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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 1, 2006 -> 05:29 AM)
I also don't buy that mcdonalds would suddenly pay 15 bucks an hour if there were no immigrants...

The McDonalds in Bloomingdale is paying over $8 an hour, and you still can't find a white, or black person behind the counter, except for a manager or two.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 31, 2006 -> 02:02 PM)
Chicago states that it won't enforce any immigration law that criminalizes undocumented workers.


Sun Times link


That could prove to be a costly decision if they choose to stop funding locales that don't enforce the federal laws.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Mar 31, 2006 -> 06:00 PM)
Maybe a reason that line is sometimes true is because the Americans who could DO that work are getting money from the government for NOT doing that work.  Much better to collect welfare, unemployment, food stamps, whatever, than to work those jobs.  If the illegal problem were to be severly curtailed, yes, some prices would go up.  But so would the money they would have to pay laborers.  Start cutting some aid for able-bodied folk who CAn work, and they may just do that.  if a family of 8 illegals can make a living doing that work, while still sending money to Mexico, why can't a poor white or black family do it?  maybe because that would mean giving up the cable tv and the cell phones.  (sigh)  I'm all for busting the ass of any employer that knowingly hires illegals.  I am for building a huge ass wall and defending that wall on both our southern and northern borders.  Without borders, we cease to be a nation. I am for a guest worker program of some sort, but have no specifics in mind.  I am for denying birthright citizenship, and for making English the official language of the government, so that all transaction have to be done in english.  And, i also believe that I am ready for the baseball season to begin already!    :gosox1:


When the debate was on over raising the minimum wage, many conservatives said rising wages would kill the economic momentum that Bush got started. I'm wondering now which is accurate. Are higher wages going to help or hurt from a conservative point of view? Remember the poor employer that wouldn't have any money to expand his business and would have to hire less people to do the work if wages went up.


There are some transactions at the border that should be handled in any language, but most should be in English only. Plus, it helps those individuals who are bilingual to charge a bunch of money for filing out government forms for people who can't read and write in English.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 1, 2006 -> 01:53 AM)
That could prove to be a costly decision if they choose to stop funding locales that don't enforce the federal laws.


I wonder how much it would cost to enforce the law? Checking at every employer on a regular basis?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 3, 2006 -> 07:53 AM)
I wonder how much it would cost to enforce the law? Checking at every employer on a regular basis?


They could approach that like they do any other situation where a law is broken. When they become aware a crime has been comitted, they react by enforcing the laws on the books. Ignoring a federal law, because you don't agree with it? That's leadership. That's exactly what we need from our elected officials. Pick and choose the laws you want to enforce. That'll work.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 3, 2006 -> 06:53 AM)
I wonder how much it would cost to enforce the law? Checking at every employer on a regular basis?

There is a simple solution to that problem, and it's one our government does regularly. Offer people a reward for turning in offenders. The government has programs where government workers or private citizens who expose fraud that helps the government recoup its funds are entitled to something like 10% of the amount recovered...so if it's like $100 million recovered, there's good incentive to turn people in who are breaking the law.


Offer up something valuable to folks for turning in these employers. Say...a green card?

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