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Clemens 300th tracker


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Didn't the Red Sox just let him go for nothing?

yes and the Sox coulld have, almost did, sign him but GM Ron Schueler thought Clemens was washed up and that Jaime Navarro had more to offer so the Schueler chose to sign Navarro and not Clemens.

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yes and the Sox coulld have, almost did, sign him but GM Ron Schueler thought Clemens was washed up and that Jaime Navarro had more to offer so the Schueler chose to sign Navarro and not Clemens.

Man this is like a thearpy session.... bad memories just keep on coming back.... and to think that little tid bit was locked up somewhere for a bit...

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Clemens is/was no traitor.  Dan Duqutte, the BoSox GM at the time, thought Clemens was washed up and offered him and insulting contract.  The fact that he has been successful in Yankee pinstripes is what galls BoSox fans.


A similar situation to the Rocket, that comnes to mind is the White Sox and Robin Venture.  The Sox insulted him with a contract offer of about 40% of his market value and he left.  When he came back to Comiskey in a Yankee uniform, he got a standing O from the Comiskey faithful.  They/we don't consider Ventura a traitor.  I think it's unfair to consider the Roket one, also.


Then again, I know Cub fans that still consider Maddux a traitor.  Laughable, but true.

Yeah I have never quite understood the Red Sox hatred for a guy that their own GM drove off. What was he supposed to do, quit because he ended up a Yankee? That is ignorant. And I do like the Ventura analogy. Just goes to show you that we appreciate good play when we see it.

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The Rocket vs. the Socket :bringit bend over ScRubs


:D how about a little history for the friendly confined!


What would be the storybook ending? Since he will have to bat, how about he drives in the winning run? Tosses a no hitter?

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