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Texas arresting people for being drunk...


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It's kind of hard to get drunk if you're drinking in moderation. Even two beers per hour is fine if you have built up a tolerance. I can't remember the last time I was *drunk*, and I've been drinking every weekend since I was like 14 years old. I have never had a case where I didn't remember what happened the night before. I'll go for Rum & Coke a lot of times, or some White Russians, but you have to know your limitations.


If you're slamming shots and you intend on driving home? Getting arrested ain't nearly enough. You should have your nuts chopped off.


There are a lot of sure signs of a fool, and if you can't go out and have a good time without getting completely hammered, you most likely qualify. I have a buddy who has two DUIs already & he has to ride a freaking scooter in downtown traffic to get to work. What a moron.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 24, 2006 -> 03:30 PM)
Dude, if you are an adult and can honestly say that, I tip my hat to you.


I mentioned it in the "Whitesoxin wants to know thread" but I've never been drunk in my life. Alcohol and nicotine don't seem to have much affect on me. Not that I drink a lot anyway. Can't afford it and having kids at 19 really limits your opportunities anyway.

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QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Mar 24, 2006 -> 03:45 PM)
It's kind of hard to get drunk if you're drinking in moderation.  Even two beers per hour is fine if you have built up a tolerance.  I can't remember the last time I was *drunk*, and I've been drinking every weekend since I was like 14 years old.  I have never had a case where I didn't remember what happened the night before.  I'll go for Rum & Coke a lot of times, or some White Russians, but you have to know your limitations.


If you're slamming shots and you intend on driving home?  Getting arrested ain't nearly enough.  You should have your nuts chopped off.


There are a lot of sure signs of a fool, and if you can't go out and have a good time without getting completely hammered, you most likely qualify.  I have a buddy who has two DUIs already & he has to ride a freaking scooter in downtown traffic to get to work.  What a moron.


Considering your buddy is driving a motorized vehicle, he is probably in violation.

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QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Mar 24, 2006 -> 03:01 PM)
I have relatives in Texas and they say drunk driving a very, very serious problem down there. There is always at least one student dying each year from drunk drivers at my cousins school, and usually more. If this is what they need to resort to doing, then I don't have a problem with it.

Try the method I cited earlier. Better results, and no one has to go to jail.

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I know in Dallas where it is dry, to get into a bar, you have to 'join' the club. Sure, anyone can sponsor you, but you still have to join. So doesn't that make the bars a private place, instead of a public place? Sure, once they go outside they would be in public, but if I paid a 'membership' to drink inside, then it wouldn't exactly be public anymore.

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Lawmakers in TX are flummoxed as to why people are against this... :bang


"I'm getting all those same e-mails, the Nazi, Taliban, Gestapo e-mails," said commission spokeswoman Carolyn Beck. "I don't really understand the hateful outrage. I don't understand, 'Die in a fire.' "


Rep. Kino Flores, chairman of the House Licensing and Administrative Procedures, said he plans to call a meeting next month to examine the commission's work.


"We're looking at it and we're going to be looking at it: Are we going too far, or do we need to go further?" the Mission Democrat said.


Sen. John Whitmire, a Houston Democrat and member of both the powerful Senate Finance Committee and the Criminal Justice Committee that oversees the commission, defended the principle of in-bar citations.


"Even though a public drunk is not planning on driving, that could change in an instant," he said. "There is certainly potential danger."


Go further than arrest people for what they might do? WTF?! There's a potential danger that I might fall out of my bed. Do we ban sleeping? I might burn myself cooking. Do we ban that too?

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QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 24, 2006 -> 02:09 PM)
IN bars.



Wed Mar 22, 6:05 PM ET

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - Texas has begun sending undercover agents into bars to arrest drinkers for being drunk, a spokeswoman for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission said on Wednesday.


The first sting operation was conducted recently in a Dallas suburb where agents infiltrated 36 bars and arrested 30 people for public intoxication, said the commission's Carolyn Beck.


Being in a bar does not exempt one from the state laws against public drunkenness, Beck said.


The goal, she said, was to detain drunks before they leave a bar and go do something dangerous like drive a car.


"We feel that the only way we're going to get at the drunk driving problem and the problem of people hurting each other while drunk is by crackdowns like this," she said.


"There are a lot of dangerous and stupid things people do when they're intoxicated, other than get behind the wheel of a car," Beck said. "People walk out into traffic and get run over, people jump off of balconies trying to reach a swimming pool and miss."


She said the sting operations would continue throughout the state.


Heh..I think this is applying to just those drunk guys that bother "less" drunk guys.


Sometimes down here I get drunk and don't bother anyone...hehehe...actually, I don't remember if I am bothering someone...

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Let's see, we still have drive thru liquor stores (Ice Houses) :headbang Don't even have to get out of the car.


Ron White "I got a DUI, it was a b.s. arrest. They were targeting every car driving on that sidewalk. That's profiling and that's wrong.


You can still buy singles and most stores down here have paper bags sized to cover the can perfectly. They will have a big ol' tub of ice and the beer at the checkout.


I lost a brother to a drunk driver. I wish they had been at softball city in Hainsville that night cracking down.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 09:12 PM)
Let's see, we still have drive thru liquor stores (Ice Houses) :headbang Don't even have to get out of the car.


Ron White "I got a DUI, it was a b.s. arrest. They were targeting every car driving on that sidewalk. That's profiling and that's wrong.


You can still buy singles and most stores down here have paper bags sized to cover the can perfectly. They will have a big ol' tub of ice and the beer at the checkout.


I lost a brother to a drunk driver. I wish they had been at softball city in Hainsville that night cracking down.

I have little tolerance for the selfish, idiotic jerks who drive drunk.


But I also have little tolerance for lazy, privacy-invading law enforcement.


There are much more effective and less invasive ways to reduce DUIs, if the cops would just be willing to put safety above their egos. See my posted suggestion.

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However, if there is a law against being drunk in public, and it applies to places that serve alchohol, like bars, restaurants, and sporting events, how can we criticize police for enforcing the law? Shouldn't the response be; we need to change the laws to allow being drunk in bars?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 29, 2006 -> 02:56 PM)
However, if there is a law against being drunk in public, and it applies to places that serve alchohol, like bars, restaurants, and sporting events, how can we criticize police for enforcing the law? Shouldn't the response be; we need to change the laws to allow being drunk in bars?




also can't you drink in your cars in texas?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 29, 2006 -> 08:56 AM)
However, if there is a law against being drunk in public, and it applies to places that serve alchohol, like bars, restaurants, and sporting events, how can we criticize police for enforcing the law? Shouldn't the response be; we need to change the laws to allow being drunk in bars?

I feel pretty good about criticizing this - the police cannot enforce every law all the time, so choices are made. I think that better choices could be made here that would give better results AND provide better public service AND foster amity between cops and communities instead of stirring up frustration.

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QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Mar 29, 2006 -> 03:20 PM)
this is why you don't move to Texas.  I'd like to see them arrest people for being drunk in bars on the south side of chicago.  They'd have to build like 80 new prisions.


are you implying that people from texas don't drink? HA

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QUOTE(bmags @ Mar 29, 2006 -> 09:10 AM)


also can't you drink in your cars in texas?


Not in a long time. Texas was the last to enact an open container law, but it has been over ten years.


I think we all took it for granted you could be drunk in bars, after all they are in the business to sell alcohol. But would everyone agree that you should have the right to be drunk anywhere alcohol is sold? Bars that have a 21 age minimum seem OK. But what about Pizza Hut? Should it be ok to be drunk and sitting at the next table from a family? Should a guy be allowed to be falling down drunk sitting in the seat next to your daughter at a Sox game?


I actually think it would be better to have laws against the behavior, not just being drunk. If you are drunk and sit quietly staring at the wall, who cares? But if you aren't drunk but trying to tell me Kerry Woods is a better pitcher than Beurhle, that should be illegal.

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