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Duke Lacrosse Rape Allegation


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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 12:48 PM)
With all due respect, that might be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.


The DA seems to have some kind of evidence as he is planning to procede with the case, so it doesn't sound like there is "no evidence" to me.  Quite the contrary if they feel they can take a case to the grand jury, even lacking the magic bullet of DNA proof, they must have something pretty impressive to go on.

Maybe. But considering how soon she reported the crime, it would be surprising if they couldn't find anything.


All he's said so far, as I understand it, is that he's going to keep investigating, not that he'll file charges.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 10:48 AM)
With all due respect, that might be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.


The DA seems to have some kind of evidence as he is planning to procede with the case, so it doesn't sound like there is "no evidence" to me.  Quite the contrary if they feel they can take a case to the grand jury, even lacking the magic bullet of DNA proof, they must have something pretty impressive to go on.

Doesnt seem ignorant to me, when the evidence reads: No DNA link to any suspects, and no evidence of any recent suxual activity at all.


Seems to me it would be hard for rape to occur without sex?

Its her word against many others. And her words are now being scientifically proven false.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 12:03 PM)
Pffft, he got off easy.......and cheap.

My favorite is the 'don't worry, I'm on the pill story".   You'll be paying for the next 18 years my friend.




And on his 18th birthday.. find out it wasn't his... ;)

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The case is still moving forward according to the DA. This was interesting...


A doctor and forensic sexual assault nurse examined the woman and found evidence consistent with a rape having occurred, police documents show.


Nifong said Tuesday that in 75 to 80 percent of all sexual assault cases, there is no DNA evidence.


"DNA results can often be helpful, but you know, I've been doing this a long time, and for most of the years I've been doing this we didn't have DNA," he said. "We had to deal with sexual assault cases the good old fashioned way. Witnesses got on the stand and told what happened to them."


I guess that means 75-80% of cases involved women looking to make a buck...

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In the end, it will be her story versus the team's story and who is more believable. Lacking DNA evidence, it will be a difficult case to win. Her line of work, I am sorry to say, will not help her with the jury. Those nice, well groomed, well bred college boys, versus a woman who strips for a living. The jury will have to ask themselves whose story is more believable.


Just to be clear, sex workers, strippers, prostitutes, I believe, can be raped. No means no, no matter the circumstances. However, in this particular case, absent of any scientific evidence, I would rather be the attorney for the accused.

Edited by Texsox
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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 12:18 PM)
Doesnt seem ignorant to me, when the evidence reads: No DNA link to any suspects, and no evidence of any recent suxual activity at all. 


Seems to me it would be hard for rape to occur without sex?

Its her word against many others.  And her words are now being scientifically proven false.


It's hard to say either way since we don't know enough facts...but it was still a disgusting e-mail...

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 07:25 PM)


they lead a tough life those stripers...


edit: noted irony for me making a spelling mistake when making fun of anothers...

Edited by bmags
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 01:02 PM)
The case is still moving forward according to the DA.  This was interesting...

I guess that means 75-80% of cases involved women looking to make a buck...

Get off your f***ing soapbox. The "All white" attackers were not linked to her via DNA evidence. There is no evidence of her even being in the bathroom that she claimed was the scene of the crime. There was no evidence of any sex taken place recently, including latex, lubrication or DNA samples. They swabbed every inch of her body looking for anything that would point to her involvement with these kids, and there was nothing. She somehow returned to the part even though she was so "offended." She also has a criminal record to stand by. But you are right the defense should have said "well I guess we are screwed" instead of shooting numbers offhand. Not only this evidence contradicting her story, but there were pictures released of her at the party, before the alleged crime was committed, where she was already bruised and impaired when she arrived, and the pictures show a smiling dancer, which is a far cry from one that was "scared."


Dont you think that a woman, who is desperate enough for money that she sells her body, may want a little settle out of court money?


If you want to pick an underdog to root for, this is not a good target.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 04:48 PM)
With all due respect, that might be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.


The DA seems to have some kind of evidence as he is planning to procede with the case, so it doesn't sound like there is "no evidence" to me.  Quite the contrary if they feel they can take a case to the grand jury, even lacking the magic bullet of DNA proof, they must have something pretty impressive to go on.


i don't know man, these are the types of cases that DA's make their political careers on. The publicity they'll get from this case, they want to be on TV as long as possible. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of evidence being reported, it just seems like people like the story of these rich priviledged white college kids taking advantage of a poor black girl as some sort of microcosm of american society to the point of being blind to anything that would disprove it.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 02:46 PM)
Dont you think that a woman, who is desperate enough for money that she sells her body, may want a little settle out of court money?



I agree, it's very, very possible, especially with the supposed lack of DNA.


But the problem is that all of the "facts" are being given out by the lacrosse players' attorneys so far, which is why I'm reserving my judgement until I hear more concrete facts about what happened. Can't just judge it on her profession. And things seem too fishy for me to proclaim that either side is completely innocent...Plus the very weird and disturbing e-mail...

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 02:46 PM)
Get off your f***ing soapbox.    The "All white"  attackers were not linked to her via DNA evidence.  There is no evidence of her even being in the bathroom that she claimed was the scene of the crime.  There was no evidence of any sex taken place recently, including latex, lubrication or DNA samples.  They swabbed every inch of her body looking for anything that would point to her involvement with these kids, and there was nothing. She somehow returned to the part even though she was so "offended."  She also has a criminal record to stand by.  But you are right the defense should have said "well I guess we are screwed"  instead of shooting numbers offhand.  Not only this evidence contradicting her story, but there were pictures released of her at the party, before the alleged crime was committed, where she was already bruised and impaired when she arrived, and the pictures show a smiling dancer, which is a far cry from one that was "scared."


Dont you think that a woman, who is desperate enough for money that she sells her body, may want a little settle out of court money?


If you want to pick an underdog to root for, this is not a good target.



OH right, I forgot, rich white kids would never commit a crime against a black stripper.


I'll tell you what, I'll get off of my "f***ing soapbox", if you can actually handle not making slanderous allegations again people with zero evidence. You can declare the players innocent based on all of this evidence and are flipping out that people can't see your point of view, yet with zero actual evidence, you want to turn this into a conspiracy to extort some college kids. Do you even see the inherent hypocrisy in your own rational? Its a joke. You deserve to get soapboxed as long as you want to be a complete hypocrate on this subject.



Its one thing to declare these kids innocent based on the evidence, that I could accept, and haven't even argued with. Its quite another to turn this in to some crazy Bilderberg, trilateralist movement to bankrupt some Duke alumni.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 02:34 PM)
OH right, I forgot, rich white kids would never commit a crime against a black stripper.



I was making an opinionated statement, and you didnt attack that, you attack the case and the evidence, so nice try on the whole 2nd half of your post.


I have isolated your point of view above. If they were both white, would you still be upset?


And yes they could commit a crime against a stripper, black or white. Of course in this case since they didnt, your "couldas" dont really bear fruit. Fact is, this broad's statements are being torn apart by scientific evidence, statements, and pictures. What else do you need to convince you? What reason would she have to lie about this crime taking place? My opinion is money. She is so desperate for it, that she has resorted to a lifestlyle of selling her body. IMO, I wouldnt put this past her either.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 03:42 PM)
I was making an opinionated statement, and you didnt attack that, you attack the case and the evidence, so nice try on the whole 2nd half of your post. 


I have isolated your point of view above.  If they were both white, would you still be upset?


And yes they could commit a crime against a stripper, black or white.  Of course in this case since they didnt, your "couldas" dont really bear fruit.  Fact is, this broad's statements are being torn apart by scientific evidence, statements, and pictures.  What else do you need to convince you?  What reason would she have to lie about this crime taking place?  My opinion is money.  She is so desperate for it, that she has resorted to a lifestlyle of selling her body.  IMO, I wouldnt put this past her either.


By the same logic, why wouldn't a bunch of rich white kids with tons of money, a great education, and bored with their lives wouldn't be able to cook up a scheme where they rape a hooker, and use their smarts to commit the perfect crime. Hell everyone watches Law and Order these days, and knows about covering up DNA evidence. If these kids are in Duke they are incredibly smart right? How much research would it take to find a vulnerable minority girl with questionable values and backround to victimize, and a method/information to pull it off? I'll bet I could do a Google search right now, and find out how to commit the perfect rape, while leaving zero DNA. The fact that the procecuter said 75-80% of sexual assault cases procede without DNA evidence points directly to how easy and common that it is.


If you want to throw out a wild hypothetical, why couldn't that be the scenario?


In your obsession over girls with nothing better to do than scam money and frame rich athletes, you miss the completely obvious answer of why a girl would accuse these guys of something like this if it does indeed end up not being true. The answer is to cover up the regret of having a questionable night of sex with multiple men, and the stigma that goes with that. That is by far the most common reason women make up sexual assult allegations, and that is to cover up the second thoughts they had about what they just did.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 07:20 PM)
By the same logic, why wouldn't a bunch of rich white kids with tons of money, a great education, and bored with their lives wouldn't be able to cook up a scheme where they rape a hooker, and use their smarts to commit the perfect crime.  Hell everyone watches Law and Order these days, and knows about covering up DNA evidence.  If these kids are in Duke they are incredibly smart right?  How much research would it take to find a vulnerable minority girl with questionable values and backround to victimize, and a method/information to pull it off?  I'll bet I could do a Google search right now, and find out how to commit the perfect rape, while leaving zero DNA.  The fact that the procecuter said 75-80% of sexual assault cases procede without DNA evidence points directly to how easy and common that it is.


If you want to throw out a wild hypothetical, why couldn't that be the scenario?


In your obsession over girls with nothing better to do than scam money and frame rich athletes, you miss the completely obvious answer of why a girl would accuse these guys of something like this if it does indeed end up not being true.  The answer is to cover up the regret of having a questionable night of sex with multiple men, and the stigma that goes with that.  That is by far the most common reason women make up sexual assult allegations, and that is to cover up the second thoughts they had about what they just did.

This is my last post to you on this, its obvious we have two extremely different opinions of this.


First of all, you entire first rant makes no sense. 46 kids would jointly make up a scheme to pull this off? Then somehow to conjured a way to make her vagina look like it hasnt had any contact with a penis, condom, lubrication or other instrument? Come on now.


Second paragraph: She didnt have sex with mutiple men, there were no traces of sex even happening recently according to medical examiners. So she really had nothing to have second thoughts about other than the directions of her life.


This women, regardless of her color, has made several questionable life decisions previously. She sells her body for money, she could have chosen another professional to fund her life, but she chose that one for a reason. Second, she has a criminal background. Third she showed up the party already beaten up and intoxicated, leaves the party, GOES BACK IN, and then calls it a rape situation? As much as there is a chance she may tell some version of the truth, it doesnt seem likely.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 01:37 AM)
This is my last post to you on this, its obvious we have two extremely different opinions of this.


First of all, you entire first rant makes no sense.  46 kids would jointly make up a scheme to pull this off?  Then somehow to conjured a way to make her vagina look like it hasnt had any contact with a penis, condom, lubrication or other instrument?  Come on now. 


Second paragraph:  She didnt have sex with mutiple men, there were no traces of sex even happening recently according to medical examiners.  So she really had nothing to have second thoughts about other than the directions of her life.


This women, regardless of her color, has made several questionable life decisions previously.  She sells her body for money, she could have chosen another professional to fund her life, but she chose that one for a reason.  Second, she has a criminal background.  Third she showed up the party already beaten up and intoxicated, leaves the party, GOES BACK IN, and then calls it a rape situation?  As much as there is a chance she may tell some version of the truth, it doesnt seem likely.


rock, strippers aren't "selling their body"...that implies prostitution...


they're dancers! THEY're DANCERS/green

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 02:04 AM)


So I guess they didn't do it huh?  I wonder how long its going to be before this stripper recants her bulls*** story.


i'll try to find the article i saw earlier today but it talked about how the DA in this case is gunning towards re-election and his district in something like 85% black which may be why he's seems so adamant about this case though so far....little or no evidence.


My only problem is that if this woman was raped at a party i'm sure there are alot of people who knew it was going on and i think SOMEONE might say to themselves "Hey...this is wrong" and try to stop it or report it.


Then again...i've heard other stories about the Lacrosse team and how they are some real arrogant pricks and i'm sure some probably think there is no problem with what they did.


I don't have an opinion on who is telling the truth. i think it could go either way but if it turns out the girl lied, i think she should get down on her knees in front of the whole team and apologize. (Maybe free lap dances too...lol :bang )

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No DNA from any young man tested was found anywhere on or about this woman," defense attorney Wade Smith said Monday

Does this mean that there was DNA evidence from someone other than a member of the lacrosse team? If so, that is where the DA should be looking, not at trying to win an election by going after rich white boys.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 09:05 PM)
Does this mean that there was DNA evidence from someone other than a member of the lacrosse team?  If so, that is where the DA should be looking, not at trying to win an election by going after rich white boys.

We don't know what it means, that's the problem with this case...a lot of people are spouting off without knowing what the investigation's looking at. For all we know the alleged victim originally testified that the accused used condoms during the incident and there wouldn't have been any DNA evidence. For all we know there is another witness. Or for all we know the DA is just trying to win re-election.


Until we see charges filed, at this point, it's time to presume that nothing happened, and wait for the DA to prove his case. If he has more, he'll show his cards when he thinks he's ready. I for one think he has to have something other than her testimony, which would never hold up in court on its own against the testimony of a dozen other people, otherwise he'd have already ended the investigation simply because the alleged rapists have enough money to afford good lawyers.

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