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Words are fun :D I was thinking Words of the Day would be a fun. What word or phrase should everyone know? What word have you heard recently of interest?


I liked the 12-gauge vasectomy that Nuke mentioned in a thread. I used quaffing to describe why Miller could be in my brand loyalties.

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The words firkin and merkin are musts in any wordsmith's vocabulary. It is important, however, to know which is which an not to get them mixed up. Otherwise, it could be an awkward social moment.


firkin = a British 1/4 barrel cask as used in the cellaring of traditional English ale.


merkin = a crotch wig, invented in the mid-15th century and employed originally to hide syphilitic pustules.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 08:43 AM)
merkin = a crotch wig, invented in the mid-15th century and employed originally to hide syphilitic pustules.

Well... I guess now we have the answer to the question that pops into all of our heads when we hear Dubya speak: what the heck is a 'merkin'?

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Putting it all together thus far:


Having recovered from the 12-gague vasectemy, Johhny left the house for an evening of quaffing from the firkin, his buckshot-riddled nethers ornately festooned with his favorite merkin.


And to think, I could have been an English Comp teacher. :ph34r:

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