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Horrible News


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Today my mom learned that one of her kindergarten students from last year died after a long battle with cancer. She wasn't able to go to school last year, but Mom met with her from time to time and sent her work home so that she could finish it and stay up with the progress of the other kids. The thought of the whole thing is just heartbreaking to me personally. We're losing too many young people everyday.


Just wanted to throw this out there for everyone and it just makes you think sometimes of how fortunate you really are to wake up each and everyday.


:pray for her family and friends.


Here is a link to her obituary:



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My wife is an oncology nurse. Cancer is a horrible disease, and when it takes someone so young the tragedy and loss cannot be measured. A child is a shining light of youth, promise, and hope. When you are young you look to each day as just another adventure. When you see something like this, it really shows you how everyday is a gift and you should enjoy your life, your family and your friends. My prayers go out to Brook and her family and friends. The loss and pain they are feeling I cannot put into words. A parents worst nightmare is the loss of a child.

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