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Marte-Guerrier update


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the Barry Berry trade was terrible, no doubt, so was the Durham deal.


but those were the only deals that were bad from the get go.


I know people say the Ritchie trade, but it had merit at the time.


KW has made a couple bad moves, but he's made some damn good ones too, which gets overlooked way too often.


I'm not sitting here telling you guys to praise KW, he's a pretty good GM, but try to look at it all and see that he's made good trades, all of his trades made sense in some way and he's been aggressive.


really, for so many years the Sox have had a sit back and wait style team. KW has thrown that out the window and has taken chances for better or worse. he admits he takes chances and admits when they go bad.


if he were to leave tomorrow, I wouldn't care, but he's done just as much good as bad, which isn't bad considering the lousy history this team has.

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wow, showing off you knowledge eh cubkilla?


you say we gave up Valentine deal, which was bad, yet turn around and say when Cotts makes it to bigs, let me know.  umm, Valentine isn't in the bigs last time I checked.

Show me where I said anything about Cotts outside of naming him as a wait-and-see. Insert your foot in your mouth again.


As for the Bradford mistake, I admitted I was wrong. When you can walk on water, come talk to me.

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"Paying the rest of Durhams salary and losing Valentine as the PTBNL. When Cotts, Adkins, And Bradford make it to the big leagues, let me know. Until then, KW got OWNED! "


you said "when cotts makes it to the bigs, let me know"


and a sentence before said KW screwed up because he also gave up Valentine, another guy who hasn't reached the bigs, in the deal.


basically, you said KW was stupid to give up a minor leaguer (Valentine) and was stupid to get a minor leaguer (Cotts). see what I'm saying?


sorry for being in a dickhead mood lately, I'm allowed that once every so often.

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O... one more thing....


since gordan Ash lost his job... KW is the worst GM in baseball.

Speaking of, Gord Ash was at the Hoover Met a couple of nights ago. Not sure why.



Guerrier had a decent year (actually a good one less 4 bad outings) but came up with some soreness this January. The Pirates docs told him not to worry about it, then when he came to camp and the same pain was there, they decided to shut him down. Now he is trying to do rehab that could have been done before ST.


He's been inconsitent this year, with one VERY bad outing. His most recent start was good.


7 IP 5 H 1 R 1 ER 2 BB 9 K


His outing before that was horrendous at:


3.1 IP 9 H 10 R 9 ER 3 BB 2 K


The most runs he has given up in any other outings has been 4, so he hasn't been as bad as a 6.03 ERA might suggest, but he has been inconsistent after dealing with the soreness in ST.

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The Ray Durham trade made no sense whatsoever at the time, and it still doesn't today.


When the Ritchie deal was made I literally asked, out loud, we the trade was announced.... "What? Where in the hell is Brian Giles? This has to be a mistake." I hated that deal from the get go. Even if Ritchie had performed up to expectations, the deal still sucked, IMHO.

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The Ray Durham trade made no sense whatsoever at the time, and it still doesn't today. 


When the Ritchie deal was made I literally asked, out loud, we the trade was announced.... "What?  Where in the hell is Brian Giles? This has to be a mistake."  I hated that deal from the get go.  Even if Ritchie had performed up to expectations, the deal still sucked, IMHO.

Couldnt have said it better myself. although would have cost a bit more then those 3 if giles would have been in that deal...

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