as Argentina and Germany), and I believe one of them was a very close 0-0 penalty kicks victory in 1994. So to say they've been dominating national arena of modern soccer is UNFAIR and ARROGANT and "

One more time: We are the only country to go to all the World Cups, we have been already to 3 finals in the last decade and won 2. We went to the semifinals in 74, 78. Quarterfinals 82, 86 round 16 90. You are a joke!!! How cvan you say that our soccer is not the best in the existence of the sport??? :lolhitting  :lolhitting  :lolhitting 


YOu guys hate some 3rd world country dominates the world like we do in one thing. :lolhitting


And, please, atop this bulls*** because waht you are saying is ridiculous. Dont try to talk soccer with South american (Brazil , Argentina) that tehy will laugh at your face like i am doing right now!!! :lolhitting  :lolhitting  :lolhitting  :lolhitting  :D  :D    :bang

Dude, you can't possibly be older than 15, very weak stuff. Wow!


Don't waste my time anymore, I thought yuo knew what you were talking about, saying clubs Santos is Milan's peer is like saying Harlem Globetrotters could beat mid-90's Chicago Bulls.

If we had a World Championship of clubs, you would see who would be the champions. It had one and a Brazilian club won it. I'm 21 and i have already go to thousands of games and watched is millions. And you???

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in honor of Brazil soccer soccer_brazil11.jpg

Yes, cwsox. We have take this trophy 2 times and three the other trophy. And i look at your favourite soccer player. Vieri is a player that i like, i think that he is the best player in Italy. But the Italian team sucks. They were eliminated in the WOrld CUp by SOuth Korea :ph34r:


5 times champs is hard to others swallow.

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5 times champs is hard to others swallow.


granted I cannot speak Portuguese but the better phrasing in English is


5 time champs is hard for others to swallow


just offered in a friendly spirit, english prepositions can be so nuanced

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granted I cannot speak Portuguese but the better phrasing in English is


5 time champs is hard for others to swallow


just offered in a friendly spirit, english prepositions can be so nuanced

:P I will get there!!! :)

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YOu guys hate some 3rd world country dominates the world like we do in one thing.


You're gonna start crying now, aren't you my little nationalist friend?


Say it with me: BRAZIL WON 2 WORLD CUPS SINCE 1971, including one by a pussy hair, er, I mean penalty kicks after they failed to score in 120 minutes of play against "s***ty" Italy in 1994. Hell you barely beat USA in the 1/8, lol....


Get over yourself, little man, you're only New York Yankees of the soccer world in your sleep. Just keep on sending your best players to Italy and Spain, I kinda liked Ronaldo and Rivaldo....Got anymore?


Pele would "torment D" if he were to play today? Are you f***ing kidding me or what, is tyhis comic relief 2003 or a soccer discussion? LOL.


And BTW, those goals Romario scored in Dutch league? Who cares, Netherlands league SUCKS DONKEY ASS (at least some those goals he scored for Barcelona were against semi-decent clubs like Deportivo), always has always will, they export all their best players to Italy anyway, lol

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Tell me one thing: who has the best soccer in the world??? Look in what you will say.


You said,the Italian league was the best in the world in the time???


Aldair, Cafú, Zé Maria, Serginho, ... and others who of this guys you know???


Who torments the D today??? Bierhoff??? Batistuta??? Beckham???


Van Bastn made a lot of goals inthis Dutch league too....dont say nothing man, you dont know nothing about soccer.


We export this guys, they take their money and come back to Brazil to won some WOrld Cups!!! :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting


Too sad for ya, hein???


The reality is so cruel.

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How cvan you say that our soccer is not the best in the existence of the sport???


Your national team was probably the best team in the last 30 years (cutoff point for me as far as modern soccer is concerned), but the difference between Italy, Germany and Arhgentina in those years weren't as big as you'd like to believe. In addition to winning 2 Cups each since then (like you), Germany and Argentina lost in finals too, K? Furthermore, between 1974 and 1994 you didn't even make it to the finals let alone winning anything and in 1994 you could have just as easily lost on penalty kicks which are crapshoot always (Netherlands losing to Denmark in 1992 Euros ring a bell?)....So ge over your superiority complex, will ya, you ain't that good...


If you weren't too busy jerking off witb a Brazilian flag, you's notice that I was discussing specific players (Platini, Del Piero, Figu, etc) and club leagues, and that's where Brazil/Argentino simply cannot compete with Itally, Enlgand, Spain, etc where all the big dogs and all the big money are.....And Garincha played in 1960, how can you say with a straight, arrogant face that he would be able to break into a 3rd tier league today let alone premiere one like Italy I gave no idea- it's like saying Jim Brown would be the best running back if he played today....


As far as Milan losing a couple of Tokyo matches, those were nothing more than glorified friendlies that meant a hell a lot more to your clubs than to European ones, just like NFL All-Star game means very little to players who refuse to get injured after a grueling season and CL games.....But whatever, I am sure this whole thing will fall on deaf ears, you're pretty much set in your firm belief that anything Brazilians touch turns platinum.

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Your national team was probably the best team in the last 30 years (cutoff point for me as far as modern soccer is concerned), but the difference between Italy, Germany and Arhgentina in those years weren't as big as you'd like to believe.  In addition to winning 2 Cups each since then (like you), Germany and Argentina lost in finals too, K?  Furthermore, between 1974 and 1994 you didn't even make it to the finals let alone winning anything and in 1994 you could have just as easily lost on penalty kicks which are crapshoot always (Netherlands losing to Denmark in 1992 Euros ring a bell?)....So ge over your superiority complex, will ya, you ain't that good...


If you weren't too busy jerking off witb a Brazilian flag, you's notice that I was discussing specific players (Platini, Del Piero, Figu, etc) and club leagues, and that's where Brazil/Argentino simply cannot compete with Itally, Enlgand, Spain, etc where all the big dogs and all the big money are.....And Garincha played in 1960, how can you say with a straight, arrogant face that he would be able to break into a 3rd tier league today let alone premiere one like Italy I gave no idea- it's like saying Jim Brown would be the best running back if he played today....


As far as Milan losing a couple of Tokyo matches, those were nothing more than glorified friendlies that meant a hell a lot more to your clubs than to European ones, just like NFL All-Star game means very little to players who refuse to get injured after a grueling season and CL games.....But whatever, I am sure this whole thing will fall on deaf ears, you're pretty much set in your firm belief that anything Brazilians touch turns platinum.

Let's talk about Platini. Platini was a better player than Zico, Falcão, Sócrates??? In 86 we lose to France in the penalty kicks so we should say that was unfair and luck by the Franchs.


In Brazil, we play soccer all the time. We know that Garrincha today would be a great player. If Platini started his career here in Brazil, he wouild be nothing. YOu guys overrated this euroipeans players too much.


Do you think that Milan would not want the money in that game in Tokyo???


One thing that i have the most proud in my country is SOCCER or FUTEBOL!!!

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Also, apparently me saying "I love Brazilian stars like Rivaldo and Ronaldo and Roberto Carlos, etc" means that I am jealous of their success....Yeah, whatever, put down the pipe.


As far as Italy having a hands down the toughest league in the world in the 90's, it's a fact- they had they BEST players from all over the world, including Brazil but not only. If Romario played for Juventus in 1993 instead of Barcelona or Dutch team Eidenhoven, he wouldn't have score 20 goals let alone 35 and probably would have been benched in favor of a more hardnosed, effective player like Vierrri, Kloinsmann or Batistuta...Very simply concept to grasp and yet you can't.



BTW didn't current ruler of Italy use to own AC Milan back in the day? Silvio Berlusconi was his name? Like Debya with Texas Rangers on with mafia connections and even more corruption...lol



I also loved the CIDADE DE DEUS....does that make me racist too?

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We always had the best players in all leagues. Look, in the 60s when the Real Madrid won a lot of europeans UCL titles, the best player in the team was??? Evaristo, a brazilian. When Barça won it, Romario was the best. THe brazilian soccer is all around the world!!!


IF we had a world championship, the brazilians teams would win a ton of this tournaments. In 2000, do you know what happen in here??? The Real and Man U come here and??? You even know this, you just see the european newspaper. And this ESPN soccer's site, this experts dont know s*** about soccer.

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Brazil used to have a very strong volleyball team as well, and I firmly believed that you can achive instantaneous orgasms just watching their women's beach volleyball duo in their bikinis, I forget their names s***...Good times. :)

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Romario doesnt care about playing for the Italians teams. He would be on the bench and make some money, and after all he would end up being the star in the WOrld CUp. THis hard nosed players that dont know how to score a goal is what i hate the most. I love the "lazyness" of Roamrio. He is a guy that, if you cover him all the time, he would end up with a goal. HE is a uncover. Nobody can cover that guy. Ronaldo is the same way and a lot of plkayers is this way. But in Europe they love players like you said and that's why they dont win World Cups.

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Brazil used to have a very strong volleyball team as well, and I firmly believed that you can achive instantaneous orgasms just watching their women's beach volleyball duo in their bikinis, I forget their names s***...Good times. :)

Talking about woman. The Brazilian's woman are so HOT!!! You would get crazy down here!!! WOW, i will ask you first: DO you like some girls???


About soccer, give up ok!!! Dont make me laugh anymore. :lolhitting


Volleybal, yes, we have a great men team. They were the champion world league in 2001 and lost the title last year in the final to the russians.

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Romario doesnt care about playing for the Italians teams. He would be on the bench and make some money, and after all he would end up being the star in the WOrld CUp. THis hard nosed players that dont know how to score a goal is what i hate the most. I love the "lazyness" of Roamrio. He is a guy that, if you cover him all the time, he would end up with a goal. HE is a uncover. Nobody can cover that guy. Ronaldo is the same way and a lot of plkayers is this way. But in Europe they love players like you said and that's why they dont win World Cups.

Biased speculation....weak analysis....wrong....way off....faulty logic.....kinda makes sense......ah, yes, you've made a full circle and are once again totally wrong. Congradulations, you get the National Homer of the Year...anyone you want to thank?


Russians hockey players are among some of the best in the world and yet their league is terrible even though Soviet Army club used to routenily beat NHL teams in late 80's during exhibition matches...While Brazilian league(s) are not as bad as Russian hockey one, the same principle applies- Italian league was the NHL of soccer for about 10 years and is very strong to this day.


Comprende now?


(Don't forget to repeat: no world cup finals between 1974 and 1994 and a pathetic 0-0 score in the 1994 final...)

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Talking about woman. The Brazilian's woman are so HOT!!! You would get crazy down here!!! WOW, i will ask you first: DO you like some girls???


How do you mean, rafa?


I guess a lecture on the unimitable virtues of Brazilians chicas is in order.

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