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Duke Lacrosse Rape Allegation


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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 08:37 PM)
This is my last post to you on this, its obvious we have two extremely different opinions of this.


First of all, you entire first rant makes no sense.  46 kids would jointly make up a scheme to pull this off?  Then somehow to conjured a way to make her vagina look like it hasnt had any contact with a penis, condom, lubrication or other instrument?  Come on now. 


Second paragraph:  She didnt have sex with mutiple men, there were no traces of sex even happening recently according to medical examiners.  So she really had nothing to have second thoughts about other than the directions of her life.


This women, regardless of her color, has made several questionable life decisions previously.  She sells her body for money, she could have chosen another professional to fund her life, but she chose that one for a reason.  Second, she has a criminal background.  Third she showed up the party already beaten up and intoxicated, leaves the party, GOES BACK IN, and then calls it a rape situation?  As much as there is a chance she may tell some version of the truth, it doesnt seem likely.


Ah, I see my "rant" with zero evidence makes no sense, while yours becomes an "opinionated statement" Funny how that works.


I don't know if this particular situation has hit close to home or something, but the instant conclusion with you was so far past what was out there, you are damned right I was going to call you on it. Its one thing to say the guys are innocent based on the evidence, its still even reasonable to say that she concocted the story to cover up something questionable she did, which is the most common reason for false reporting of a sexual crime. And finally its another to commit a possible slander in saying that this woman cooked up an extortion scheme to get these boys trust funds. Like I said before, I have just as much evidence for my "speculation" as you do for yours, NONE, and yet somehow you seem to think yours is still valid, and might can't be.


race doesn't matter, age doesn't matter, money doesn't matter, none of the backround stuff matters, well at least to me. I don't care if these guys were athletes, rich, poor, or what... That is all not the point, no matter how you try to make it the point. We all know the defense lawyers are trying to sway the court of public opinion through the media. Its completely obvious we know nothing about the evidence the prosecutor has, because if the DNA was his only hope, he wouldn't still be talking about bringing a case. The DA has given us nothing, we have only heard from one side, and yet that is enough for you. Just remember, if you want to accuse someone of a felony with ZERO evidence, most likely someone is going to call you on it.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 11:05 PM)
Does this mean that there was DNA evidence from someone other than a member of the lacrosse team?  If so, that is where the DA should be looking, not at trying to win an election by going after rich white boys.


I didn't know about the re-election or that his district was 85% black. I know I saw the students at North Carolina Central giving it to the DA pretty good yesterday.


They were basically telling him we know which way this would go if the colors were reversed so he better make it happen. I'm sure he is feeling a lot of pressure to take this as far as he can whether he has evidence or not. It'll be interesting to see this unfold and get his side.


It's playing out as black/white instead of rape/no rape.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 08:55 AM)
Its completely obvious we know nothing about the evidence the prosecutor has, because if the DNA was his only hope, he wouldn't still be talking about bringing a case.  The DA has given us nothing, we have only heard from one side, and yet that is enough for you. 

That's just not true, the DA has been very outspoken, particularly about the dna. One article with his comments:

But Nifong said he hasn't accused anyone of anything, noting he has said he wouldn't make any arrests unless DNA tests turned up conclusive evidence.


"I've told everybody who has asked me that I do believe a sexual assault occurred," he said. "I haven't pointed a finger at anybody. It is possible -- I don't expect this -- it's possible that the DNA could come back, and we would see that it was someone who didn't match the profile of the lacrosse players."

If this wasn't such a big part of his case, you wouldn't think he'd be stating to the press that he "expects" the dna to point the finger at the players. And today he's getting further tests done.


He's also stoked the flames of the race issue:

"The circumstances of the rape indicated a deep racial motivation for some of the things that were done," District Attorney Mike Nifong said. "It makes a crime that is by its nature one of the most offensive and invasive even more so."

That's the da stating that the woman was raped by white men. At least he hasn't "pointed a finger at anybody."


I don't understand why we should doubt the defense attorneys. Everything they've said on the evidence is pretty verifiable stuff -- the photos, the dna. They wouldn't flat-out lie about it, and there's no evidence that they have, so...?


Here's what I want to know -- if the da was so confident that dna tests would point the finger at the team, you'd expect that there was some substance (semen, blood, skin) that could provide an id. If that points to someone else, that absolutely should exonerate the players. If it isn't there, why did this guy place such an emphasis on the dna results?


Fwiw, I doubt the money angle. I don't know why she would do it -- if she really was pretty messed up before she got there, well, there ya go.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 03:45 AM)
If it's proven that these allegations are false, this 'victim' needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That's probably going to wind up being just as impossible as prosecuting any of the alleged rapists...simply because it's still going to be a he-said, she-said case if there's no more evidence. The ol' "One person's rape is another person's enjoyable evening", or something like that. She may very well think she was raped, and either have the wrong person, or she may have said no but too late, or something crazy like that. The same things that make prosecution of the boys difficult will make prosecuting her for filing a false report equally difficult.

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Meanwhile, any team that hires a stripper should probably think twice.


Tossing another bone out there, do we think if this had been Duke's basketball team they would have been so quick to cancel the season? I believe, not a chance. It is pretty easy to cancel a non-revenue sport.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 11:48 AM)
Meanwhile, any team that hires a stripper should probably think twice.


Tossing another bone out there, do we think if this had been Duke's basketball team they would have been so quick to cancel the season? I believe, not a chance. It is pretty easy to cancel a non-revenue sport.


I agree with that. It still is pretty shocking to see a consensus #1 ranked team to cancel the season though.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 12:58 PM)
I agree with that.  It still is pretty shocking to see a consensus #1 ranked team to cancel the season though.


Duke B-ball could have been ranked 64 and they wouldn't have cancelled. If this is so,mehow proven to be a lie, it will be one of the worse things to happen in college sports.


Actually, I wonder if at this thought they are considering allowing the team to compete? As much as I sided with the girl, the lack of DNA casts enough of a shadow of doubt that I would consider it. I would also tell Duke to shove it if I was the ex-coach

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 05:12 PM)
The one person I really feel bad for in all this is the coach.  He gave up his job to take responsibility for something that, in light of the DNA evidence, may never have happened.  He gets points for integrity though,  thats for sure.




I agree he definitely did the right thing. Hopefully is wont hurt his future career.

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The coach angle is a wildcard in all this. By resigning, didn't it seem like he believed her as well? Over his players? Or now, what seems more plausible to me, is the University forced him out.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 04:17 PM)
The coach angle is a wildcard in all this. By resigning, didn't it seem like he believed her as well? Over his players? Or now, what seems more plausible to me, is the University forced him out.



Could have gone either way but the pressure would have mounted for him to leave anyway even if he had decided to stay on.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 04:17 PM)
The coach angle is a wildcard in all this. By resigning, didn't it seem like he believed her as well? Over his players? Or now, what seems more plausible to me, is the University forced him out.



He also could have resigned to avoid the media attention. I know I wouldn't want to deal with all that nonsense.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 05:17 PM)
The coach angle is a wildcard in all this. By resigning, didn't it seem like he believed her as well? Over his players? Or now, what seems more plausible to me, is the University forced him out.


The impression that I got was that once the sonofab****in'( :D )email came out the President and his committee got pretty pissed and asked the coach to give his resignation which he did.




Duke President Richard H. Brodhead said McFadyen was the only player suspended so far, and that the man was removed from campus. He also said he has heard that other lacrosse team members have changed their places of residence for safety reasons.


"The court released today a previously sealed warrant whose contents are sickening and repulsive," Brodhead said in announcing the cancellation of the rest of the season. Last week, he suspended the team from play.


Shortly after the e-mail's release, lacrosse coach Mike Pressler resigned, ending a 16-year tenure marked by three Atlantic Coast Conference championships and a trip to last year's national final.


Brodhead called Pressler's resignation "highly appropriate" but declined to say whether it had been requested.


Brodhead said the investigation will include a probe of at the lacrosse team's culture and the school's response to the scandal to uncover any "special history of bad behavior with this team."

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So now the report is that the accuser was actually passed-out drunk when the police found her, and supposedly there are timestamped pictures of her before the alleged rape occured already showing some of the injuries she said occured during the rape. And also, the defense expects the D.A. to ask a grand jury to file charges on Monday.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 08:53 PM)
So now the report is that the accuser was actually passed-out drunk when the police found her, and supposedly there are timestamped pictures of her before the alleged rape occured already showing some of the injuries she said occured during the rape.  And also, the defense expects the D.A. to ask a grand jury to file charges on Monday.




Sounds like she was attacked in some way previous. Got so s***faced she doesn't remember how or where. And is blaming it on the last place she was...?

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 09:23 PM)
Sounds like she was attacked in some way previous. Got so s***faced she doesn't remember how or where. And is blaming it on the last place she was...?

And yet, the D.A. feels like he has enough to go to a grand jury. I don't get it either.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 11:25 PM)
And yet, the D.A. feels like he has enough to go to a grand jury.  I don't get it either.



IMO, Unless there is (a lot) more to the story, I don't see the GJ agreeing to move forward. I wonder what info hasn't been released that makes him so confident. I hope it's not about the election. :pray

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QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 10:28 PM)
IMO, Unless there is (a lot) more to the story, I don't see the GJ agreeing to move forward. I wonder what info hasn't been released that makes him so confident. I hope it's not about the election.  :pray


The politics in this is really starting to stink. From a distance, and from what information has been made public, I'm theorizing the DA want to appease those who want to see him act. So he takes it to the GJ, they say no, and he wrings his hands, says I'm sorry, but there isn't anything more I can do, and, BTW, Vote for Me!


I really hate to think she was lying, but I also hate to think someone could rape another person. I guess between the two, I'd rather believe some drunk girl made up a story than some drunk guys raped her. Either way it makes me sick. The lives that have been s*** on, either way makes it a sad story.

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I am just hoping this doesnt turn into a completely flipped out race issue, and I have gotten the distinct feeling that the s*** is gonna hit the fan in the community if no charges are pressed.

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I agree completely Kyyle. It would, IMO, make the community look stupid though (if there is no other evidence and they flip out thinking a case hasn't been persued because of race rather than the fact there is no evidence to prove anything happened). It really is starting to appear as if it was a bulls*** story though. Like Steff, I wonder what is giving the DA so much confidence.

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 07:34 AM)
I agree completely Kyyle.  It would, IMO, make the community look stupid though (if there is no other evidence and they flip out thinking a case hasn't been persued because of race rather than the fact there is no evidence to prove anything happened).  It really is starting to appear as if it was a bulls*** story though.  Like Steff, I wonder what is giving the DA so much confidence.


I think that since his initial statement to the press, the DA has backed off considerably. I also agree with Tex that he is going to maximize his exposure by taking it to a GJ, knowing that he probably wont get a trial out of it. The politics are starting to smell all the way to McHenry too.

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 08:34 AM)
I agree completely Kyyle.  It would, IMO, make the community look stupid though (if there is no other evidence and they flip out thinking a case hasn't been persued because of race rather than the fact there is no evidence to prove anything happened).  It really is starting to appear as if it was a bulls*** story though.  Like Steff, I wonder what is giving the DA so much confidence.

In the funny-in-a-sad-way category -- one black Durham resident was interviewed (on tv, I can't link it) about the dna evidence, and he suggested that the evidence may have been tampered or destroyed, because it "seemed so true". You can justify any reaction with a crazy enough theory.


Also a Duke grad student was quoted as saying that there is a "culture of rape" or "a rape culture" at Duke. I'm not a student there, but that seems pretty far out. Some people will see what they want to see.


I believed the accusations until the dna ev came back, but when the facts change, etc.

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