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Kid Gleason

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Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself.


What kind of sick demented person did that study?? :)

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 30, 2006 -> 02:48 PM)
I have to try this now

If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.

I actually wrote a fairly in-depth paper on scorpions a long while back. No seriously, I did. How is that for nerdy?


Anyway, the impression I got is that any of those myths about scorpions going mad and stinging themselves to death was just that - a myth. For one thing, they aren't effected that way by their own poison. Scorpions that attack each other kill each other by methods other than venom. And for another thing, one thing that IS true about scorpions, is that virtually no known pesticide works on them. If you call an exterminator in AZ, NM, TX or other places they are common, they will tell you there is no way to kill them off chemically.


Scorpions are kewl.

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I actually wrote a fairly in-depth paper on scorpions a long while back. No seriously, I did. How is that for nerdy?


Anyway, the impression I got is that any of those myths about scorpions going mad and stinging themselves to death was just that - a myth. For one thing, they aren't effected that way by their own poison. Scorpions that attack each other kill each other by methods other than venom. And for another thing, one thing that IS true about scorpions, is that virtually no known pesticide works on them. If you call an exterminator in AZ, NM, TX or other places they are common, they will tell you there is no way to kill them off chemically.


Scorpions are kewl.


Wow, that is "kewl"! I love scorpions. They're so cool looking.

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OK I can't help it. Here are some other interesting pieces of trivia about scorpions that are, as far as I now, true...


--You can freeze a scorpion in a block of ice, thaw it out later, and it will survive (some scientist actually did this)


--Scorpions can have anywhere from zero to 18 eyes, and some scorpions have types of vision that include heat-sensing, and someting akin to sonar.


--Scorpions have live babies and body hair, more like mammals than arachnids


--A male scorpion actually has to detach his... organ... and walk the female onto it in order to mate


--Scorpions lock claws and tails and "dance" prior to mating


--Up until recently, it was thought that scorpions were probably the first animal of its size to live permanently out of the water. They have changed little since then.


--For future reference, the way to tell the more poisonous subspecies of scorpion from less, the most reliable method is that the ones with thin claws and tails are usually more poisonous. The ones with thicker limbs are likely less poisonous.


--Most scorpions are not deadly to humans


--As an anecdotal story... I have a relative in Phoenix who came home one day to find a scorpion running around frantically in a ceiling lamp fixture. It was probably built into the house. Anyway, he turned on the light to the highest setting and let the thing basically fry there for a few days. After this, he took down the fixture and dumped the husk of a body into the sink to flush it down the drain (why he chose that method I do not know). As soon as it hit the sink and came in contact with water, the thing woke up and started running around again.


So there you go. I am sure you are all thrilled to know that much useless information about scorpions.

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Mar 31, 2006 -> 05:58 PM)
"21.  A whale's penis is called a dork."




"46.  The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets."


Did noy know that either.


But of course, you knew everything else.



I can't stop just blurting out facts at everyone I see now. Thanks a lot.

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scary thing is i read this somewhere else....but it's still funny...




334. The first episode of "Joanie Loves Chachi" was the highest rated American program in the history of Korean television, a country where "Chachi" translates to "penis".


:bang :bang :bang

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QUOTE(juddling @ Apr 1, 2006 -> 12:12 AM)
scary thing is i read this somewhere else....but it's still funny...

334.    The first episode of "Joanie Loves Chachi" was the highest rated American program in the history of Korean television, a country where "Chachi" translates to "penis".


:bang  :bang  :bang


The 70's and 80's shows they did on vh1 mentioned that... knew it before hand but it was still amusing.

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