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In Chicago, the papers and the talk shows have fired Jerry Manuel so many times, it may shock some people to see him still sitting there in the White Sox dugout. But GM Kenny Williams continues to act and sound like a man who would rather climb all 2,000 steps of the Sears Tower than axe his manager.


"It's always going to be a topic," Williams says, " because that's our quick-fix mentality as a society. And not just in baseball. It's the sporting world, period. ... But I personally would prefer to have more stability than that.


"I understand that we're all subjected to the bottom line in this business. But it's easy to stand behind somebody when things are going well. When you're really put to the test is when the plan isn't going as you laid it out.


"The way I look at it, you can do a couple of things. You can stand behind all your people, or bail out on them. Obviously, I've chosen, at this point in time, to stand behind everybody. But things do change. So you'll just have to stay tuned."


Remember that this is a team built to win this year. So clearly, the White Sox can't wait until Labor Day to address their problems. But Williams says his role models for how to handle his club's disconcerting start is last year's Angels and A's, now matter how rare it was for those two teams to have climbed out of the early canyons they dug themselves.


"Those teams both stayed the course, believed in their talent and didn't look to make moves because it was the fashionable thing to do," Williams says. "So I'm going to believe in our talent, stay the course and only do something if it makes sense, if it improves our chances of winning right now."


The time may come, of course, when Williams has to "do something," even if it's something he doesn't want to do. But he has made it obvious to all of us that he won't do anything just because he read it in his morning paper or heard one of us media geniuses suggest it on the radio on his way to work.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

thats an old article.. or most of the quotes are.. ask him what he thinks today......... ;) i guarentee ya you get a different answer if any at all.......... :D

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