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Soxtalk On the Air: Show 4


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This week we talk about the bullpen, Tadahito Iguchi, and our major league predictions. As always, please tell us any comments, feedback or ideas you have.

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Guys during your talk about the central and tribe I liked the talk but you guys need to make sure you get everything right, especially with our competition. Part of the Crisp deal was to shore up the weak bullpen to get Mota from boston (who came from florida). He will be solid as a set up man replcement for Howry and right there to close if Wickman fails, as he did in Florida last year. He is a good pick up for the tribe bullpen, granted i believe the crisp departure hurts more, he was a sox killer.


Also they signed Jason Michaels basically to replace crisp at a corner outfield spot. Michaels comes from Philly and should sport pretty solid numbers in Cleveland. The past two years he is averagin a .289 avg, with 7 hrs, and 36 rbi over 110 games a year. Project that out over about 150 games and you get 290 hitter with 10 hrs and about 50 rbi. All and all not too bad for a young hitter coming into his own and expect him to get better over time.











Johnson (Jason)


Marte (prospect in AAA)


Overall still a downgrade.


Also as part of the troy glaus trade the Jays traded both Miguel Batista from their pen and Orlando Hudson their 2b. They defense will surely suffer from that.

Edited by joeynach
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Michaels goes from one of the best hitting parks in baseball, and he's never been a regular in his career in the major leagues so far. I don't know if you can expect him to put up those type of numbers, I know the Tribe will be happy if he can do so.

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I didn't think the Michaels move was a big move and we did mention Mota going to the Indians. The problem is they aren't getting the Mota of a few years ago with the Dodgers, they are gettnig the one whose been injury riddled the past few years who inititially didn't pass his physical.


I'll be the first to admit I wasn't clear on Batista or not, but I remembered Hudson was dealt. However, Troy Glaus will provide a lot of pop for that team, plus they have Catalanto who can play 2nd (not that he is a good defensive 2nd baseman). I'd agree with you that its a definate downgrade defensively.


On a sidenote, thanks for the feedback. Its the only way we are going to get better.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 11:17 AM)
I didn't think the Michaels move was a big move and we did mention Mota going to the Indians.  The problem is they aren't getting the Mota of a few years ago with the Dodgers, they are gettnig the one whose been injury riddled the past few years who inititially didn't pass his physical.


I'll be the first to admit I wasn't clear on Batista or not, but I remembered Hudson was dealt.  However, Troy Glaus will provide a lot of pop for that team, plus they have Catalanto who can play 2nd (not that he is a good defensive 2nd baseman). I'd agree with you that its a definate downgrade defensively.


On a sidenote, thanks for the feedback.  Its the only way we are going to get better.


No problem. If you guys mentioned Mota, i must have not heard so thats my bad. I do like your show very much and agree with your assesment of the jays. If you ever need any replacement or anything like that I would be happy to help. Kepp up the good work!

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